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The many roles of websites include..
-increase sales
increase awareness and knowledge about the brand
advertise products and services
act as a hub for content marketing campaigns
interface with social media accounts
provide customer service
retain and grow the value of customers
build an online community
cost savings, especially promotion and customer service
Role of the site
when setting objectives for the website, marketers must be concerned about the _____ in overall marketing strategy for the firm
User experience
often used to describe the usability of a website or a mobile app. its ultimate goal is to provide user satisfaction at every stage of the Digital experience.
Steps in the website development process
1) establish site objectives
2) identify and describe target market
3) design site content and navigation structure
4) conduct usability tests
5) deploy and tune site
6)measure and evaluate site effectiveness
7) Refines and Improve site effectiveness
time specific
Domain Name
human-readable form of an IP address. it’s destination you type into a web browser.
the process of registering, selling, or using a domain name with the intent of profiting from the goodwill of others
once you have a domain name the next step is…
to find a website hosting provider
Content Management system (CMS)
is a software that assists in the building and maintenance of your website, thus allowing people with little or no coding skills to add or edit website content
WYSIWYG(what you see is what you get)
Is the website editing software that allows content to be created and edited without the need for coding.
necessary elements on every page
logo, back to home page, contact info, and more
Usability testing
an essential element of site development performed at intervals during site’s life
Prototype testing
Multiple times during construction & metrics + qualitative data
full usability testing
before site goes online (beta) at intervals after & metrics + satisfaction survey followup
Pareto Curve for usability testing
75% of usability problems uncovered with 5 user tests
100% uncovered by testing 15 users
special requirements for B2B usability
good product information
carefully designed, accurate pricing Information
Filters to help locate the correct information for segments of users
Deploy and Tune the Site
technical stage
deploying the site to the appropriate servers
tuning it for optimum performance
ongoing in-house monitoring is required to maintain site performance
markerters need to be vigilant to ensure the site is providing the best possible CX
what can an app offer that a mobile site cant?
apps are not reccommended unless they offer specific benefits or functionality that a site cant’ offer ex: loyalty programs, scan to pay, local features
App is a clear choice when
interactivity is essentail
personalization is necessary
complex calculations, reports are necessary
certain functions are required
functionality needed even when wireless connection is not available
moments in which a person turns to a device, often a smartphone, to gratify an immediate need for information or for action.
designing a mobile-friendly site
Use Responsive Technology That Makes Web
Design Mobile
• Simple Design and Navigation
• All Content Short and to the Point (Relevance)
• Design Forms for Mobile Use
• Use Geolocation Technology
• Easy to Find and Use Contact Information
• Fast Loading is Essential
for best CX
keep it simple
fast loading
customer security
___use mobile device at some point in purchase journey
Steps in designing effective mobile apps
1. User Task > App Features
2. Menus – Organized, Customer Terminology
3. Back Button > Back One Step, NOT Beginning
4. Use Auto-Detection of User Location
5. Seamless Transition to Website if Necessary
6. Prominent Search Bar
7. Search that Works Well
8. Easy-to-Use Filters and Sort Options
Core Marketing strategies
Acquisition, conversion, retention, value growth
benefit of search
the vast majority of both B2B product inquiries and regular online purchases begins with search
Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
It's a digital advertising strategy that helps companies get their content to appear higher in search engine results.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
helping search engines understand your content, and helping users find your site and make a decision about whether they should visit your site through a search engine.
Meta Tags
invisible tags that provide data about your page to search engines and website visitors
Search Engine Results Page
Result of a user query, universal search, returns results from multiple sources
Generic search process
1) Query
2) Web Server
3) Index Server
4) Document Server
5) Users
User-Initiated search term
Index Sever
Stores information previously categorized
also know as ‘robots’ are programs ‘crawl’ the web and follow every link or piece of data they see and bring back to index server
Search Engine Results Page
The SEO Process
1.Define the Target Market
2. Find Out What Users Search for and Why They Search
3. Develop a Search Strategy > Keywords and Phrases
4. Develop a Related Content Strategy
5. Redesign Site With Keywords and Content in Mind
6. Register the Site with Search Engines
7. Good to Implement a Paid Search Campaign to Boost the
Organic SEO
8. Remember to optimize each page of your site for specific
keywords (not the same for all pages)
Common SEO problems
cannot Navigate the Site
no site Map
non-optimized navigation structure
links that are not relevant, have little relationship to site
Important Ranking Factors
URL or Domain Name
Title Tag
Domain Name Authority
The number of other sites that link to site; the number of pages that site link to; relevancy to keywords and search phrases. Ex: directories, blogs, social
quality and relevance to desired search topic. Location/Frequency of keywords on page. Rewrite page if needed. Videos and blogs help imporve ranking due to being viewed favorably
machine learning query enhancement tool to take into account relevance and context of search to match queries to relevance
Expertise, Authoritativeness, & Trustworthiness
Your money your life EX: shopping pages, financial transaction pages, financial information page, medical and legal information pages, limited set of news pages deemed important for an informed citizenry
Issues with Rankings
Search engine spiders cannot navigate the site
no site maps
non-optimized navigation structure
diluted link popularity of key category/product pages
How Social Media supports SEO
1) publish creative, inspiring, and informative content
2) content is shared and linked
3) social media profile collects followers while site gains traffic
4) community grows around brand
5) consistent interactions made through social media and authoritative SEO reinforces brand reputation
6) Search engines index website higher
7) Users find site organically through search engines
ads targeted to keyword search results through programs such as Google Ads
CPC(cost per click)
this is how much you pay when someone clicks on your ad (range form $0.01 to over $50)
CPM(cost per mille)
this is how much you pay per 1000 ad impressions
CPE(cost per engagement)
This is how much you pay when someone responds to you call-to-action such as signing up for a list, watching a video, ect.
