chapter 6 theology test review

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The Gospel of Mark

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The Gospel of Mark

Mark's Gospel is considerably shorter than either Matthew or Luke

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Gospel Shared Sources

Matthew and Luke follow the general outline of Mark's Gospel in reporting the events of Jesus' life

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Infancy Narratives

Foreshadowed in Matthew and Luke, Jesus came to minister to humble people

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Hidden Years

Refers to the fact that the Gospels share no stories about Jesus between his return to Nazareth as a toddler and his adulthood

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Jesus' Baptism

The presence of all Three Persons of the Holy Trinity at Jesus' baptism emphasizes that Jesus is God

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Did Jesus Need Baptism?

Although Jesus did not need Baptism, his willingness to receive it emphasized both his humility and his acceptance of the Father's mission to save people from their sins

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The Church recalls the forty days of Jesus' trial in the desert during the season of Lent

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St. Peter's Authority

Jesus gave Peter and his successors the authority to govern the Church with the assistance of their successors, the bishops

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St. Mark's Gospel Emphasis

Mark stressed Jesus' divinity throughout his Gospel, even though the view of Jesus is more blunt when compared to the other Evangelists

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St. Matthew's Emphasis

The Gospel of Matthew emphasizes to both Jewish-Christian readers as well as new Gentile converts, that Jesus Christ is the Messiah foretold in the Old Testament

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Refers to an attribute of God, meaning that he is everywhere, unlimited, and all powerful

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Are the Gospels Eyewitness Journals?

No, the gospels were not written by people who watched the events as they took place

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Adolescent Jesus

The Gospel of Luke is the only one to include a story of Jesus as an adolescent

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"Mystery" and God's Plan

The word "mystery" refers to God's saving plan that gradually unfolded in human history

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Suffering Servant Emphasis

The Gospel of Luke emphasizes Jesus as the Suffering Servant from the Prophet Isaiah

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Wrote for Persecuted Gentile-Christians

The Gospel of St. Luke that was written for Gentile-Christians who were being persecuted in Rome

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The Title: Son of David

St. Matthew often used the title Son of David to refer to Jesus Christ

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Judaism and Christianity Gospel Connection

St. Matthew emphasized the link between Judaism and Christianity

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St. Peter

This Apostle was headstrong, brave, impetuous and upon him Christ built the Church

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The Transfiguration

In this event, on a high mountain, Jesus reveals his divine glory before Sts. Peter, James, and John

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What does the word "gospel" mean?

The word gospel means Good News about the life of Jesus Christ. The four Gospels are the primary sources of information about Jesus and because three of the Gospels are so closely related scholars call them the synoptic Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke

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The beginning of St. Mark's Gospel

St. Mark's Gospel begins with the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. Only the Gospels of Matthew and Luke focus on events surrounding Jesus' birth

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Purpose of The Transfiguration

At his Transfiguration, Jesus gave his Apostles a quick vision of the Kingdom of God when Jesus appeared with Moses and Elijah. These two represent the Law and the prophets

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Authorship of the Gospel of St. Luke

The author of the Gospel of Luke was a Gentile Christian who also wrote the Acts of the Apostles. The Book of Acts tells of the Apostle's journey which began in Jerusalem on Pentecost

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Jesus as the Messiah

St. Peter had difficulty with the understanding of the Messiah as the Suffering Servant and it was not until the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus that the early Church would begin to understand that Jesus' way was that of the Cross

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means "God with us"

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synoptic gospels

matthew, mark, and luke

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an attribute of God meaning that he is all-powerful. his power is universal, loving, and mysterious

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the story of the Savior's birth in bethlehem

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the origins of the name are from the hebrew word yehoshua (joshua), meaning "god saves," "god is Salvation," or simply "savior"

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priests of the ancient persian religion of zoroastrianism who paid special attention to the stars (the wise men who were present at jesus' birth)

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the feast that celebrates the mystery of christ's manifestation as the savior of the world

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a name for jesus that means "god is with us"

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a follower of jesus. the word means "learner"

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kingdom of god

the process of the father's reconciling and renewing all things through his son; the fact of his will being done on earth as it is in heaven. this was proclaimed by jesus and began in his life, death, and resurrection. the process will be perfectly completed at the end of time

