Results for "political power"


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17 days ago
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29 days ago
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33 days ago
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36 days ago
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54 days ago
Nicolaus Copernicus • Made Heliocentric Theory- Star, the earth and other planets rotate around the sun Galileo Galilei • Built telescope • Proved the heliocentric theory • Faced inquisition and recanted his work Issac Newton • Made Law of Universal Gravitation •  All physical object are affected equally by the same forces • The same forces rule the motion of the planets and all matter in earth and space Rene Descartes • Wrote “discourse on method” • Made his own scientific method- scientific study should be done using deductive reasoning to test hypothesis Enlightenment- Stressed reason and thought and the power of individual to solve problems  Philosophes • The 5 concepts of their core belief were reason, nature, happiness, progress and liberty Thomas Hobbes • Convinced people were naturally selfish and wicked • Felt governments were needed to keep order  • Like the idea of the social contract Social Contract • Strong government is needed to keep citizens under control • People gave up rights to a strong leader in exchange for law and order • Hobbes felt that an absolute monarchy was the best form of government  John Locke • Believed people could learn from  experience and improvement of himself • They had the natural ability to govern their own affairs and look after the welfare of society • Believed in everyone is born with natural rights of life liberty and property • Gov is based on the consent of the governed • Believed government had the responsibility to provide these rights and people had the power to overthrow it Natural Rights- Everyone is born with basic rights that nobody (monarchy) can take Voltaire • Used satire • Targeted the clergy, upper class and government  • Fought for tolerance, freedom of religion belief and freedom of speech Montesquieu • Believed in Separation of Power because would keep any individual from gaining total control • Executive: British king and his minster • Legislative: Parliament • Judicial: The judges Rousseau • Believed civilization corrupts people's natural goodness • Wrote the “Social Contract” • Government wa an agreement among free india; to create a society and government (NOT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PEOPLE AND GOVERNMENT) WOMEN IN ENLIGHTENMENT • Philosophes took a traditional view on the role of women • Rousseau believed a woman’s education should be to prepare her to be a wife and mother • Other males scolded women for reading, that it could cause wickedness • Wealthy women held social gatherings called salons to spread the ideas of the enlightenment Mary Wollstonecraft • argued in favor of educating women, urged women to enter male dominated fields  ROYALS
Fredrick ll of Prussia • Granted religious tolerance • Reduced the amount of torture • Allowed freedom from the press Catherine the Great of Russia • Created national school system • Brought in all nobles and townspeople for convention on how to improve russia and modernize it The Old regime- a system of feudalism left over from the middle ages THREE ESTATES The First Estate  • Roman catholic church • Owned 10% of the land • Paid 2% f their income to government Second estate • Nobility • 2% f population • Owned 20% of the land • Paid almost no tax The Third Estate • 98% of the population Bourgeoise • Merchants,doctors and professionals • Well educated and wealthy • Believed strongly in the enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality  Workers • cooks, servants, factory workers, and etc • Paid low wages and were often out of work\ Peasants • 80% of population •  paid half of their income to the nobles,church and to the king  Start of revolution Factors leading to revolution- resentment of the first and second estate Legacy of the enlightenment • People were willing to question longstanding notions about society  Economic woes • High taxes and increase in cost of living • Bad weather leading to crop failures • Government debt Louis VI and Marie Antoinette • Lovis had been forced to call a meeting of the Estates General to get approval for tax reform  • Third estate, has little voice • Third estate created a new body to pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people • end of the absolute monarchy and beginning of representatives government. Tennis Court Oath • National Assembly was locked out of their chambers  • Broke into the indoor tennis court, signed a pledge that they would remain there until they’d written a new constitution  Storming of Bastille • in 1789 • Rumors spread that the kings was bringing Swiss Guards to