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Detriment - Noun Example: Fast Food can be a detriment to your health.
A disadvantage
Dexterous - Adjective Example: She has the strong, dexterous hands of a surgeon.
Discretion - Noun Example: When watching movies, use good discretion to find the ones you will like.
Good Sense
Facetious - Adjective Example: They laughed in a very facetious manner.
Funny (sarcastic)
Gregarious - Adjective Example: The people at my school are so gregarious!
Optimum - Adjective Example: I work out to be at the optimum health.
Ostentatious - Adjective Example: Many people I know are very ostentatious.
Scrupulous - Adjective Example: My professor works to be very scrupulous.
Sensory - Adjective Example: People on the autistic spectrum often get sensory overload.
Of the Senses
Vicarious - Adjective Example: Even if you are an urban dweller who has never experienced anything but big city living, you can still enjoy the vicarious experience of living in a virtual Farm Town.
Bi Example: Bilingual
Circum Example: Circumnavigate
Com, con Example: Communicate
Dis Example: Disappear
Equi Example: Equilibrium
Collaborate - Verb Example: When people collaborate, they can get a lot of work done.
To act as a team
Despondent - Adjective Example: He looked very despondent walking through the halls.
Instigate - Verb Example: People who instigate can get others in trouble.
To cause
Resilient - Adjective Example: Cockroaches are a very resilient species; they have lived longer than us.
Quick to recover
Retrospect - Noun Example: In retrospect, I should have studied harder for the quiz.
Looking back
Rudimentary - Adjective Example: Cavemen had very rudimentary technology.
Scoff - Verb Example: It is easy to scoff at people when they say something wrong; it's hard to help them learn from their mistakes.
To laugh at
Squelch - Verb Example: Nothing will squelch all your hard work like a stack of invitations returned because they were low on postage.
To hold back
Venerate - Verb Example: They venerate the spirits of their ancestors.
To honor
Zealot - Noun Example: My father is a zealot when it comes to eating with utensils, but I would rather eat with my hands because it is easier and more sanitary.
An extremist
Pre Example: Precaution
Semi Example: Semicircle
Sub Example: Submarine
Super Example: Superior
Tri Example: Triangle
Ambiguous - Adjective Example: It was an ambiguous sentence that could be taken in two ways.
Dissident - Noun Example: At the small assemblies, dissident workers were prevented from speaking against the plan.
A rebel
Embellish - Verb Example: Add fresh flowers or small tree ornaments to embellish the wreath for a party.
To decorate
Fritter - Verb Example: I seem to fritter my time away at coffee mornings.
To waste
Inadvertent - Adjective Example: An inadvertent administrative error occurred that resulted in an overpayment.
Not intended
Inane - Adjective Example: That last sentence is so inane you wonder whether he realizes what he's saying.
Juxtapose - Verb Example: It is interesting to juxtapose the lifestyle of today's teenage generation with their grandparents' generation.
To put aside
Lethargy - Noun Example: He needs some new hobby to shake him out of his lethargy.
Sporadic - Adjective Example: There are still sporadic outbreaks of violence in the town.
Subsidize - Verb Example: The government helped to subsidize agriculture.
To pay for
Inter Example: Intersection
Intra Example: Intravenously
Intro Example: Introduce
Mal, mis Examples: Malfunction, Mistake
Post Example: Postapocalypse
Berate - Verb Example: I was berated for having a 40 in English.
To scold angrily
Estrange - Verb Example: He is estranged from his father but has a close relationship with his uncle.
To drive away
Euphoric - Adjective Example: Another of the emotional benefits of exercise is the euphoric state resulting from working out.
Very happy
Impetuous - Adjective Example: She smiled, gave him a quick impetuous hug, and ran out of the room.
Infallible - Adjective Example: I have never been mistaken before, but even I am not infallible.
Maudlin - Adjective Example: I don't want my work to be thought of as maudlin or overly sentimental.
Overly Emotional
Regress - Verb Example: The tendency of rational progress to become irrational regress arises much earlier.
To go backward
Relinquish - Verb Example: He was reluctant to relinquish control of the business.
To give up
Ubiquitous - Adjective Example: They were concerned about the ubiquitous presence of closed-circuit TV.
Found everywhere
Zenith - Noun Example:
Highest point
In Example: Incapable
Ard Example: Coward
Ician Example: Electrician
Itis Example: Tendonitis
Aqua Example: Aquanaut