Working Memory Model
-Landry & Bartling investigated the effect of multitasking on memory (A). Participants were shown a string of letters and asked to recall them while they were multitasking or not (P). Multitasking participants recalled less than single tasking participants (R).
-Baddeley investigated the length of words on memory (A). Participants were given a list of 1 syllable words and asked to recall them. Then, they were given a list of 5 syllables words and asked to recall them (P). Participants recalled more 1 syllable words on average.
Schema Theory
-Bransford & Johnson investigated the effect of schema activation on memory (A). Participants listened to a vague passage and then tasked to recall its details. Participants were told the passage was about laundry prior to listening, after listening, or they were not told (P). Those whose laundry schema was activated prior to hearing the passage recalled the highest number of details on average (R).
-Anderson & Pichert investigated the effect of schemas on recall of details from a story (A). Participants were instructed to read a story from the perspective of a homebuyer or the perspective of a burglar. Then, they completed a distraction task and read the story for a 2nd time with either the same schema or the opposite (P). Participants who switched schemas for the second reading recalled more details from the story than participants who kept their original schema (R).