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Explain the cognitive approach for GAD See course pack pg 18 Explain classical conditioning of phobias Let's say there is a dog that is the unconditioned stimulus, however it bites it then it becomes the unconditioned response because it leads to pain. So when there are any dogs around, the conditioned stimulus is a new dog. The new conditioned response is to fear the new dog. What is systematic desensitization in terms of specific phobias? It's where you learn relaxation skills, create a fear hierarchy (see coure pack pg 12) and to comfort feared situations. Relaxation is incompatible with fear. What are the 3 types of treatments for phobias? Systematic desensitization, flooding and modeling What are the 3 different types of systematic desensitization? In vivo desensitization which is facing your fears live, covert desensitization which is facing your fears by an imaginal situation and the new approach which is facing your fears by virtual reality. What is flooding? It is where you are facing your fears by being forced non gradually so you get exposure What is modeling? It's where your therapist confronts the feared object and the client watches What is the key success to beating phobias Research supports there treatment and the key to success is actual contact with feared object or situation What is the treatment for agoraphobia? Exposure. The therapist helps the client go farther and farther from their homes. However, often for agoraphobia it's a partial recovery and relapse is pretty common. What are the characteristics of Social Anxiety Disorder? Anxiety in social situations, it often begins in childhood, worried about being judged, they see themselves as “bad performers”. What are the symptoms of social anxiety disorder? Negative thoughts, feeling embarrassed in social situations, various physical reactions, avoidance of if they can't avoid they use their “safety behaviours.” What is the cognitive perspective as to what causes Social Anxiety Disorder? The theory is that they have self defeating beliefs which are just cognitive distortions. The thought is that they set unrealistic high social standards. They also think that they are “unattractive and socially unskilled” What is the treatment for social anxiety disorder? To do cbt therapy where you change your thoughts and beliefs, exposure to uncomfortable social situations, social skills/ assertiveness training. Treatment often includes using antidepressants but therapy is as effective as meds and it's less likely to cause a relapse. What are the characteristics of panic disorder? Panic attacks are periodic and they are unpredictable. There is often worry about having another attack. The fears are that they are going crazy, going to die, and fear of losing control. What are the symptoms of panic disorder? Extreme physical sensations and the panic attack peaks rapidly, it starts to diminish after around 5-10 minutes. According to the biological perspective, what causes panic disorder? The theory is that it is caused by irregular norepinephrine activity. What is the treatment for panic disorder based on the biological perspective? Antidepressants and benzodiazepines. To learn to break the cycle of attack, the anticipation and fear. Combination treatment is best meaning meds and therapy is highly recommended. According to the cognitive approach, what causes panic disorder? The theory is that one is overly sensitive to certain bodily sensations like anxiety sensitivity. Misinterpret: signs of medical catastrophe. What is the treatment for panic disorder based on the cognitive approach? To have accurate interpretations, interactive exposure which is the biological challenge procedure (like running in place to get your heart rate up to realize that when your heart rate is up it doesn't mean you're going to have an attack) and relaxation and breathing techniques. What are the characteristics of Obsessive compulsive disorder? Obsessions which are intrusive, foreign and persistent. If you try to resist the obsessions it causes a lot of anxiety. Compulsions which develop rituals and they are unreasonable. They know it is unreasonable but they fear terrible results and the compulsions also cause temporary relief from anxiety. According to the Behavioural perspective, what causes OCD? Compulsions which reduce anxiety in this cause the behaviours are learnt. What is the treatment for OCD based on the behavioral perspective? Exposure and response prevention. You experience the anxiety while resisting doing the ritual According to the Cognitive perspective, what causes OCD? The thought is to try to neutralize “bad” thoughts but it fails. What is the treatment for OCD based on the cognitive perspective? To identify and change distorted cognitions. CBT therapy is better than cognitive or behavioural therapy According to the Biological perspective, what causes OCD? It's thought to be because of an abnormal serotonin activity and or brain structure and functioning. It takes place in the orbitofrontal cortex and caudate nuclei What is the treatment for OCD based on the biological perspective? It's antidepressants but also meds and cbt may be most effective What are the symptoms of Unipolar disorder? Low mood/ irritability (especially in children and adolescents), there's a loss of pleasure/ interest in activities they once enjoyed. Weight appetite and sleep patterns change, there is lethargy and agitation, fatigue problems with concentration and attention span and there's a possibility of suicidality. What are the different types of Unipolar disorder? Major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder which is just depression that's persistent but not as severe as major depressive disorder and double depression which is an alternation between major and persistent depression. According to the Biological perspective, what causes unipolar depression? Genetic factors play a role. Biochemical factors like serotonin and norepinephrine and also maybe dopamine play a role. What is the treatment for unipolar depression based on the biological perspective? Antidepressants and electro convulsive therapy (ECT) which is done on half of the brian According to the analytic/ dynamic perspective, what causes unipolar depression? The theory is that the death of a loved one causes a regression to the oral stage, and relationships lead to insecurity. What is the treatment for unipolar depression based on the analytic/ dynamic perspective To review past events and feelings According to the Behavioral perspective, what