Civil War and Reconstruction

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Benito Juarez

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Benito Juarez

Washington gave aid to Mexicos national hero ________; when war ended in 1865- SEcretary of State Sewward prepared to march in MExico; Napoleon left and Maximilian died before Mexican firing squad.

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________ broke out in 1863, started by underprivileged and racist Irish Americans; rampaging, pillaging mob; lives were lost, lynches.

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Abraham Lincoln

________ took the presidential oath of office on March 4, 1861.

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Northern armies

________ were at first manned solely by volunteers, with each state assigned a quota based on population.

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Sea power

________ enabled North to exchange huge quantities of grian for munitions and supplies from Europe, thusa iding output from factories of Euorpe to its own.

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Homestead Act

________ of 1862: federal law that sold settlers 160 acres of land for about $ 30 if they lived on it for five years and improved it (Ex.

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________ took his stand at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

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________ provided radicals with a pretext to begin impeachment proceedings when he dismissed Stanton early in 1868.

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martial law

In maryland, lincoln declared ________ where needed and sent in troops, because state threatened to cut off Washington from the North; Lincoln also deployed Union soldiers in western Virginia and in Missouri.

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David Farragut

IN spring of 1862, a flotilla commanded by ________ joined with a Northern army to strike the South a blow by seizing New Orleans.

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Emancipation Proclamation

changed nature of Civil War because it effectively removed any change of a negotiated settlement.

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When the 15th Amendment proposed to prohibit denial of the vote on the basis of race, color, or previous condition of servited, ________ and Anthony wanted the word sex added to the lsit.

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National Banking System

authorized by Congress in 1863; launched partly as stimulant for the government's funds

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= draw militarily; Lee retired across Potomac- McClellan was removed from his field command because he was critiqued for not going against Lee even further.

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________ were faced w /reality that freedmen were unskilled, unlettered, w /o property or money, and w /little knowledge of how to survive as free people.

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Income taxes

levied for first time in nation and rates= low by later standards

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Costs of Civil War

15 billion- did not include continuing expenses such as pensions and interest on national debt; intangible costs- dislocations, disunities, wasted energies, lowered ethics, death, bitter memories, hatred- couldn't be calculated.

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Union General George B McClellan

________ was given command of the Army fof the Potomac, as the major Union force near Washington was now called.

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Everyday forms of slave resistance

________- slowdowns, strikes, open defiance- dminished productivity and undermined discipline.

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Black codes

First acts of Southern regime sanctioned by Johnson was the passage of the Black Codes: these laws were designed to regulate the affairs of the emancipated blacks, much as the slave statutes had done in pre-Civil war days. Black codes varied in severity from state to state (Mississippi had the harshest and Georgia had the most lenient); Black Codes aimed to ensure a stable and subservient labor force; Crushed south wanted to make sure that they retained control over black people

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Civil Rights Bill

Passed by the Republicans, the bill conferred on blacks the privilege of American citizenship and struck at the Black Codes—President Johnson vetoed this measure on constitutional grounds but congressmen steamrolled it over his veto, something they repeatedly did henceforth.

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White South

White Resistance undermined attempts to empower blacks politically; white South openly flouted 14th and 15th amendments—disenfranchisement of blacks started around 1890 through intimidation, fraud, and trickery—some schemes were literacy tests, unfairly administered by whites to the advantage of illiterate whites—-goal of white supremacy fully “justified” dishonorable devices

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Having gained their right to suffrage, Southern black men seized the initiative and began to organize politically. Their primary vehicle became the Union League, originally a pro-Union organization. Based in the North. Assisted by Northern blacks, freedmen turned the league into a network of political clubs that educated members in their civil duties and campaigned for Republican candidates. The league’ s mission soon expanded to include building black churches and schools, presenting black grievances before local employers and gov. And recruiting militias to protect black communities from white retaliation. Though African American women did not obtain the right to vote, they too assumed new political roles.

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Surrender of Confederates

In February 1865, the Confederates tried to negotiate for peace, but Lincoln could accept nothing short of Union and emancipation, and Southerners could not accept anything short of independence The End came w/suddenness; Rapidly advancing Northern troops captured Richmond and cornered Lee at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia in April 1865; Grant met with Lee and granted generous terms of Surrender. Among other concessions, Confederates were allowed to keep their horses;

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