paris to put down unrest • Bastille was a prison and an arsenal in Paris The Great Fear • Peasants took arms against the nobles  • People marched on versailles demanding that the royal family be brought to paris where they coil be closely observed  Revolution Terror and Empire The Jacobins • A radical political group • Called for “five or six” hundred head cut off to rid france of the enemies of the Revolution • Found Louis XVI guilty for treason and had him guillotine Maximilien Robespierre • Led the jacobins in the effort to rid france of all trace of monarchy and nobility • Gathered enough power to rule france in the style of a dictator  The Reign of Terror • Revolutionary courts sent thousands to their death for the crime of being an enemy of state  • 85% of the executed were peasants or urban poor n • Placed powerThe terror ended with execution of Robespierre himself  Napoleon Start of Napolean  • the death of Robespierre ended the terror • They were looking for stability • New  Constitution in upper middle class • Appointed napoleon to command france armies COUP D’ETAT • By 1799 the director had lost control • Napoleon quickly assumed dictatorial power as the first consul of the French Republic  New Economy and Faith • Set up a fair tax code and national band • Fired corrupt official and appointed new ones  • Created public schools Napoleanic Code • Uniform set of laws that brought stability eliminated injustices • Women lost rights • Freedom of speech restricted • Slavery was restored Church and Government • Rejected church control on national affairs and allowed govt to appoint church leaders Rebellion of Saint Dominque • Loss of his colonies napoleon gave up the idea of having a empire in the new world Louisiana Purchase • Sell claim to North America to raise cash Napoleon Power over eEurope • Napoleon crushed all enemies in europe • By 1810 Napoleon indirectly control almost all europe Invasion on russia  • Napoleon decided to invade russia with 2 million soldiers • Napoleon pursued russians toward capital russians burned everything behind them • Napoleon retreated leaving  with 10000 left End of napoleon • gave up the thrown • Was given a small pension and sent on the island of Elba Hundred days • Napoleon named emperor • Powers of europe were not going to let it happen • Waterloo War and French loss Final Exile • St. Helena- A remote island in the South Atlantic  Haitian Revolution Haiti • Became the second independent nation state in western Hemisphere • Site of largest successful slave revolt in history Saint Dominque (haiti) • The richest french colony • 40% of the worlds sugar and 60% of the coffee Grand Blances • Wealthy plantation owner • Merchants and lawyer • Held political power Petite Blances •  Poor whites • Little political power Gens de Couleur Libres • Free people of color, many of mixed race • Their political power varied according to the land they owned and the wealth they controlled • In contention with the petits blancs Slaves • Extremely harsh treatment of slaves caused high mortality and low fertility rates • Led to constant importation of slaves from Africa (40,000/year) People in Saint Domingue heard of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and revolution in France The Haiti Revolution  • The National Assembly gave full citizenship based on property and wealth instead of race • Fighting began between the petits blancs and the gens de couleur • Slaves across plantations joined together and the rebellion spread across the colony Spain and Britain attempted to weaken French presence on the island French Abolish Slavery Revolutionary armies in Haiti join with French to fight against the British and Spanish Toussaint Louverture • Organized and led slave rebellions • As governor • Constitution of 1801 • Abolished slavery • Santo Domingo remains French • Toussaint Louverture = Governor General for life Napoleon sent an Army to Reconquer St. Domingue • Massive French casualties • Haitian Independence, 1804 ◦ Jean Jacques Dessaline ▪ Lead Haitian revolutionaries to victories over French troops ▪ Dessalines declared emperor  Latin American Revolutions  Roots of the Revolution • Rigid social structure • Ideas of the Enlightenment and other revolutions Gradual weakening of the Spanish Empire Social hierarchy  • Peninsulares ◦ Colonist who were born in Spain or Portugal • Creoles ◦ Colonists born in the Americas of ethnic Spanish or Portuguese descent • Mestizo ◦ Colonists born in the Americas to ethnically European and Native American parents Spanish South America • Local Juntas (government) of Creoles declare independence from Spain • Peninsulares rally support for the Spanish crown Simón Bolívar • Creole • Liberal / Conservative, wanted to keep the social order, just with Creoles in charge • Eventually supported abolition of slavery to gain more troops • Bolivar’s army defeats loyalists in the North