causes unipolar depression? The theory is that less rewards leads to more constructive behaviours. Researchers say that number of social rewards is very important What is the treatment for unipolar depression based on the Behavioral perspective The treatment is to increase pleasurable activities then reward the client with reward appropriate behaviours According to the cognitive perspective, what causes unipolar depression? Learn helplessness where you believe that you have no control over your life. There's the belief that there are also attributions. Internal attributions are global and stable. For example “it's all my fault (internal). I ruin everything (global) and I always will ((stable). Then there are better attributions. For example, “she had a role in this also (external), but I have been a jerk lately (specifically), and I don't usually act like that” (unstable). This is because of negative thinking which are becks 4 cognitive components What are becks 4 cognitive components? Maladaptive attitudes, cognitive triad, errors in thinking and automatic negative thoughts What is bipolar disorder? Its bouts of low depression and highs of mania which are extreme mood swings. Bipolar disorder usually starts in late adolescence and early adulthood, its onset usually begins between ages of 15-44 years. What are the five main areas of symptoms in mania? Emotional, motivational, behavioural, cognitive and physical Explain the two different kinds of bipolar disorder There is bipolar one, which is characterized by full manic and major depressive episodes. Then there is bipolar two which is characterized by hypomanic episodes which are less severe than bipolar one and also major depressive episodes that are also less severe than bipolar one. These can recur 4+ episodes in a year which we would call that rapid cycling. What is cyclothymic disorder? It is characterized by many periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depression. Symptoms must last 2+ years to be diagnosed and you experience periods of normal mood. However this disorder may progress to bipolar one According to the Biological perspective, what causes bipolar disorder? Genetic factors like you inherit a predisposition. So identical twins there is a 40% likelihood both twins would have bipolar disorder however, in fraternal twins there is only a 5-10% likelihood. According to the permission theory, what causes bipolar disorder? The theory is that low serotonin opens the door to mood disorder with norepinephrine. Depressed episodes are believed to be caused by low serotonin and low norepinephrine. However mania is believed to be caused by low serotonin but high norepinephrine. What is the treatment for bipolar disorder Lithium therapy which is very effective. 60% of patients with mania improve, but determining the correct dosage is difficult because too high a dosage in lithium can actually cause lithium intoxication which is poisoning. However, compliance is an issue that makes people not want to stay on it because it has lots of side effects like weight loss and some people don't like the side effects but there are also people who like the feeling of mania and do not want to take lithium to get rid of the mania.
flashcards Flashcard (11)
studied byStudied by 1 person
155 days ago
Explain the cognitive approach for GAD See course pack pg 18 Explain classical conditioning of phobias Let's say there is a dog that is the unconditioned stimulus, however it bites it then it becomes the unconditioned response because it leads to pain. So when there are any dogs around, the conditioned stimulus is a new dog. The new conditioned response is to fear the new dog. What is systematic desensitization in terms of specific phobias? It's where you learn relaxation skills, create a fear hierarchy (see coure pack pg 12) and to comfort feared situations. Relaxation is incompatible with fear. What are the 3 types of treatments for phobias? Systematic desensitization, flooding and modeling What are the 3 different types of systematic desensitization? In vivo desensitization which is facing your fears live, covert desensitization which is facing your fears by an imaginal situation and the new approach which is facing your fears by virtual reality. What is flooding? It is where you are facing your fears by being forced non gradually so you get exposure What is modeling? It's where your therapist confronts the feared object and the client watches What is the key success to beating phobias Research supports there treatment and the key to success is actual contact with feared object or situation What is the treatment for agoraphobia? Exposure. The therapist helps the client go farther and farther from their homes. However, often for agoraphobia it's a partial recovery and relapse is pretty common. What are the characteristics of Social Anxiety Disorder? Anxiety in social situations, it often begins in childhood, worried about being judged, they see themselves as “bad performers”. What are the symptoms of social anxiety disorder? Negative thoughts, feeling embarrassed in social situations, various physical reactions, avoidance of if they can't avoid they use their “safety behaviours.” What is the cognitive perspective as to what causes Social Anxiety Disorder? The theory is that they have self defeating beliefs which are just cognitive distortions. The thought is that they set unrealistic high social standards. They also think that they are “unattractive and socially unskilled” What is the treatment for social anxiety disorder? To do cbt therapy where you change your thoughts and beliefs, exposure to uncomfortable social situations, social skills/ assertiveness training. Treatment often includes using antidepressants but therapy is as effective as meds and it's less likely to cause a relapse. What are the characteristics of panic disorder? Panic attacks are periodic and they are unpredictable. There is often worry about having another attack. The fears are that they are going crazy, going to die, and fear of losing control. What are the symptoms of panic disorder? Extreme physical sensations and the panic attack peaks rapidly, it starts to diminish after around 5-10 minutes. According to the biological perspective, what causes panic disorder? The theory is that it is caused by irregular norepinephrine activity. What is the treatment for panic disorder based on the biological perspective? Antidepressants and benzodiazepines. To learn to break the cycle of attack, the anticipation and fear. Combination treatment is best meaning meds and