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the mystery from christ's life in which god's glory shone through and transformed jesus' physical appearance while he was in the company of the old testament prophets moses and elijah. peter, james, and john witnessed this event

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paschal mystery

christ's work of redemption through his passion, death, resurrection, and ascension

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the word gospel means "_" and the life of jesus christ is the best news the _ has ever heard. the four gospels are the primary _ of info about jesus and because _ of the four gospels are so closely related scholars call them the _ gospels: matthew, _ and luke.

good news, world, sources, three, synoptic

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what does source criticism reveal about the authors of the synoptic gospels?

the gospel authors shared sources

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true or false: mark's gospel is considerably longer than either matthew or luke.

FALSE (mark's gospel is considerably SHORTER than either matthew or luke)

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true or false: matthew and mark follow the general outline of luke's gospel in reporting the events of jesus's life.

false (matthew and MARK follow the general outline of LUKE'S gospel in reporting the events of jesus' life)

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what the gospel of matthew emphasize?

link between the old and new testaments

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which gospel do biblical scholars consider the oldest of the four?


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what 3 sources were used by matthew and luke?

mark's gospel, q source, and their own distinct sources

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true or false: the q source was likely a collection of jesus' sayings that came to matthew and luke in either a written or oral form.


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explain what it means to say that jesus is god's fullest revelation.

jesus became human in order to give us salvation

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mark's gospel begins with _ announcing the advent of the _ only matthew and luke focus on the events surrounding jesus' _ there are similarities between their _ accounts such as the virginity of mary, the birth in _, and jesus' discordancy from king herod.

john the baptist, messiah, birth, infancy, bethlehem, herod

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true or false: from the beginning one can see that jesus came to minister to humble people and this is foreshadowed in the infancy narratives of matthew and luke


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why were shepherds looked down upon by pious jews?

their job did not allow them to keep the ritual precepts of the law faithfully

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jesus' _ marked him as a member of the _ of the chosen people and mary and joseph raised him according to _ they also followed tradition when they _ the firstborn son to god in the _ here, simeon and anna recognized him as the _

circumcision, covenant, jewish law, presented, temple, messiah

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what does the feast of the epiphany commemorate?

jesus' manifestation to world during the visit of the magi to the holy family

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what does king herold's slaughter of the children indication about the life of jesus?

the forces of evil were gathering against jesus from the very beginning

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true or false: the "hidden years" refer to the fact that the gospels share no stories about jesus between his return to nazareth as a toddler and his adulthood.

false (the "hidden years" refer to the fact that the gospels share one story about jesus between his return to nazareth as a toddler and his adulthood of when jesus visits the temple)

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what connection does the author draw between jesus and adam?

jesus obeyed his parents in the temple while adam disobeyed god in the garden

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all synoptic gospels agree that jesus' _ ministry began with his baptism by _, jesus' cousin. he was the prophet foretold by _ who would be sent to announce the coming of the _ john called the people to _ for the repentance of their sins and told them someone _ than he would come after him.

public, john, isaiah, messiah, baptism, greater

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true or false: the presence of all three persons of the holy trinity at jesus' baptism emphasizes jesus is god.


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true or false: although jesus did not need baptism, his willingness to receive it emphasized both his humility and his acceptance of the father's mission to save people from their sins.


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explain the connection between jesus' time in the desert and the chosen people.

jesus spent 40 days in the temple while the chosen people spent 40 years.

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true or false: the church recalls the forty days of jesus' trial in the desert during the season of advent.


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how did jesus' response to temptation differ from adam and eve?

jesus remained faithful to his father's mission. adam and eve sinned to be like god while jesus accepted his human form to save humanity

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jesus began to call and attract _ following his temptations in the desert some of whom would become his _. he had many disciples, including _ whose presence would have been _. some of these women helped him financially, _ with him, supplied meals and lodging, witnessed his crucifixion, and visited his _ on easter sunday.

disciples, apostles, women, unusual, traveled, tomb

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explain the significance of jesus' selection of the 12 apostles

the number of apostles represents the 12 tribes of israel which symbolized a renewed people of god

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what are 2 wats that jesus' relationship to his apostles differed from a typical relationship between students and their rabbis?

jesus chose his apostles and he taught on his own authority

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true or false: jesus gave peter and his successors the authority to govern the church with the assistance of their successors, the priests.

false (jesus gave peter and his successors the authority to govern the church with the assistance of their successors, the bishops.)