As digital advertising evolves, platforms begin to ___ what the content of their platform is.
The advertising company can create up to 15 separate headlines and 4 unique descriptions for ____.
Each ad group
Quality Score
how relevant an ad and website links are to the person who will see the ad
Ad Rank Threshold
a dynamic assessment that calculates the ad quality, ad position, what type of device the user is searching from and where they’re located, the search term used, and related auctions.
Quality Score depends on
Expected click-through rate
ad relevance
ad extension relevance
landing page experience, for example, how long the viewer dwells on the page and website, or “bounces” out quickly
Executing a paid search campaign
1) Keyword Research
2) Ad copy writing
3) landing page development
4) campaign setup
5) Tracking and Testing
Keyword Research
Develop the campaign by selecting appropriate keywords and match criteria and designing ads
Ad copywriitng
Create several key phrases that work best with your target market as well as your call-to-action
Landing Page Development
Ensure that the landing page is prepared to handle people finding the information that you advertised on your site. Also, ensure that it loads quickly
Campaign Setup
Create several ad groups to test which one work best for your target markets
Tracking and Testing
watch results as the campaings are running and then monitor the results and refine. Use A/B testing to test one ad against another. Use available reporting tools to understand which ads and campaigns were the most succesful and try to determine why. Make note of any changes for the next campaign.
Broad match
reaches widest audience and not in same sequence
Phrase match
must be in exact sequence, enclosed in quotes
Exact Match
most precise method, enclosed in brackets
Negative match
uses a minus sign and prevents ads from appearing
Types of Ad Formats in Google Ads
-text ads
-responsive ads
-app promotions
-video ads
shopping ads
call-only ads
Social Media Marketing (SMM)
social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service, share information to build a company’s brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic.
Social Media Networks
Used by both consumers and businesspeople, two-way communication
POST Method
P-people: assess your customer’s social activities
O-objectives: decide what you want to accomplish
S-strategy: plan for how relationships with customers will change
T-technology:decide which social technologies to use
5cs of customer motivation
Consume; make exciting, shareable content
Connect; offer ways to connect with the brand and other social media followers
Control; give users control of the space
Compete; offer competitions and showcase winners
Create; give social media users the ability to create content
Social Media Objectives
1) Generate Awareness
2) Strengthen relationships & community
4) customer support & reputation management
6) increase employee productivity
Media Types
Earned media
Paid media
Owned media
Types of Influencers
Nano: 1,000-5,000
Micro: 5,000-20,000
Power or mid-tier influencers: 20,000-100,000
Mega: 100,000 to 1mil
Celebrities: over 1mil
SMM strategy process
What is good marketer communication?
On the platforms used by the Target Audience
Using the Language They use
Open, Transparent and Unfailingly Authentic
Build and Maintain Trust
Types of Display Ads
Rich Media
Rich Media
combination of text, imagines, video, and other interactive elements in a digital ad
Expanding ad
an ad that first appears as a standard banner ad that grows larger and extends out of the ad slot when a user interacts with the ad in some way (such as hovering over the ad or clicking the ad)
Push-down ad
a type of expanding ad that appears to push down the content of a webpage when the ad expands
an ad that appears to float on top of the content on a desktop. On a mobile, it appears to fill the entire screen. Also referred to as a “floating ad”
CPM(Cost per Thousand)
an advertiser is charged a rate for every 1,000 views
CPA (Cost per Action)
an advertiser is charged only when a user makes an action (like moving a cursor over an ad, filing out a form, or liking a social media post)
correct target market, site that provides acceptable context for ad
acceptable advertiser and content who is willing to pay the site’s price
Ad serving Process
1. Viewer Clicks on Site
2. Identify Ad That
1. Is Relevant to Viewer
2. Gives Advertiser Best Value (Reach, Audience)
3. Retrieve Ad from Inventory, Place on Site
4. Gather Metrics (Time to Load, Impression ++)
Programmatic Means ___ Ad Buying
Advertising networks
emerged to simplity the ad buying process by aggregating ad space supply and matching it with ad demand
Challengers with advertising networks
unsold inventory for publishers and inefficiencies for advertisers
Programmatic advertising
streamlined the process through automated bidding and placement of ads using machine learning and AI. relies on real-time bidding on ad exchanges, facilitated by DSPs, SSPs, and DMPs.
Types of Ad targeting
Contextual Targeting
matches ads based on the context of the website content
Behavioral targeting
presenting relevant content such as ads, based on users’ previous activities
Targeting identified users
users who are identified because they log in to the site ex: Amazon giving recommended items based on past purchases
Targeting unidentified users
using third-party information, such as cookies, browsing history, ect.
when were cookies intorduced and by who?
Netscape, in 1994
mobile advertising
enables precise targeting based oon users locations
Contextual advertising
in mobile ads tailors messages to specific characteristics
Affiliate programs
offer incentives to partner websites, wherein a website agrees to post a link to a transactional site in return for a commission on sale made as a direct result of the link
public relations
are strategic communications that manage an organization’s or brand’s public image and reputation through tools such as press releases, product placements, and events.
What is the hardest think about PR?
bringing press releases to the attention of the overwhelmed journalist