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Second continental congress

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Second continental congress

repersentitiuve body of delegates from all 13 coloies, drafted the decleration on independence and managed the colonial war effort

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battle of bunker hill

revolutionary battle near Boston that resulted in more than 1000 British death and fewer than 450 patriot death

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olive branch petition

council mesure adoped by continetal congree, professing American loyalty and seeking an end to the hostilities. Kind George rejected the petitioned proclaim

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german troops hired from their princes by geroge III to aid in putting down colonial insurection. this hardened the resolve of Maerican colonits, who ressented the use of apid forgin fighters

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common sense

written my thomas paine in 1776 one of the most influental pamphlets ever written 120000 copies sold in a couple of monthes

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decleration of independence

formal "decleration" of independence by American colonits. Mr. Lee wrote it then later it was made "fancier" by T. Jefferson

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colonists loyal to the King often called tories

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also called whigs or rebels, they were colonists that fought on the american side of the revolution, fought both the loyalits and the red coats

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decleration of the rights of man

french document born 13 years later

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battle of long island

1st major battle of the revolutionary war. victory for british and beginning a sucessful campaign giving them control of NY. in terms of troop deployment it was the largest battle of the Rev. War

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at trenton on dec 26 1776 G. Washington suprised a thousand hessians

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a battle during the American Revolution; the British under Burgoyne were defeated, this war made way for forgin aid from france

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model treaty

continetal congress in summer of 1776 drafted a model treaty to guide the American commissioners. it was about dispatch on French basic ideas: no millitary contact, no political contact, only commercial contact

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armed neutrality

a lineup of all the neutal remaining english countires, catherine the great sneared at them

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Treaty of fort stanwix

pro british iroquious were fored to sign it, it was the first treaty between U.S. and Indian nations. under it's terms natived ceded most of their land

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privetly owned armed ships- basically just pirets

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last major war of the rev. war, the win boosted am. and french more

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treaty of pairs

1783 british formally recognized american independence. great britan gave tqord MS river to America to get on their good side and take them away from France

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Ethan allen

revolutionary war officer who, along with Benidict arnold fought British and indian forces in frontier new York and Vermont

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benedict arnold

revolutionary war general turned tratior, held off british invasion of NY lake champlain, later switched sides, plotting to sell out colonial stronghold at west point to the redcoats, his scheme was discovered and he fled to the British lines

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Richard montgomery

irish-born British army veteran, served as a general in clonial army in revolution. Joined B. Arnold in 1775 and failed attempt to seize Quebec

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Thomas Paine

British-born pamphletes and author of common sense, which laid the way for American independence, later he became an ardent for French Revolution. his radical views cost him support of his american allies.

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abigail adams

second wife of John adams; attempted to get rights for women from her husband who was writing the decleration of independecne "remeber the ladies"

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Richard henry Lee

Virgina planter ad revolutionary, served as a member of the contineta congress, first introduced motion of asserting America as Independent. Later became first U.S. senator of VA under new constitution.

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Lord Charles conwallis

British general despite victories, he failed to deal a crushing blow to G. Washington army. By attacking Philly instead of Saratoga he inadvertently contributed to America's victory

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John Borgoyne (gentleman johnny)

British general who led an ill-fated invasion of upstate NY, defeted by G. Washington at Saratoga

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Ben Franklin

american printer, inventor, statesman and revolutionary. leading newspaper printer, inventor, and author of poor richard's almanac. later lead revolution and signed decleration of independence

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comte de rochambeau

general in command of French forces durring American revoution, fought alongside G.W. at yorktown

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Nataniel Greene

general in command of the continetal army in the carolina campign of 1781, known as the 'fighting quaker' sucessfully cleared most of GA and SC of British troops despite string of loses

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Joseph Brant

mohawk cheif, angelican convert, sided with Britan, belived the only way to half westword expansion was for British to win

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George Rodgers Clark

american frontiersman, captured series of British forts along ohio river durring A.R

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Admiral de Grase

French admiral, fleet blocked British reinforcments allowing washington and rochambeau to trap cornwallis at yorktown.

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