California wants to become part of the Union and a State. Problem because slave and free states were balanced. California wants to become a free-state. South doesn't want the North to have more power
Terms: California became a free state and South got a strong anti-fugitive law
Slaves escaped North would return them (Anti-Fugitive Law) which is part of the reason the Underground Railroad came to be.
-She's a northerner
Was a huge hit
Effective Propaganda -After this book, Northerners stopped returning slaves (violation of Compromise of 1850) -Because of this book Queen Victoria became an abolitionist
Supreme Court Case
Roger B. Taney
Ruled the Missouri Compromise of 1820 -Taney said "Slaves are not citizens -> property and they don't have the protection of the citizens" -Overturns the 1820 Compromise
1860 was the presidential election -Split allowed the third party Republicans to win which was Abe
Split was caused by difference in opinion over slavery
Abe got less than 50% of the vote (minority)
He doesn't want an extension of slavery (okay where it is) called a Free-Soiler.
Abraham Lincoln had 3 years of formal education and was from extreme poverty
He had manic depression and was not a good politician
Around this time South Carolina secedes from the Union. It sees Lincoln as a threat to slavery. Lincoln would make sure its ended. This is bad because economic system was dependent on it.
1861; Civil War officially begins
April 12, 1861 cannon of the South Carolinians opened fire on the fort
Was the actual beginning of the Civil War
1 casualty which was a donkey
Lincoln (April 15) issues a call to the states for 75,000 militiamen -He wants to take the fort back Cause was Lincoln didn't want to give up Charleston when asked to by the Confederates.
Border states are neutral
1861; Abe gives all forts and ports to Confederacy down south but doesn't give up Charleston
Confederacy bombed Charleston instead and took it
Didn't want the Union on their side of the US
Confederates was officially called The Confederate States of America
-People expect the North to pound the South
Instead the South smacks the North
Sign that the war was going to be long
Abe becomes aggressive
He tightens on civil liberties
Suspends Habeas Corpus (5th and 6th Amendment) fast trial, told why you got arrested etc.
Arrests of Mayor of Baltimore and Governor of Maryland
Jan 1, 1863
USA doesn't want Britain on the South side Conflict of ship "Trent" where US Soldiers boarded the Brit's ship
Brit wants to side with South because of this
Queen Victoria is a abolitionist
Lincoln made sure the war was about slavery so Britain wouldn't intervene
-1863; South is winning battle after battle but, they are still losing since the North has endless amount of resources compared to them
North has Irish immigrants (Irish Famine)
Summer of 1863 South went all in and invaded
Invade Pennsylvania and make them want to support the South
Next step is to fight North and destroy them. Force Lincoln to make peace
South had nothing in between them and victory until North put a great defense
31,000 dead and 20-25,000 horses dead.
South never threatens the North anymore after this
Fought for 2 more years battle after battle but wasn't the same.
National Soldiers Cemetery (Abe wasn't popular during this time -Message; If war is finished the US would turn for the better -1 white = 2 enslaved blacks
Abe is questioning whether Democracy can work and if it can survive
Major Problem; Lack of Education once slavery was abolished
Over 720,000 dead. At least 1.5 million wounded For four years averaging around 493 dead per day (Today 4856 per day)
Had a 1 in 4 chance of dying. 1 in 2 chance of being wounded at age 16-24
Destruction like this isn't seen again until WWI (did it with bombs)
15-30 billion (About 42 trillion in today's money)
Twice the size of the US Entire Federal Budget
Slavery was ended
There was no more succession (like the mafia)
Can't nullify laws anymore
Federal gov is more important than state's rights
Assasinated 5 days after the surrender of Lee
Never gives up
Understood after war nation was going to be different
Was killed in the moment of emotional fanaticism
Was embalmed 5 different times
Booth felt mad that people didn't congratulate him or help him after the assassination
Conscriptors were hung; Mary Surratt was the 1st women to be hung.
Created on March 3, 1865
It was to provide food, clothing, medical care and education to the freed slaves.
AMA also helped by sending money to teachers to teach slaves basic skills
Dealing with slaves because they are helpless (Most imp. was education)
Great until local and states began to organize again
Couldn't stop the black codes
Was designed to take back control of government
Very racist
Meant to keep the blacks down
Constant and Sub-servant labor force
Enforced Sharecroppers (like feudal system); White people hired blacks 5 days work for whites, 2 days slaves got to work their borrowed land. Money from land was theirs to keep
Had no other choice because of lack of education
Worse than slavery because during slavery owners paid for clothes and food.
Core of black community
Was political and social
Any issue was discussed inside the church
Rejected white charity
Enforcer of moral code
Church connected all large movements and events
1868; Congress started its Military Reconstruction
1876; South goes under the Marshall Law
1868: White southerners couldn't vote or sit on jury. Nor sell property without the permission of military district (had a curfew too)
Only Law enforcement was military whose purpose was to stop the Confederates from arming themselves again (anarchy)
Vicious terrorist group (KKK) -> intimidate blacks away from the voting booth. Wanted to terrorize the blacks. Later turned into a political group
Andrew Johnson replaced Abe. Was from Tennessee which meant they escaped the military law all together.