and moves south towards Peru José de San Martín • Peninsulare • Victorious in the South pushes North towards Peru Guayaquil Conference • Bolivar declared head of revolution, San Martin retires Final Independence and Outcome • Ideal of creating united Spanish South America • Bolivar elected president • Limited Democracies formed in new nations • Caudillos (A military or political leader) ◦ Local strongmen come to power • Slavery abolished, but issues of race remain Brazil • King Joao VI flees Portugal and sets up court in Brazil, goes home in 1821 • Prince Pedro left in charge of Brazil Independance • Brazilians noticed revolutions in Spanish colonies • Resentment of Portuguese economic power and social system • Pedro I declared emperor of independent Brazil Pedro I • Emperor  • Opposed slavery • Attempts to limit slavery result in Pedro abdicating (resigning) • Slavery continues in Brazil until 1888 • Last emperor Pedro II overthrown in 1889 Mexico • Creoles want to rebel against the king, Peninsulares loyal and brutally enforce their power • Severe food shortages and inflation • 3 phases in revolution Phase 1 • Mestizo and Native Americans see all rich white Mexicans as the problem • Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, creole ◦ Leads a ragged army ◦ Hidalgo and rebels defeated by united Peninsulares and Creoles, Hidalgo executed Phase 2 • Jose Maria Morelos takes over • Declares independence, and writes constitution • Defeated and executed by loyalists Phase 3 • Spanish King forced to give up some power • Guerrilla rebels team up with Loyalist soldiers and declare independence • Mexico becomes independent republic in 1823 Outcomes • Revolutions leaves Mexico in disarray • Central America break off • Caudillo  ◦ Antonio Santa Anna comes to power • 1848 loss off 55% of Mexico to the US in Mexican American War
flashcards Flashcard (5)
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57 days ago
Scientific Revolution- Thought about the natural world based on careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs  Nicolaus Copernicus • Made Heliocentric Theory- Star, the earth and other planets rotate around the sun Galileo Galilei • Built telescope • Proved the heliocentric theory • Faced inquisition and recanted his work Issac Newton • Made Law of Universal Gravitation •  All physical object are affected equally by the same forces • The same forces rule the motion of the planets and all matter in earth and space Rene Descartes • Wrote “discourse on method” • Made his own scientific method- scientific study should be done using deductive reasoning to test hypothesis Enlightenment- Stressed reason and thought and the power of individual to solve problems  Philosophes • The 5 concepts of their core belief were reason, nature, happiness, progress and liberty Thomas Hobbes • Convinced people were naturally selfish and wicked • Felt governments were needed to keep order  • Like the idea of the social contract Social Contract • Strong government is needed to keep citizens under control • People gave up rights to a strong leader in exchange for law and order • Hobbes felt that an absolute monarchy was the best form of government  John Locke • Believed people could learn from  experience and improvement of himself • They had the natural ability to govern their own affairs and look after the welfare of society • Believed in everyone is born with natural rights of life liberty and property • Gov is based on the consent of the governed • Believed government had the responsibility to provide these rights and people had the power to overthrow it Natural Rights- Everyone is born with basic rights that nobody (monarchy) can take Voltaire • Used satire • Targeted the clergy, upper class and government  • Fought for tolerance, freedom of religion belief and freedom of speech Montesquieu • Believed in Separation of Power because would keep any individual from gaining total control • Executive: British king and his minster • Legislative: Parliament • Judicial: The judges Rousseau • Believed civilization corrupts people's natural goodness • Wrote the “Social Contract” • Government wa an agreement among free india; to create a society and government (NOT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PEOPLE AND GOVERNMENT) WOMEN IN ENLIGHTENMENT  • Philosophes took a traditional view on the role of women • Rousseau believed a woman’s education should be to prepare her to be a wife and mother • Other males scolded women for reading, that it could cause wickedness • Wealthy women held social gatherings called salons to spread the ideas of the enlightenment Mary Wollstonecraft • argued in favor of educating women, urged women to enter male dominated fields  ROYALS
