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what countries are in stage 1
a few remote tribes
what is the birth rate like in stage 1
high and fluctuating
what is the death rate like in stage 1
high and fluctuating
what is the total population like in stage 1
low, fluctuating
reasons for birth rate in stage 1
lack on contraception, lack of female education, high infant mortality rate so insurance births, children are economic asset
reasons for death rate in stage 1
poor sanitation so diseases like cholera, lack of good quality foods, lack of healthcare
what are some countries in stage 2
Afghanistan, Niger, Gambia
what is birth rate like in stage 2
it remains high
what is death rate like in stage 2
it falls rapidly
what is the total population like in stage 2
increases rapidly
reasons for birth rate in stage 2
lack of contraception, lack of female education, high infant mortality rate so insurance births, children are an economic asset in rural areas.
reasons for death rate in stage 2
medical improvements, better quality and quantity of food and better sanitation so increased availability of clean water
what are some countries in stage 3
Brazil, India, Mexico
what is the birth rate like in stage 3
it starts to fall
what is the death rate like in stage 3
it continues to fall more slowly
what is the total population like in stage 3
it continues to increase
what is the reasons for birth rate in stage 3
increased availability of contraception, lower infant mortality rate, female emancipation, urbanisation so children become an economic burden,people want to spend money on lifestyle
what are the reasons for death rate in stage 3
medical improvements, better quality and quantity of food, better sanitation and so increased availability of clean water
what are some countries in stage 4
UK, USA, Canada
what is the birth rate like in stage 4
continues to fall slowly
what is the death rate like in stage 4
it remains low
what is the total population like in stage 4
levels off
what are the reasons for the birth rate in stage 4
increased availability of contraception, lower infant mortality rate so no need for insurance births, female emancipation, urbanisation so children become and economic burden, people prefer to spend money on lifestyle
reasons for the death rate in stage 4
medical improvements, better quality food, better sanitation so increased availability of clean water
what are some countries in stage 5
Russia, Japan, Italy, France
what is the birth rate like in stage 5
it continues to decline slowly and falls below death rate
what is the death rate like in stage 5
it increases slightly and goes above birth rate
what is the total population like in stage 5
it starts to decline
what are the reasons for birth rate in stage 5
women are in high powered jobs and a number choose to remain childless
what are the reasons for death rate in stage 5
an ageing population