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the impulse to use our own cultural norms to judge the cultural beliefs and practices of others
ethnographic fieldwork
research strategy that involves living and interacting with a community of people over an extended period
worldwide intensification of interactions and increased movement of money, people, goods, and ideas
time-space compression
rapid innovation of communication and transportation technologies that transform how people look at distance and time
flexible accumulation
increasingly flexible strategies that corporations use to accumulate profits enabled by innovative communication and transportation technologies
system of knowledge, beliefs, patterns of behavior, artifacts, and institutions that are created, learned, shares and contested by a group of people
ideas or rules about how people should behave in particular situations or toward certain other people
fundamental beliefs about what is important, what makes a good life, and what is true, right, and beautiful
anything that represents something else
mental map of reality
cultural classifications of what kinds of people and things exist, and the assignment of meaning to those classifications
the process of learning culture
unilinear cultual evolution
theory proposed by 19th century anthropologists that all cultures naturally evolve through the same sequence of stages from simple to complex
structural functionalism
conceptual framework positing that each element of society serves a particular function to keep the entire system in equilibrium
the ability or potential to bring about change through action or influence
the division of society into ranked groups based on factors like wealth, education, and power
the ability of a dominant group to create consent and agreement within a population without the use of threat or force
cultural relativism
understanding a groups beliefs and practices within their own cultural context, without making judgements
critical self-examination of the role anthropologists play and an awareness that one’s identity affect’s ones fieldwork and theoretical analyses
linguistic relativity
notion that all languages will develop the distinctive categories necessary for those who speak them to deal with the realities around them
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
idea that different languages create different ways of thinking
A nonstandard variation of a language
language ideology
beliefs and conceptions about language that often serve to rationalize and justify patterns of stratification and inequality
code switching
switching back and forth between one linguistic variant and and another depending on the cultural context
flawed system of classification, with no biological basis, that uses certain physical characteristics to divide the human population into supposedly discrete groups
individuals thoughts and actions and institutional patterns and policies that create or reproduce unequal access to power, privilege, resources and opportunities based on imagined differences among groups
white supremacy
belief that white people are biologically different from and superior to people of other races
culturally constructed concept originating in 1691 Virginia designed to establish clear boundaries of who is white and who is not, a process central to the formation of U.S. racial stratification
“one drop of blood rule” assignment of racially “mixed” unions to the subordinate group
process of categorizing, differentiating, and attributing a particular racial character to a person or group of people
individual racism
personal prejudiced beliefs and discriminatory actions based on race
institutional racism
patterns by which racial inequality is structured through key cultural institutions, policies, and systems
racial ideology
set of popular ideas about race that allows the discriminatory behaviors of individuals and institutions to seem reasonable, rational, and normal
unmarked category
white, male, middle class