Fredrick ll of Prussia • Granted religious tolerance • Reduced the amount of torture • Allowed freedom from the press Catherine the Great of Russia • Created national school system • Brought in all nobles and townspeople for convention on how to improve russia and modernize it FRENCH REVOLUTION The Old regime- a system of feudalism left over from the middle ages THREE ESTATES The First Estate  • Roman catholic church • Owned 10% of the land • Paid 2% f their income to government Second estate • Nobility • 2% f population • Owned 20% of the land • Paid almost no tax The Third Estate • 98% of the population Bourgeoise • Merchants,doctors and professionals • Well educated and wealthy • Believed strongly in the enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality  Workers • cooks, servants, factory workers, and etc • Paid low wages and were often out of work\ Peasants • 80% of population •  paid half of their income to the nobles,church and to the king  Start of revolution Factors leading to revolution- resentment of the first and second estate Legacy of the enlightenment • People were willing to question longstanding notions about society  Economic woes • High taxes and increase in cost of living • Bad weather leading to crop failures • Government debt Louis VI and Marie Antoinette • Lovis had been forced to call a meeting of the Estates General to get approval for tax reform  • Third estate, has little voice • Third estate created a new body to pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people • end of the absolute monarchy and beginning of representatives government. Tennis Court Oath • National Assembly was locked out of their chambers  • Broke into the indoor tennis court, signed a pledge that they would remain there until they’d written a new constitution  Storming of Bastille • in 1789 • Rumors spread that the kings was bringing Swiss Guards to paris to put down unrest • Bastille was a prison and an arsenal in Paris The Great Fear • Peasants took arms against the nobles  • People marched on versailles demanding that the royal family be brought to paris where they coil be closely observed  Revolution Terror and Empire The Jacobins • A radical political group • Called for “five or six” hundred head cut off to rid france of the enemies of the Revolution • Found Louis XVI guilty for treason and had him guillotine Maximilien Robespierre • Led the jacobins in the effort to rid france of all trace of monarchy and nobility • Gathered enough power to rule france in the style of a dictator  The Reign of Terror • Revolutionary courts sent thousands to their death for the crime of being an enemy of state  • 85% of the executed were peasants or urban poor n • Placed powerThe terror ended with execution of Robespierre himself  Napoleon Start of Napolean  • the death of Robespierre ended the terror • They were looking for stability • New  Constitution in upper middle class • Appointed napoleon to command france armies COUP D’ETAT • By 1799 the director had lost control • Napoleon quickly assumed dictatorial power as the first consul of the French Republic  New Economy and Faith • Set up a fair tax code and national band • Fired corrupt official and appointed new ones  • Created public schools Napoleanic Code • Uniform set of laws that brought stability eliminated injustices • Women lost rights • Freedom of speech restricted • Slavery was restored Church and Government • Rejected church control on national affairs and allowed govt to appoint church leaders Rebellion of Saint Dominque • Loss of his colonies napoleon gave up the idea of having a empire in the new world Louisiana Purchase • Sell claim to North America to raise cash Napoleon Power over eEurope • Napoleon crushed all enemies in europe • By 1810 Napoleon indirectly control almost all europe Invasion on russia  • Napoleon decided to invade russia with 2 million soldiers • Napoleon pursued russians toward capital russians burned everything behind them • Napoleon retreated leaving  with 10000 left End of napoleon • gave up the thrown • Was given a small pension and sent on the island of Elba Hundred days • Napoleon named emperor • Powers of europe were not going to let it happen • Waterloo War and French loss Final Exile • St. Helena- A remote island in the South Atlantic  Haitian Revolution Haiti • Became the second independent nation state in western Hemisphere • Site of largest successful slave revolt in history Saint Dominque (haiti) • The richest french colony • 40% of the worlds sugar and 60% of the coffee Grand Blances • Wealthy plantation owner • Merchants and lawyer • Held political power Petite Blances •  Poor whites • Little political power Gens de Couleur Libres • Free people of color, many of mixed race • Their political power varied according to the land they owned and the wealth they controlled • In contention with the petits blancs Slaves • Extremely harsh treatment of slaves caused high mortality and low fertility rates • Led to constant importation of slaves from Africa (40,000/year) People in Saint Domingue heard