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than that I'nique. I think I would write a name and we cross the rental for past at do period, so like, it is us out of taking off or dealing with all of the logistics, so far, um you are still kind of getting devil or have anything else to figure out on terms of uh, just a piece adistration, conferences, anything else, uh, as usual, um, just, act and lecture or send me an email there's a few little things that I still working out, but hopefully to get settled for all of you. Um, last thing you just wanna say, thank you for your first discussion of us. They were just like specialasure read and, like, showed me how many different ways you're all being with us novel uh, and I now I like, oh, I wish you had another hour. I'm talking with this one. keep talking about it? um but we'll definitely touch on one of the things that you read in your post. today and when, um next week we're moving on to another reading, but we'll have your first conferences and that'll be a chance to talk about that kid's reading by all that really everything that we've discussed so far, so pull on to you all of these ideas that you're having. Okay, um, so today, we're gonna be a no happening, we're gonna talk about some of theorical contacts that can have us understand passing, like what's happening in the novel. Uh, and then we're gonna die further into the text of acting of what Laren is doing with this concept ofaba. Um, first, I just wanted to briefly touch on something that Irene referended in the novel, but that in this outside, it'sersen, using a novel so it references Comicorn, a little piece of history. We have I read thinking at one point, when she's worrying about Claire and correct and she's becoming, uh, and the problem of playing becomes three of her husband Rob, said, what is Luc there? He, was under eight the eight, uh, at the time that Larson was writing, passing, the rhyler case was sort of like a recent new sensation or almost like a celebrity spectacle in New York City. um, and the reason that Irene refers to it in the novel is because of the he centered around a white man who is married to a black woman who could pass her wife. uh, and the question in the rhyment her face was was she has, or did her husband, in fact, already know that she would lack? Uh, I was had like a little brief synopsis of this thing, and they' li. uh up on my versus if you wanted to read more about this soon. a fascinating story. So, in 1921, a wealthy young white man named Kit Reinellander, met Alice Jones, who was working class an racial black women. Rein Linder, the ris guy only, did not like this relationship. the two elopes in 1924, and soon after, because Bryander was part of this aristocratic family, uh, the news paint it up and published a story titled Bradland's son, and Mary is the daughter of a color name. and this led to his father finding out about the marriage and forcing his son to file for an annullment, uh, and then there were all these purpose meetings that began. And in this suit, Kitinlanders side attempted to prove that Alice had to defauded Kit using sex to gain access to hisalth. And social position. um, and then this became, as I said, kind of a big news story and cultural identity that because the right of her family was sort of celebrated being of family and because there were so many intimate details here in the court in the news about their marriage and also about Alex, um and this currently pretty preceding into all. Alice, for her side, I had been single case. She admitted to be black and she insisted that Kip had been aware of it. um and in the end, some surprisingly for the moment of by the court decided in Alice's favor and three, that KI had actually known of her blackness all along, so he was not the victim of any thought. In this case, he was not at the woman who wasying about being white. It was her husband lying about his knowledge about it. And so this is like just another variation of all these birds, like convoluted situations that arose in the midst of the American conception with the color line with racial purity and with racial power. and this is like, you just like another piece of helpful background as we head back into the novel of our characters, um, in our case, player is passing the way, and her husband, John, as far as we know, up to a point, does not have any clue that clear is black. Um, and even though this is the setup, Larsen does something to sort of what, electrify us early on, when she sets the scene with strong balloon and drink the roof and the dressingla this web. Hello, was John's reading player. Um, and I' using that that meansalonate, he's using probably obviously a variation of a regial slarity and word, right? And so this immediately creates like, great confusion for Ine and perjury who are sitting there. uh, and Claire and quickly has to explain why husband is calling you that. Her black eyes let her down. Tell them here, why you call me eyes. The man chuckled, make up his eyes, not I madeless compelled acknowledgepleasantly. He explained, well, you see, it like this, when the first married she was white as well as white as a lily. But I did lay she's getting darker and darker. I tell her if she don't look out, she'll wake up one of these days and find she her and with Edward. Heared with laughter. Claire' ringing bell light laughing his then a little later on. My goodness Jack, what difference would it make it after all these years, you were to find out that I was more than she present color. The put out his hand and refudiating flame definite and final. Oh, no, he declared, nothing like that with me. I know you known, so far right, you can get that slack as you please as far as I concerned, since I know you no. I draw the line back, the open pen words in my family ever happen and never will. Okay, how does our protagonist Irene experience this scene and how does she feel watching it? Yes.. There's. I couldn't. She's sitting at the TV party, you just kind of watching me not even even a while, put the most. But I it upset me, she doesn't know if she can speak up without real very nature. Yes, so she's like having to her appearance, like like looking around and deep confusion and disments. down because like the translated almost like half rest and comments that Cla Gertrude pick up on because the three of them are passing, and you can kind of tell that Claire has a lost experience with it has a conversation because she had she handles it a lot better than Irene does, um, and yeah, if you see all this in totalal turmoil and it keeps out a little bit in intercom conversations. Yes, right, so you trying to be her cool, but they're always like it is irrepressibleomas the sense of way, what the hell is happening here in player like aA... Claire husband to explain why would she bring up that conversation in the I? If she, oh, my husband has absolutely no idea. just