APUSH Period 5 - Multiple Choice Quiz

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The plantation system of the Cotton South was

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The plantation system of the Cotton South was


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relating to a person or business that has exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service.

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The Wilmot Proviso, introduced into congress during the Mexican War, declared that...

Mexico ceding an enormous amount of land to the U.S, Settlers rushing west, Renewed controversy over expanding slavery in the territories.

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The terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalago ending the Mexican-American war

U.S paying 15 million to Mexico

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Slaves fought the system of slavery by...

Breaking equipment, feigning sickness, and running away (hardest, and least likely)

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Those in the North who opposed abolitionists believed that these opponents of slavery..

Were causing problems in america

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In the 1840s, the view that God had ordained the growth of an American nation stretching across North America was called

Manifest Destiny

<p>Manifest Destiny</p>
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In 1846 the United States went to war with Mexico for....

Killing of American soldiers, trying to obtain California, and the ideology of Manifest Destiny.

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According to the principle of "popular sovereignty," the question of slavery in the territories would be determined by...

The people living in that territory

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Harriet tubman is famous for...

Helping people escape to Canada though the underground railroad

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In the Compromise of 1850, Congress determined that slavery in the New Mexico and Utah territories was...

Decided by popular sovereignty

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The most alarming aspect of the Compromise of 1850 to Northerners was the decision concerning...

The Fugitive Slave Law

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A southern route for the transcontinental railroad seemed to be the best because...

It would be easier to build

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Stephen A. Douglas proposed that the question of slavery in the Kansas-Nebraska Territory be decided by...

Popular Soverighity

<p>Popular Soverighity</p>
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The Dred Scott Decision by Supreme Court of the United States

Declared slaves as property, and made it impossible to sue for their freedom

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Which of the following acts of Congress was declared unconstitutional in the Dred Scott decision

Missouri Compromise/Compromise of 1820

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The Battle of Gettysburg was significant because...

Union victory meant the southern cause was doomed

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The assassination of Abraham Lincoln...

was a calamity for the south

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In the postwar south...

The economy was devastated

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In his 10 percent plan for Reconstruction, President Lincoln promised

rapid readmission of southern states to the Union

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That the Southern states were "conquered provinces" and therefore at the mercy of Congress was the view of

Congressional Republicans

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The Black Codes allowed/called for

A ban on jury service for African-Americans, Fines for African-Americans who jumped labor contracts, barring POC from renting land.

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The KKK's Goal was to..

Prevent POC from voting, end radical reconstruction, and prevent white "carpetbaggers" from voting. They were able to get away with killing people, as a lot of police were part of the KKK.

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Secretary of State Seward accomplished an enduring success in foreign relations for the Johnson administration when he

Purchased Alaska

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The 14th amendment guaranteed

Citizenship for former slaves

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Both moderate and radical Republicans agreed that

Former slaves must be given the right to vote.

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Radical congressional Reconstruction of the South finally ended when...

The last troops left in 1877

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The North's "victory" at Antietam allowed President Lincoln to...

Issue the Emancipation Proclamation

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Slavery was legally abolished in the United-States by which amendment?

13th amendment

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The Emancipation proclamation had the effect of

strengthening the moral cause and diplomatic position of the Union.

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As the Civil War began, the South seemed to have the advantage of...

More talented officers

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The North's greatest strength, as the Civil war began, was it's...


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The Union army's victory in the capture of ______ was probably critical to Lincoln's reelection in 1864.


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The Civil war resulted in...

End of nullification and secession, end of slavery, and creation of the first federal social welfare agency.

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