of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and revolution in France The Haiti Revolution  • The National Assembly gave full citizenship based on property and wealth instead of race • Fighting began between the petits blancs and the gens de couleur • Slaves across plantations joined together and the rebellion spread across the colony Spain and Britain attempted to weaken French presence on the island French Abolish Slavery Revolutionary armies in Haiti join with French to fight against the British and Spanish Toussaint Louverture • Organized and led slave rebellions • As governor • Constitution of 1801 • Abolished slavery • Santo Domingo remains French • Toussaint Louverture = Governor General for life Napoleon sent an Army to Reconquer St. Domingue • Massive French casualties • Haitian Independence, 1804 ◦ Jean Jacques Dessaline ▪ Lead Haitian revolutionaries to victories over French troops ▪ Dessalines declared emperor  Latin American Revolutions  Roots of the Revolution • Rigid social structure • Ideas of the Enlightenment and other revolutions Gradual weakening of the Spanish Empire Social hierarchy  • Peninsulares ◦ Colonist who were born in Spain or Portugal • Creoles ◦ Colonists born in the Americas of ethnic Spanish or Portuguese descent • Mestizo ◦ Colonists born in the Americas to ethnically European and Native American parents Spanish South America • Local Juntas (government) of Creoles declare independence from Spain • Peninsulares rally support for the Spanish crown Simón Bolívar • Creole • Liberal / Conservative, wanted to keep the social order, just with Creoles in charge • Eventually supported abolition of slavery to gain more troops • Bolivar’s army defeats loyalists in the North and moves south towards Peru José de San Martín • Peninsulare • Victorious in the South pushes North towards Peru Guayaquil Conference • Bolivar declared head of revolution, San Martin retires Final Independence and Outcome • Ideal of creating united Spanish South America • Bolivar elected president • Limited Democracies formed in new nations • Caudillos (A military or political leader) ◦ Local strongmen come to power • Slavery abolished, but issues of race remain Brazil • King Joao VI flees Portugal and sets up court in Brazil, goes home in 1821 • Prince Pedro left in charge of Brazil Independance • Brazilians noticed revolutions in Spanish colonies • Resentment of Portuguese economic power and social system • Pedro I declared emperor of independent Brazil Pedro I • Emperor  • Opposed slavery • Attempts to limit slavery result in Pedro abdicating (resigning) • Slavery continues in Brazil until 1888 • Last emperor Pedro II overthrown in 1889 Mexico • Creoles want to rebel against the king, Peninsulares loyal and brutally enforce their power • Severe food shortages and inflation • 3 phases in revolution Phase 1 • Mestizo and Native Americans see all rich white Mexicans as the problem • Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, creole ◦ Leads a ragged army ◦ Hidalgo and rebels defeated by united Peninsulares and Creoles, Hidalgo executed Phase 2 • Jose Maria Morelos takes over • Declares independence, and writes constitution • Defeated and executed by loyalists Phase 3 • Spanish King forced to give up some power • Guerrilla rebels team up with Loyalist soldiers and declare independence • Mexico becomes independent republic in 1823 Outcomes • Revolutions leaves Mexico in disarray • Central America break off • Caudillo  ◦ Antonio Santa Anna comes to power • 1848 loss off 55% of Mexico to the US in Mexican American War
flashcards Flashcard (5)
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57 days ago
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61 days ago
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82 days ago
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157 days ago
1+2 Vocab AP Gt to limit the powers of the other branches in order to prevent abuse of power Republicanism the belief that government should be based on the consent of the people Bicameral 2 houses Elite Democracy A political system in which the privileged classes acquire the power to decide by a competition for the people's votes and have substantial freedom between elections to rule as they see fit. Federalism A system in which power is divided between the national and state governments Pluralist democracy citizen membership in groups is the key to political power Amendemant An official change is a legal document What are enumerated powers? Powers specifically given to Congress in the Constitution. What are examples of enumerated powers? Examples include the power to collect taxes, coin money, regulate foreign and interstate commerce, and declare war. Bill of attainder a law that punishes a person accused of a crime without a trial or a fair hearing in court Virginia Plan (large state plan) Representation based on population.