Polar Molecule Water molecules have a slight positive charge on the hydrogen side and a slight negative charge on the oxygen side...
Cohesive Water molecules are attracted to each other. This explains the spherical drop shape
Surface Tension The top layer of water molecules is extra cohesive and creates a skin-like surface...
Adhesive Water can also stick to other molecules. Water climbs against gravity to bring water to a plant due to its adhesion to the stem...
Density Water becomes less dense when it freezes. This is the reason why ice can float on water. This supports the aquatic life during the winter...
Heat Capacity It takes a lot of heat to make water hot. This helps regulate the temperature ranges worldwide...
Naturally Occurs In All 3 States Of Matter You can find examples of water in all 3 states in nature. Gas as water vapour in the air and clouds, liquid as water in a pond, and solid as ice on the surface of a pond
Universal Solvent Water dissolves a lot of other substances. Its charged molecules attract other molecules and can dissolve them...