Man's Search For Meaning (copy)

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What are the 3 phases of the inmate's mental reactions to camp life?

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What are the 3 phases of the inmate's mental reactions to camp life?

  1. the period following his admission 2. well-entrenched in camp routine 3. period following his release and liberation

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Phase 1 is characterized mainly by


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What was Frankl's first impression of the prisoners who helped them from the trains?

they looked well fed and were in good spirits

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Explain the psychological term "delusion of reprieve"

the condemned man believes he may be reprieved right before execution

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Why were some prisoners given or permitted to have liquor (schnapps)?

thousands of marks were needed to have liquor

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What was the "finger game"?

to decide if the prisoners will be killed or not

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What truth has to be explained to Frankl in plain words?

where his friend went (he died)

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When Frankl's manuscript was taken, what was his psychological reaction?

he struck out his whole former life

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after the showers, what were the prisoners left with?

naked bodies/lives

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destroyed illusions brought a grim _______

sense of humor

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they were then seized by curiosity which evolved into


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______ was means of protection (a newly formed state of mind)


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give some examples of Frankl's surprise. how did the textbooks lie?

  • "man can't exist without sleep", but people could go hours without sleep

  • his gums were able to stay healthy without brushing his teeth

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explain Dostoevsky's quote that "man can get used to anything" from the perspective of MSFM

life in the concentration camp soon becomes familiar and part of a routine. humans can get used to anything

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Frankl states that during this first phase of shock, he didn't fear death because the gas chambers _______.

lost the horrors for him; spared him the act of committing suicide

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what is a "Moslem" and how did one refrain from becoming one?

a miserable, sick-looking man; it can be avoided if one shaves

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an abnormal ______ + an abnormal ______ =

reaction + situation = normal behavior

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phase 2 is characterized mainly by relative ___, where the prisoner is trying to achieve an death.

apathy, emotional

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eventually, the prisoners became emotionally unmoved. give examples of this

  • not being affected when sewage splashes on them

  • no feelings when sick

  • not averting their eyes when someone would get beat

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Frankl explains that the insensitivity to the beatings is a result of a very necessary _________

protective shell

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__________ was worse than physical pain.

mental agony

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3 examples of mental anguish which brought Frankl from his protective shell include ________

  • when he got beat because the lines were symmetric

  • when he was beaten for helping another prisoner not slip on ice

  • a foreman insulted him about his job

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explain the quote: "Indignation can rouse even a seemingly hardened prisoner."

some things that are said/done can hurt an "emotionless" person

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why did the Capo like Frankl? how was this beneficial to Frankl (3 ways)?

  • Frankl listened to his love stories and marriage problems

  • gave him peas; "good work

  • guaranteed place of honor

  • was appointed as the Capo’s physician

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how did the building site foreman react to Frankl's challenge of learning a brain operation to road work?

he grinned

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apathy is a necessary mechanism of _________


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all efforts and emotions of the prisoners were centered on one task: _____________

preserving one's own life and that of the other fellow

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explain regression

a retreat to a more primitive form of mental life

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wishes and desires of the prisoners became evident in their dreams. give examples

prisoners would talk about their favorite dishes and recipies

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once spiritual life deepened,

they retreated to a life of inner riches and spiritual freedom

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salvation of man is through ________ and in ___________

love, love

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Love goes beyond the physical person of the beloved. it finds its deepest meaning in his ________/his _________

spiritual being; inner self

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as inner life becomes more intense, so does beauty of art and nature. give 3 examples

  1. mountain of Salzburg - faces through barred train windows don't look depressed

  2. Bavarian woods with beautiful sunsets

  3. light amid the gray and the bird

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Frankl struggled to find a reason for his ____. he felt an ultimate purpose to his life, confirmed by the _____ in a distant farmhouse

sufferings, light

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Frabkl felt his wife with him, as if he could touch her, while a guard was insulting him. Incidentally, at that moment when he felt his wife the most, a __________ and looked steadily at him

bird flew down, perched in front of him,

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to develop a sense/need for art, cabaret programs were created. how significant was this to the attendees?

very important; some skipped their rations for a means to "forget". escape from reality

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what happened to the prisoner who sang Italian arias during lunch?

he was given soup WITH the peas

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explain Frankl's need to applaud "The Murderous Capo"

it saved his life and put him in a favorable angle

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the second night Frankl was at Auschwitz, he woke to the sound of a violin which sang a desperate tango. why was this so significant to him?

it was his wife's 24th birthday

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Frankl likens a sense of humor to the soul's ________ in the fight for self-preservation


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_______ can afford an aloofness and an ability to rise above the situation. to encourage this sense of humor, Frankl and his friend created a humorous scenario/story daily regarding incidents after liberation. give 2 examples

Human makeup;

  1. orderly will announce surgeon's arrival with "action, action!"

  2. at dinner, they might ask the hostess to "ladle it from the bottom"

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why were the prisoners so overjoyed to find that they weren't going to Mauthausen but to Dachua?