(A strong national government with Legislative, judicial and executive branches. New Jersey Plan(Smaller states) Unicameral legislature with equal representation for all states. Necessary and Popular cause Authorized congress to make any laws require to carry out its powers. Politics Method of maintaining, managing, and gaining control of government (who gets what, when, and how) Implied powers Powers that allow Congress to carry out its functions that aren't specifically stated in the constitution. Ex post facto a law that makes an act criminal although the act was legal when it was committed 3/5 compromise the decision at the Constitutional convention to count slaves as 3/5 of a person for the purpose of deciding the population and determining how many seats each state would have in Congress Supremacy Clause Federal law is supreme over state law Government the ruling institution for a community(Society) consitutional republic Representatives are elected to serve in office Republic A form of government in which the people select representatives to govern them and make laws. Unalienable rights life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness(Cannot be taken)
flashcards Flashcard (35)
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192 days ago
The Silk Road: A network of ancient trade routes connecting Europe, China and the Mediterranean Sea, facilitating cultural and economic exchange. Mercantilism: An economic system where the government controls trade and accumulates wealth through a favorable balance of trade, often through colonies. Capitalism: An economic system where private individuals or corporations own the means of production and operate for profit in competitive markets. Columbian Exchange (Grand Exchange): The widespread exchange of plants, animals, goods, diseases, and ideas between the Old World (Europe, Africa, Asia) and the New World (Americas) after Christopher Columbus's voyages. European motivations for imperialism & neo-imperialism: Desire for resources, new markets, political power, cultural superiority, and strategic dominance. European motivations for exploration: Seeking new trade routes to Asia, spreading Christianity, gaining glory, and acquiring wealth through discovery. European motivations for colonialism: Establishing settlements abroad to exploit resources, assert dominance, and spread European culture and governance. Eurocentrism: Viewing the world from a European or Western perspective, often interpreting other cultures and histories in relation to Europe. Ethnocentrism: Evaluating other cultures according to the standards and values of one's own culture, often leading to a biased perspective. Economic imperialism: Economic dominance and control over regions or countries by powerful nations or corporations, often through indirect means like trade agreements or debt. Slave trade: The buying, selling, and transporting of human beings, especially Africans, as forced laborers to the Americas between the 16th and 19th centuries. Indentured labor: Contractual labor where a person agrees to work for a specified period (often several years) in exchange for transportation, food, housing, and other benefits. Child labor: The employment of children in any work that deprives them of their childhood, potential, dignity, and is harmful to physical and mental development. Depopulation: Significant reduction in the population of a region or country, often due to disease, war, or forced migration. Colonization of India: British control and exploitation of India from the 18th to 20th centuries, resulting in political, economic, and cultural dominance. Mahatma Gandhi: Leader of the Indian independence movement against British rule, known for his philosophy of nonviolent resistance (Satyagraha). Apartheid: System of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination in South Africa enforced by the government from 1948 to 1994. Rwanda: A country in East Africa known for the 1994 genocide where Hutu extremists killed an estimated 800,000 Tutsis and moderate Hutus. Colonization in Canada: European settlement and control over indigenous lands in what is now Canada, leading to displacement, cultural suppression, and conflict. Treatment of indigenous peoples in Canada: Historic and ongoing issues including land dispossession, forced assimilation, and social marginalization of indigenous populations. African Scramble: The rapid colonization and division of Africa by European powers during the late 19th century, motivated by resource extraction and strategic control. Forces Driving Colonization: Economic motives (resources, trade), political competition (power and influence), religious zeal (spreading Christianity), and cultural superiority (ethnocentrism).
flashcards Flashcard (47)
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242 days ago


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