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Political Machine
political organization where a boss commands the support of the local group of citizens, businessowners, and politicians who receive rewards for keeping the machine in power
usually Democrats (party of immigrants)
boss: gets power and money through votes and graft
campaign supporters: business leaders, get jobs and money, spoils system
voters: immigrants, get welfare
Boss Tweed
boss of Tammany Hall, the Democratic Party’s political machine
American politician 1853-1874
stole hundreds of millions of dollars through corruption
exposed by famous journalist and political cartoonist Thomas Nast in 1870s
huge growth of American cities in the 1860-1880s
caused by:
rise in technology (electric lighting, communication improvements, intra-city transportation)
immigration (Irish and German)
Homestead Act
government land act in 1862
gave 160 acres of land for free (even to Black people and women) in exchange for improvements to the land within 5 years
led to westward migration and further decimation to native American culture as they were forced onto reservations
Pacific Railway Act
government act in 1862 granting railway companies land to complete the transcontinental railroad
shows how government is supporting westward expansion as well as fostering the growth of business
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
act passed during presidency of Chester A. Arthur
an absolute 10-year ban on Chinese laborers immigrating to the United States
supported by Democrats/westerners
The Long Drive
a system by which cowboys herded cattle hundreds of miles north from Texas to Dodge City and the other cow towns of Kansas
Facilitated by the completion of the Missouri Pacific Railroad in 1865
Dawes Severalty Act
government act passed in 1887 under President Grover Cleveland
allowed the federal government to break up tribal lands
only Native Americans who accepted the individual allotments were allowed to become US citizens
Massacre at Wounded Knee
massacre of the Lakota people by US soldiers in 1890
the last major armed conflict between the Lakota Sioux and the US
Battle of Little Bighorn
a decisive victory in 1876 for the Sioux in the short term, but in the long term, it worsened relations between Native Americans and the US
US increased their efforts to force native peoples onto reservation lands, led to Massacre at Wounded Knee
a name given to African Americans who migrated from the South to Kansas
Exodus of 1879
first big Black migration movement after the Civil War
Social Darwinism
the belief that only the fittest survive in human political and economic struggle
“the poor are lazy and will die off”
wealth comes from hard work alone
used to justify laissez-faire capitalism, that business should be a pure, free-range competition for the best results for society
Gospel of Wealth
extremely wealthy Americans had a responsibility to spend their money in order to benefit the greater good
invest in libraries & schools
wealthy people know best for the people, economic feudalism
when individuals are allowed to pursue their self-interest, and that this selfishness will create a net positive on society
competition will create a strong, balanced economy
everything balances out, as if controlled by an invisible hand
no government intervention
Andrew Carnegie
1835-1919 poor Scottish immigrant who created a steel monopoly
rags to riches story
coined the term Gospel of Wealth
John D. Rockefeller
1839-1937 founded Standard Oil Company
richest man during the Gilded Age
used unethical business practices to force competitors out and established monopoly
Standard Oil
corporation founded by Rockefeller
business practices
political bribery
terrible working conditions, low wages
horizontal & vertical integration to establish a monopoly
a monopoly formed by combining the ownership of several formerly separate corporations under a board of trustees
examples: Standard Oil Company
American Federation of Labor
labor union founded by Samuel Gompers in 1880s
only accepted skilled workers; “pure and simple unionism”
didn’t want to change society, only better pay and working conditions
most effective labor union during the Gilded Age
Horatio Alger Myth
the idea that anyone can rise above their circumstances to achieve success through hard work
based on a novel about a poor boy who becomes rich due to hard work
supports Social Darwinism
Knights of Labor
labor union founded by Terence Powderly (crazy mustache guy) in 1869
inclusive to any gender, skill level, and race
goal was societal change (child labor laws, job security, etc.); socialist policies
not effective
Samuel Gompers
founder of the American Federation of Labor (AFL)
Eugene Debs
socialist, political activist, trade unionist, founder of Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) in 1905, 5-time presidential nominee
