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individual’s pattern of thoughts, feelings, and actions
free association
let the patient relax and say whatever came to mind, a window into the unconscious
region of the mind holding information that's not conscious but is retrievable into conscious awareness
region of the mind that is a reservoir, mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories
freudian slip
reflects things people would like to say
demands immediate gratification
makes decisions after listening to the demands of the id and restraints of the superego
what we should do, morals
banishes anxious thoughts, feelings, and memories from the consciousness, traumatic event
lets an anxious person refuse to admit something unpleasant is happening
retreat to a more infantile stage of life
reaction formation
reverses an unacceptable impulse causing an anxious person to express the opposite of the anxiety, provoking unconscious feeling
disguises threatening feelings of guilty anxiety by attributing the problem to others
self-explaining things in a way that hides the behavior’s actual reason to reduce anxiety
shifts an unacceptable impulse towards a more acceptable and less threatening object or person
pushing something off
what did freud believe?
our childhood experiences shape our personality, sex and aggression motivate our behavior
bringing the unconscious thoughts to the surface done thru hypnosis, free association, or dream interpretation
who were freud’s patients?
rich, older women, none of his patients were children
what principle does the id act on?
pleasure principle
what principle does the ego act on?
reality principle
what principle does the superego act on?
morality principle
oral stage
pleasure centers on the mouth thru sucking, biting, and chewing
first 18 months
weaning is a conflict
anal stage
pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder functions, coping with demands of control
18 months-3 years
potty training is a conflict
phallic stage
pleasure focuses on the genitals, coping with incestuous feelings
3-6 years
oedipus complex
boys feel love for their mothers and fear and jealousy for fathers, named after greek tragedy
latency stage
dormant sexual feelings
child represses feelings for rival parent
girls connect with mom, boys connect with dad
genital stage
maturation of sexual interests
puberty onwards
person experiences sexual feelings towards others
what does an oral fixation lead a person to be?
smoker, nail biter, gum chewer, alcoholic, overweight
what does an anal fixation lead a person to be?
very neat (too early potty trained) or very messy (too late potty trained)
electra complex
girls feel attraction towards dad
what did Alfred Adler believe?
agreed about importance of childhood experience, social tensions were crucial in the development of personality, psyc problems in personalities centered on feelings of inferiority
inferiority complex
organize our thoughts based on our perceived mistakes
what did Carl Jung disagree with Freud on?
the importance of the role of the unconscious in personality development
collective unconcious
shared internal reservoir of memory traced from our ancestors, things we all know
universal symbols
what did Karen Horney believe?
Freud’s theory was male dominated, societal expectations separated male and female not anatomy, anxiety is brought on by society’s competitiveness
projective tests
provide ambiguous stimuli to trigger projection of inner thoughts and feelings, designed to provide insight into unconscious motives
TAT (thematic apperception test)
people express inner feelings and interests thru stories they make up about ambiguous scenes
Rorschach inkblot test
set of 10 inkblots used to identify a person’s inner feelings by analyzing their interpretations of the inkblot, test is NOT reliable
how did the neofreudians differ from the fruedians?
emphasis in NOT just sex and aggression, it’s society and relationships which shape our personality
“we are shaped by our future as well as our past”-carl jung
man’s animal side of the personality, evil side
conscious experiences
what did Abraham Maslow make?
hierarchy of needs to explain personality and personal growth
need for self-esteem, need for repect and recognition from others
belonigingness and love
need to love and be loved, belong and be accepted, avoid loneliness and alienation
need to feel the world is organized and predictable, need to feel safe, secure, and stable
need to satisfy hunger and thirst
highest level, work towards a life that is challenging, productive, and meaningful
self-aware and self-accepting
these people discovered their calling, learned compassion, and outgrew any mixed feelings towards their parents
what did carl rogers believe?
agreed that people strive for self-actualization and that people will flourish with acceptance, genuineness, and empathy
unconditional positive regard
attitude of total acceptance towards another person, values others while aware of faults
all your thoughts and feelings about yourself in answer to “who am I?”
what did albert bandura believe?
believed that we learn by observing and modeling the behaviors of others or by having certain behaviors reinforced/rewarded, consider the situation and how they think, and social interaction
reciprocal determinism
mutual influences between personality and environmental factors
your thoughts/cognitions
your environment
your behaviors
all factors interact with each other
external locus of control
perception that chance, or forces outside yourself and beyond your control determines your fate
internal locus of control
perception that you control your own fate
less depressed
more likely to be healthy
achieve more in school, more independent
cope better with stress
learned helplessness
hopeless feeling when an animal or human can’t avoid repreated bad events
martin seligman
demonstrated the development of learned helplessness in dogs that had no control of negative effects
positive psyc
movement that studies optimal human functioning and factors that allow people to thrive
everyone had optimistic and pessimistic side
optimistic style
explain bad events as temporary, not your fault
pessimistic explanatory style
blame themself, make event a catastrophe, see problem as beyond their control
bad grades
shorter life