meticulous (adj)
Rất cẩn thận
Ex: He is a(n) … craftsman; every detail is perfect in every piece of jewelry he makes.
Astute (adj)
Sắc xảo
Ex: A(n) businesswoman/ investor
Obstinate (adj)
Cứng đầu; difficult to deal with
Ex1: Her … refusal to cooperate
Ex2: … weeds
Brusque (adj)
Thô lỗ, blunt in manner or speech
Ex: She might be …. and impatient.
Strong - willed (adj)
mạnh mẽ, very determined to do sth
dogmatic (adj)
certain that you’re right and everyone else is wrong
Ex: A … critic
industrious (adj)
Ex: An … worker
Shrewd (adj)
able to judge sth accurately and turn it to an advantage
Ex: It was a … move to buy your house just before property prices started to rise.
Morose (adj)
unhappy, annoyed, ill-tempered
Ex: Micheal became … and withdrawn after he lost his job.
effusive (adj)
expressing welcome, approval, or pleasure in a way that shows strong feelings
Ex: They gave us such an … welcome it was quite embarrassing.
Impetuous (adj)
marked by force and violence of movement or action
Ex: a(n) … wind
Ex2: He's so … - why can't he think things over before he rushes into them?
to answer someone quickly in an angry or funny way
Ex: "That doesn't concern you!" she ….
assert (v)
To say that sth is certainly true
To do sth to show your power, importance
Ex: He …. that she stole money from him.
Ex2: Throughout the Cold War, the Allies …. their right to move freely between the two Berlins.
Don't be afraid to … yourself and make your views clear.
emulate (v)
to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well as they have
Ex: They hope to … the success of other software companies.
wince (v)
nhăn mặt, cau mày …
Ex: Did I hurt you? I thought I saw you ….
gape (v)
to open the mouth wide
Ex: He … in disbelief that she has rlly left him
pout (v)
Bĩu môi
Ex: He always … when he doesn’t get what he wants.
Scowl (v)
Grimace; to look at someone with an annoyed look
Ex: The boy … at her then reluctantly followed her back to school.
Pertinent (adj)
relating directly to the subject being considered
Ex: Chapter One is … to the post-war period
virtue (n)
A good moral quality in a person; the general quality of being morally good
Ex: Patience is a …
virtuous (adj)
Having good qualities, manners
Ex: She was described as … and hardworking.
ethical (adj)
related to moral
Ex: … issues in nursing
Short or quick
Ex: This is just a …visit; a … glimpse
eminent (adj)
Famous, respected or important
Ex: An … historian
To cry out loud, ~wailing; to regret strongly
Ex: He … his decision not to go to college
~malicious, deliberately cruel or violent
Ex: A … assault; a … fight
To realize ones full potential
Ex: Family and community events recognize that learning works best in families and communities that are nurtured and …
Only last for a short time
Ex: … relationships
Causing fear
Ex: a … task/obstacle
the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness
Ex: the … of so many institutions
the ability of a substance or object to spring back into shape; elasticity.
Ex: Nylon is excellent in wearability and …
the use of many systems and devices so that you are always connected to social networks and other sources of information
Ex: The team is studying the effects of … on the brain.