therapy is highly recommended. According to the cognitive approach, what causes panic disorder? The theory is that one is overly sensitive to certain bodily sensations like anxiety sensitivity. Misinterpret: signs of medical catastrophe. What is the treatment for panic disorder based on the cognitive approach? To have accurate interpretations, interactive exposure which is the biological challenge procedure (like running in place to get your heart rate up to realize that when your heart rate is up it doesn't mean you're going to have an attack) and relaxation and breathing techniques. What are the characteristics of Obsessive compulsive disorder? Obsessions which are intrusive, foreign and persistent. If you try to resist the obsessions it causes a lot of anxiety. Compulsions which develop rituals and they are unreasonable. They know it is unreasonable but they fear terrible results and the compulsions also cause temporary relief from anxiety. According to the Behavioural perspective, what causes OCD? Compulsions which reduce anxiety in this cause the behaviours are learnt. What is the treatment for OCD based on the behavioral perspective? Exposure and response prevention. You experience the anxiety while resisting doing the ritual According to the Cognitive perspective, what causes OCD? The thought is to try to neutralize “bad” thoughts but it fails. What is the treatment for OCD based on the cognitive perspective? To identify and change distorted cognitions. CBT therapy is better than cognitive or behavioural therapy According to the Biological perspective, what causes OCD? It's thought to be because of an abnormal serotonin activity and or brain structure and functioning. It takes place in the orbitofrontal cortex and caudate nuclei What is the treatment for OCD based on the biological perspective? It's antidepressants but also meds and cbt may be most effective What are the symptoms of Unipolar disorder? Low mood/ irritability (especially in children and adolescents), there's a loss of pleasure/ interest in activities they once enjoyed. Weight appetite and sleep patterns change, there is lethargy and agitation, fatigue problems with concentration and attention span and there's a possibility of suicidality. What are the different types of Unipolar disorder? Major depressive disorder, persistent depressive disorder which is just depression that's persistent but not as severe as major depressive disorder and double depression which is an alternation between major and persistent depression. According to the Biological perspective, what causes unipolar depression? Genetic factors play a role. Biochemical factors like serotonin and norepinephrine and also maybe dopamine play a role. What is the treatment for unipolar depression based on the biological perspective? Antidepressants and electro convulsive therapy (ECT) which is done on half of the brian According to the analytic/ dynamic perspective, what causes unipolar depression? The theory is that the death of a loved one causes a regression to the oral stage, and relationships lead to insecurity. What is the treatment for unipolar depression based on the analytic/ dynamic perspective To review past events and feelings According to the Behavioral perspective, what causes unipolar depression? The theory is that less rewards leads to more constructive behaviours. Researchers say that number of social rewards is very important What is the treatment for unipolar depression based on the Behavioral perspective The treatment is to increase pleasurable activities then reward the client with reward appropriate behaviours According to the cognitive perspective, what causes unipolar depression? Learn helplessness where you believe that you have no control over your life. There's the belief that there are also attributions. Internal attributions are global and stable. For example “it's all my fault (internal). I ruin everything (global) and I always will ((stable). Then there are better attributions. For example, “she had a role in this also (external), but I have been a jerk lately (specifically), and I don't usually act like that” (unstable). This is because of negative thinking which are becks 4 cognitive components What are becks 4 cognitive components? Maladaptive attitudes, cognitive triad, errors in thinking and automatic negative thoughts What is bipolar disorder? Its bouts of low depression and highs of mania which are extreme mood swings. Bipolar disorder usually starts in late adolescence and early adulthood, its onset usually begins between ages of 15-44 years. What are the five main areas of symptoms in mania? Emotional, motivational, behavioural, cognitive and physical Explain the two different kinds of bipolar disorder There is bipolar one, which is characterized by full manic and major depressive episodes. Then there is bipolar two which is characterized by hypomanic episodes which are less severe than bipolar one and also major depressive episodes that are also less severe than bipolar one. These can recur 4+ episodes in a year which we would call that rapid cycling. What is cyclothymic disorder? It is characterized by many periods of hypomanic symptoms and mild depression. Symptoms must last 2+ years to be diagnosed and you experience periods of normal mood. However this disorder may progress to bipolar one According to the Biological perspective, what causes bipolar disorder? Genetic factors like you inherit a predisposition. So identical twins there is a 40% likelihood both twins would have bipolar disorder however, in fraternal twins there is only a 5-10% likelihood. According to the permission theory, what causes bipolar disorder? The theory is that low serotonin opens the door to mood disorder with norepinephrine. Depressed episodes are believed to be caused by low serotonin and low norepinephrine. However mania is believed to be caused by low serotonin but high norepinephrine. What is the treatment for bipolar disorder Lithium therapy which is very effective. 60% of patients with mania improve, but determining the correct dosage is difficult because too high a dosage in lithium can actually cause lithium intoxication which is poisoning. However, compliance is an issue that makes people not want to stay on it because it has lots of side effects like weight loss and some people don't like the side effects but there are also people who like the feeling of mania and do not want to take lithium to get rid of the mania.
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155 days ago
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