family aggregation
whether a disorder runs in families
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
DSM Mental Disorder
a syndrome that is present in an individual and that involves clinically significant disturbance in behavior, emotion regulation, or cognitive functioning.
naming system
mark of disgrace
automatic beliefs concerning other people that we unavoidably learn as a result of growing up in a particular culture
a person's self-concept may be directly affected by being given a diagnosis of schizophrenia, depression, or some other form of mental illness.
the study of the distribution of diseases, disorders, or health-related behaviors in a given population.
the number of active cases in a population during any given period of time; typically percentages
point prevalence
the estimated proportion of actual, active cases of a disorder in a given population at a given point in time.
1-year prevalence
everyone who experienced a disorder at any point in time throughout the entire year
lifetime prevalence
an estimate of the number of people who have had a particular disorder at any time in their lives (even if they are now recovered)
number of new cases that occur over a given period of time (typically 1 year)
the simultaneous presence of two chronic diseases or conditions in a patient
short term
long term
cause of disease
case study
study of one individual in great detail
the writer of the case study selects what information to include and what information to omit.
extent to which research results apply to a range of individuals not included in the study.
self-report data
data collected directly from participants, typically by means of interviews or questionnaires
an effort to explain, predict, or explore something.
the process of selecting representative units from a total population
external validity
extent to which we can generalize findings to real-world settings
internal validity
how confident we can be in the results of a particular given study.
criterion group
group of subjects who exhibit the disorder under study compared to the comparison/control group
correlational research design
research that measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two or more variables that are not created by the experimenter
correlation coefficient
runs from 0 to 1, with a number closer to 1 representing a stronger association between the two variables.
statistical significance
the probability that the correlation would occur purely by chance
effect size
size of the association between two variables independent of the sample size.
a procedure for statistically combining the results of many different research studies
third variable problem
a problem that occurs when the researcher cannot directly manipulate variables; as a result, the researcher cannot be confident that another, unmeasured variable is not the actual cause of differences in the variables of interest.
retrospective research
collect information about how the patients behaved early in their lives with the goal of identifying factors that might have been associated with what went wrong later.
prospective research
identify individuals who have a higher-than-average likelihood of becoming psychologically disordered and to focus research attention on them before any disorder manifests.
longitudinal study
research in which the same people are restudied and retested over a long period
experimental research
scientists control all factors except one—the factor that could have an effect on a variable or outcome of interest.
random assignment
every research participant has an equal chance of being placed in the treatment or the no-treatment condition.
single-case research design
an experimental research design (e.g. an ABAB design) that involves only one subject
analogue studies
we study not the true item of interest but an approximation to it.
the branch of medical science dealing with the classification of diseases.
science of the preservation of health; the study of health
1/2 of those with depression delay treatment for...
6-8 years
TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation)
generates magnetic field which stimulates brain tissue