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according to the gospel of mark, how does jesus summarize his message?

"this is the time of fulfillment. the kingdom of god is at hand. repent and believe in the gospel."

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"the _ is at hand" means that god's _ has come to his people and humans will _ god's word. "_" means to turn away from _ and toward god. "believe in the gospel" means that _ is the good news, the gospel, and the _ of god the father.

kingdom of god, rule, obey, repent, sin, jesus, revelation

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at his _, jesus gave his apostles a quick vision of the kingdom of god when jesus is revealed in his _ before peter, james, and john. jesus appears with _ and elijah--whose presence recalled the _ given through moses, and the _ through _ who announced the coming of the _.

transfiguration, divine glory, moses, law, prophets, elijah, messiah

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what is the paschal mystery?

jesus' passion, death, resurrection, and ascension saving humanity from sin and death

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explain the truth that is taught in each of the four gospels

jesus has risen from the dead

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the early _ believed that the author of the gospel of mark was _, a disciple of peter whose writing included themes of peter's _ the gospel presents a vivid, human, and down-to-earth _ of jesus and highlights jesus' _ more than his words. he wrote for a _ audience that was undergoing _.

church, john mark, preaching, portrait, deeds, gentile-christians, persecution

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what is the central theme in the gospel of mark? what did mark emphasize theologically?

mark emphasized jesus as the suffering messiah. the theme means that following jesus may also mean suffering like him.

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true or false: mark stressed jesus' divinity throughout the gospel, even though the view of jesus is more blunt when compared to the other evangelists.

false (mark stressed jesus' humanity throughout his gospel, even though the view of jesus is more blunt when compared to other evangelists)

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what 3 titles for jesus are used in the passage from mark 8:27-34? summarize the meaning for each.

christ (english translation of messiah, means anointed one), son of man (both divine and human), suffering servant (jesus suffered and sacrificed his life for us)

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peter had difficulty understanding the messiah as the "suffering servant" and it was not until the resurrection and _. of jesus that the early church would being to understand that jesus' way was that of the _ mark wants us to see that _ our suffering for and with the lord leads to _ and participation in the resurrection.

suffering servant, ascension, cross, offering, salvation

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matthew emphasizes the link between _ and christianity and he portrays jesus as the "_" made the _ on behalf of the chosen people and jesus made a new covenant with _ people; moses presented the ten commandments from a _ and jesus' primary moral teaching is the _; jesus' five sermons parallel the five books of the _.

judaism, new moses, sinai covenant, all, mountain, beatitudes, pentateuch

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true or false: the gospel of matthew emphasizes to both jewish

christian readers as well as new gentile converts, that jesus christ is the messiah foretold in the old testament. - true

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what other connections does matthew draw between judaism and jesus?

he used the jewish title "son of david" and showed how jesus fufilled the old testament prophecies

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the author of the gospel of luke was a _ christian who also wrote the _ and irenaeus believed him to be a _. and traveling companion of _ acts tells of the apostles' journeys which began in _ on pentecost and their mission to take the _ of jesus christ to the end of the _

gentile, acts of the apostles, doctor, paul, jerusalem, message, world

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explain how jerusalem serves as a symbol in luke's narrative

because the messianic age began in jerusalem and it is where the apostles' journeys began

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what 2 major themes are highlighted throughout luke's writing?

jesus is a universa; savior who brings salvation to everyone (gentiles and jews)

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the gospel of luke emphasizes jesus' _ nature. he is not simply _ for everyone, but he forgives everyone as well and this is eloquently illustrated in the 3 _ found in luke 14. alternatively, jesus' _, compassion, and sensitivity reveal _ to the world: these are divine signs of _ love.

forgiving, savior, parables, gentlesness, god, healing

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