Dachua was a small camp with no gas chamber

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although a man was missing during roll call (upon arrival to Dachua), and the prisoners had to endure a punishment parade, why were they so pleased to be there?

there was no chimney in the camp and Auschwitz was a long way off

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from what did the air raid save Frankl?

an alarm saved him from dying of exhaustion

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why were they glad that there was no air raid during delousing?

with no lights, the work couldn't be done properly --> it didn't make the task longer

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another pleasurable moment is Cook F - explain.

he dealt the soup out to everyone equally - no favorites

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explain why Frankl claims the patients in the photograph aren't necessarily unhappy.

they get to rest and take a break from everything, so they're pretty comfortable

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when the chief doctor asks Frankl to volunteer for medical duties in another camp, why did Frankl agree?

there would be some sense in his death if he died while helping his comrades

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an individual being with a mind, inner freedom, and personal value descended to no greater than ________

animal life

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explain the metaphor of the prisoners as herded sheep

  • the men have no mind of their own - sheep

  • dangerous pack watched from the outside - the Nazis

  • prisoners thought - how to evade them and how to get food

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why was it important for Frankl to get into the middle of the formations?

there's a better chance at avoiding blows from guards

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give an example of how Frankl coped with wanting to get away for privacy and solitude.

quiet spot in a corner of the double fence of barbed wire surrounding the camp; he looked out at the Bavarian landscape

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explain how Frankl helped treat his patients with the aspirin

  • half tablets of aspirin for serious cases

  • smile and word of encouragement for light cases

  • no tablet for deathly ill because there's no hope

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little value was placed on human life. how did numbers become more important on the list than the dead?

fate, history, name - didn't matter. the list always has to be correct & number can't be compromised

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what was Frankl's rule for himself that he developed at Auschwitz which proved to be good for him?

answer all kinds of questions truthfully

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Frankl repeatedly tells us that he learned to follow _________


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3 elements of Frankl's will as relayed to Otto

  1. tell wife…… he talked of her daily

  2. loved her more than anyone

  3. short time married to her outweighs everything

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what happened to the prisoners who stayed behind after Frankl departed to the actual rest camp? (this was relayed to Frankl by the policeman)

famine, which eventually leads to cannibalism

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recount briefly the Death in Teheran parable

  • rich Persian walked into the garden with the servant who saw Death

  • Persian gave him a horse to flee to Teheran

  • Persian meets Death himself and asks why it’s scaring his servant

  • Death says he was surprised to see the servant here when he'll see him in Teheran

  • moral of the story = you can't escape death

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although...immediately Frankl was filled with ________


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what happened to the "13"?

taken to a camp, locked in huts, and burned to death

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Frankl had to exercise much _______ to keep from striking the apathetic patients during the time of inspections. what were the guards mostly concerned with?

self-control; reporting smartly, clicking heels, etc

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man has a choice of action - he can preserve spiritual ________ and independence of __________, even in such terrible conditions while enduring psychological and physical stress

freedom and mind

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inner freedom - everything can be taken away except one thing (the last of the human freedoms) to choose

one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's way

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the sort of person the prisoner became was the result of an ______

inner decision

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any man can decide what will become of him __________ and _________________. he may retain his human _________ even in a concentration camp

mentally and spiritually; dignity

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explain why Frankl references Dostoevsky's quote: "there is only one thing I dread: not to be worthy of my sufferings"

there were the martyrs in camp who showed that inner freedom can't be lost

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the way the prisoners bore suffering was a genuine inner achievement; spiritual freedom (which can't be taken away) makes life _________ and __________

meaningful and purposeful

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give credence to the following idea: without suffering and death, human life cannot be complete.

if there's a meaning in life, there's a meaning to suffering, as it's an ineradicable part of life

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explain the young invalid and the woman and the tree

  1. wrote to his friend that he will die soon, but is brave about it

  2. woman knew she was going to die, but she was grateful that life hit her so hard - the tree spoke to her (I am life)

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most depressing influence was not knowing the term of imprisonment because the term was not only uncertain, but unlimited

"provisional existence of unknown limit"

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explain 2 paradoxes on page 70-71

  1. with the end of uncertainty came the uncertainty of the end

  2. in camp, a day lasted longer than a week

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give an example of how a prisoner who lost faith in the future was doomed

prisoner refusing to dress and wash or go out on parade grounds - he simply gave up

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why did the death rate increase between Christmas '44 and New Year's '45?

majority of the prisoners had hope that they would be home and liberated by Christmas.

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Nietzsche states "he who has a _____ to live for can bear with almost any ______"

why, how

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life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual

if you have a problem in life it is your responsibility to find a solution in order to move forward

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tears bore witness that man had the greatest courage, the courage to _________


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Frankl encourages the desperate to realize that life was still expecting something from them - give 2 examples

  1. told a man his child was waiting for him in a foreign country

  2. scientist needs to finish his book series

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why was collective therapy so important for Frankl to support on the "bad day" in the concentration camp, at that particular moment?

to restore hope and show that their lives had meaning

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what is the third state of the prisoner's mental reaction?

the psychology of the prisoner after his liberation

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Frankl claims that there is no pure race, but 2 races: _______ and _______

race of the decent and indecent man

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examine the psychology of the concentration camp prisoner who has been released

the prisoners were confused about the concept of freedom; not pleased because they don't have the ability to be

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Define depersonalization

when everything seems unreal or dissociated - a dream

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how did the body make good use of the new freedom?

ate ravenously and then talked for hours

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at what moment did Frankl's new life start (during his freedom of space)?

when he dropped to his knees and prayed

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the liberated prisoner needed ________ care because an enormous pressure of sudden release = danger


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why didn't Frankl want to walk over the crops?

no reason to become the oppressor and destroy life

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no one has the right to do ________ even if wrong has been done to them


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explain how 2 other fundamental experiences threatened to damage the character of the liberated prisoner: bitterness and disillusionment

the # of things that they came up against in their home town

the feeling that one could still suffer; even more intensely

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the crowning experience for the released prisoner is that after all the suffering he has endured, nothing to fear anymore - except for his ________


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