Results for "net migration"


flashcards Flashcard (6)
studied byStudied by 1 person
63 days ago
1. Know the terms you were introduced to in this chapter. Memorization of definitions is not the goal, but good use and understanding of these terms is. 2. Know the following calculations: · Net Migration · Population Growth rate · Natural Increase · Death rate · Dependency Load · Lifespan 3. a. What is Canada’s dependency load (percentage)? How do you know. Show your calculations. b. What is the dependency load of a nation like Kenya? Prove with facts and calculations. 4. Know the various ways people can migrate to Canada. Be able to provide INFORMED opinions about these programs – how many come through each program per year, the pros and cons of Canada’s immigration system, etc. 5. Know how the immigration points system works. You will likely be given a scenario on the test and you’ll need to make the point calculation. You do NOT need to memorize the points chart – I’ll provide it J 6. Know WHERE immigrants settle in Canada. Be familiar with the percentages. Why in these places? 7. Know push and pull factors and how they apply to immigration. 8. Russia, as many eastern European nations, has a negative population growth rate. What does that mean? Why is it a concern? Why is this happening, and what is Russia trying to do about it. What do you think should be done? 9.Be able to read and make sense of graphs. What are they telling you, what PATTERNS and TRENDS do you notice? What does that mean for the future of Canada? the world? INQUIRY” What further QUESTIONS arise when studying the graph? REMEMBER to answer EFFEECTIVELY – draw on facts. I don’t know what you know, only what you demonstrate. When you answer, consider this: Statement – level 1 Explanation – level 2 Example – level 3 Conclusion and further inquiry – level 4 Global Population, Density, and Distribution Chapter 11 & 1 Review Chapter 11 summarized by Hans Rosling: Global Population 1. Know the terms from 11. Remember, you do not need to memorize definitions, but you should know the concepts and what these terms mean in context. Part of demonstrating geographic knowledge is good use of geographic terms. 2. Know the information from the Don’t Panic, the Truth about Population presentation by Hans Rosling. If needed, watch it again. 3. Know the pre-transition, early transition, late transition and post transition stages of Demographic Transition Model. What is happening in each stage? What nations would be in each transition stage? What stage is the world in now? Where will it be in 2100? Where is Canada currently? How do you know? 4. How can poverty be defined? What are key ways in which the world can move people out of extreme poverty? 5. THINKING: If Canada implemented a one-child policy like China did for 30 years, what would be the demographic impact on our nation? Would it be positive? Negative? Both? 6. What will be the main challenges the world will face over the next 80 years? How can Canada improve and help so that we face these challenges with success? 7. Be familiar with stats like Life Expectancy, Infant and Child Mortality, Fertility Rates, Literacy Rates, and how they 8. Be able to interpret population pyramids and graphs, understand them and apply the information. 9. Be able to read an Our World in Data graph, understanding both x and y axis and the connections between data points. Chapter 1: Canada’s Population Patterns. 1. Know the terms & concepts from this chapter 2. Why is Canada’s population distribution so uneven? Why do people live where they do? List and describe the five main factors. 3. What is population density, and how is it calculated? Why is this an important statistic? What does it tell us about nations? The world?
flashcards Flashcard (18)
studied byStudied by 0 people
274 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (74)
studied byStudied by 4 people
549 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (74)
studied byStudied by 1 person
552 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (6)
studied byStudied by 2 people
643 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (74)
studied byStudied by 1725 people
710 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (0)
studied byStudied by 6 people
871 days ago


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3 hours ago
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11 hours ago
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22 days ago