Great Railroad Strike 1877
huge strike due to railroad wage cuts (caused by Panic of 1873)
escalates to 11 states and over 50,000 workers
President Hayes ends strike with federal troops
Homestead Strike
major strike taking place at Carnegie’s steel plant in 1892
provoked by pay cut
Pinkerton's and troops were used to end the strike
Scientific Management
a system of management that maximizes efficiency
often at the expense of workers; workers are replaceable
Frederick Taylor
Father of Scientific Management
mechanical engineer; sought efficiency in management
Populist Party
political party of farmers, known as the People’s Party
beliefs: socialism, coinage of silver (for inflation), abolish national bank, government controls businesses like railroads & telephones
William Jennings Bryan: candidate for 1896 election, “Cross of Gold” speech
The Grangers
a commune for farmers to support each other financially
will pool in money so that they can afford machinery and tools, group buying
agricultural education, social activities
not extremely political
Election of 1896
election between William Jennings Bryan and William McKinley
William Jennings Bryan: Democratic Party nominee, Populist, “Cross of Gold” speech, lost the election due to alienating economic policies (coinage of silver to pump inflation)
William McKinley: Republican, conservative, support big business, “sound money”
William Jennings Bryan
populist politician, Democratic Party Nominee in 1896 election
“Cross of Gold” speech
policies: coinage of silver, abolish national bank, support farmers and the poor
The “New” Immigration
immigration in the 1880-1920s from southern/central Europe
settled in NYC and urban areas
mostly Jewish immigration escaping persecution
sparked rise in nativism and xenophobia
US v. Wong Kim Ark
Supreme Court case in 1898 where the US government officially recognized US-born Chinese as citizens
application of 14th Amendment
Jim Crow
laws created by white southerners to enforce racial segregation
segregation of public schools, public places and public transportation, restrooms, restaurants and drinking fountains, etc.
Plessy v. Ferguson
Supreme Court case in 1896 that held that state-mandated segregation laws did not violate the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
“separate but equal”
Jim Crow laws were constitutional
Grandfather Clause
you can only vote if your grandfather had voted
meant to prevent Black people from voting
Literacy Tests
extremely hard test given to Black people to see if they were viable to vote
meant to prevent Black people from voting
Poll Taxes
a high fee that you must pay if you vote
meant to prevent Black people from voting
The “New South”
a new vision for a self-sufficient Southern economy built on modern capitalist values, industrial growth, and improved transportation
still closed off opportunities to Black people
WEB DuBois
1868-1963 sociologist, socialist, historian, and Pan-Africanist civil rights activist
one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909
Booker T. Washington
1856-1915 Black author, educator, orator, philanthropist
founded Tuskegee University in 1881, helping create a rising Black middle class
Ida B. Wells
1862-1931 prominent Black journalist, women’s suffragette, and anti-lynching activist
one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1909
Atlanta Exposition
event held in 1895 by Brooker T. Washington to show the South’s economic progress
in Dr. Washington’s speech, encouraged Black people to make the most of their situation in the South rather than migrate North
purpose: to showcase the economic progress of the South since the Civil War, to encourage international trade, and to attract investors to the region
women’s suffrage organization founded in 1890
founders: Susan B. Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucy Stone
goal: voting rights for women, better education, child and women labor laws, and liquor prohibition
international temperance organization founded in 1874
founded by Frances Willard and Annie Turner Wittenmyer
wanted to abolish the liquor trade, reduce consumption of alcohol, and secure pledges of abstinence
Jane Addams
1860-1935 sociologist, reformer, women’s suffragette, and Nobel Peace Prize winner
led the settlement house movement, helping poor communities by providing food and shelter
Settlement House Movement
provided support services to the urban poor and European immigrants, often including education, healthcare, childcare, and employment resources
led by Jane Addams
Social Gospel
a social movement within Protestantism that aims to apply Christian ethics to social problems in the Gilded Age
aimed to solve problems such as economic inequality, poverty, alcoholism, crime, racial tensions, slums, child labor, etc.
led by Washington Gladden and Lyman Abbott