for me.ger to know that idea. Why folks think? Why? Why will 30 this? There so many different ideas? few folks in the French? What are you things are? why in the read I Pandora. And all the soation and friends or what we actually. there' exposition to us a reader and to having. Yes, okay, so right, so she's like doing this like to them, like, there is there is a context here for this. Okay, there's a lot of kids and I go, here, here, maybe just go there.. as well. I is trying up all theoth or like making joke from the. because people aren has that beatified for her because she spent all this time for this performance and. And now she does advantage of this route. she work in. Yes. making a joke of her husband, right? why would she create this situation to begin with? so there's a way in which, like, there are different audiences and she created an audience to watch it un full.. sounds like, I g said, oh, you should spot, you know, uh, fire, you layer in my one pass the approaches it is like, you know, those, you don't know, but whatever really you can dola is, so it's like almost like red flag or alarms or something like battery knock and probably at me like, oh my God, like they kind of like on the closed and like my love. They're like email and they like not, everything that happens to Claire because they share this identity, that it's all black men who are can't ask for life, like anything that happening, it is like, immediately there's an implication of what this means for the other in characters. Yes. all this field are sheets like player? because um, like the she wants sitting for a her, our players trying for. and the other player wants to like more hard I his life. um, and it it feels like he's like giving a little taste like this is time, whatever med. So, like, why don't you let me your like a little more psychling real life? Yes, right, so there in which, like, maybe she showing up and like, making a joke at these I' heard a thing that there's another way she's like look at my situation, like this I live in I, uh, but it's both, right, at the same time... This is my back that. I contin what as I Yes, right. She's doing this like dance and shifting the position, uh, by by creating this and this is really dangerous essentially situation, um and and letting her friends in on it. Um, and there is this sense, right that there is, you know, danger in the scene, there is ultimately something that disturbing, but one of the involved is that I may not progress is like this this knowing lap, right? that kind of comes over earth room too, um, because there's something absurd about watching the scene, um, at one point, like Irene's lips trembled almost arm full of, but she made a desperate effort to fight after disastrider laugh and succeeded, um, and then jumped down a little bit, she's looking at her from grocery clear littleressed down a for a. I mean wish there was brief size through she feared by her self comprolled thatiled toridge for her notating anger and in that indignation. So there's like laughter and there's anger and indignation. She had a weepingiety to shout at the manip her and you're sitting here surrounded by three black devils during the teeth. So it does seem, right? that there's a joke and on notolute. He is awake and he is so sure that he would never have a black person in his family or in his house, but in reality, he is sitting there and has a black life, he has the black daughter, and there are two other black men sitting in the are and yet, they all of these women that are just referred to, player, Irene, recru, and and Claara Marjorie, all look white. How are they black? you can turn off, right. Okay, so there's sense in which a appearance is not the only way in which raises being decided, right? That becomes very clear. You can look at way as player and somehow collect Yes. you know, like like slide when you have a conversation down with the blue and it said, like, oh, and players said, what I was large, you color. And he says, well, you know, like, that's not simply means I never not that. So it's not even having, like, that like, DNA more like, you know, that like, it's the not even like it's I I don't even know like what definition is anymore because documentaries is not about, you know, having the access here, you not having that, what countries like, oh, I don't care about how you look, I don't care about you know, what's what's your ancest, you like be somebody else and something like. Yeah, it's really confusing.ired it just that John Lulu by being away, he's so sure he would go, right? There was no way she was getting away with the one or two percent colors in this case, uh, right? Um, but something weird is going on with this definition. two are men and then weonse yet. I think we need lots of different maybe people compared to the John tell the version of of push of the media of excuses. So I think with the women is that someoundaries, here, um the and also I mean for help uh, like, that their response to the outage show and how Yeah, right there are like, so many different ways that race is playing has an identity, but also have like a legal construction and also as a maybe like cartoon characteristic of what blackness is.. I don't know for what like one rule decide, um, who who wasn't? One, but under the law, there was the more, where ne the color lion have already in identities that forces you into one or the other. Yes, so this is exactly where we're headed. This is the streaming I understand, yet how he got to this place in the 1920s, where there are three white open women and all of them are apparently black. In the 1920s, this idea that right even just a tiny percentage of black ancestry made a person black um was part of a law, right? So that is happening in all of these acts were regional integrity acts laws that are prostating American deceased, uh, including in 1984 in Virginia, uh laws like the Virginia racial Integrity act outlawedational marriage and defined a white person as someone who has no pri whatsoever of any one whether than not. Right? And what is that that talk about? Um, and then there are other laws that defined lackers that owned with any trace, right? It could be, 116, uh, a black ancestry remain on. At least kind of law were as they said, white friend across the US and they also extended our back into American history street, one of the first laws that to do this work of criminalizing racial effect on the marriage, uh and defining ways by this strange formula heredity was in 1652 in a specular event. Um we often think about race as something visible, and in any case, it was a uh, but here, right we're seeing that the in terms of the law, uh, we'reology with very technical, legal, and then often invisible ideas of race and of blackness. My question is, and this has already come out a little bit irresponses, but why would Americans come up with such a thing convoluted and frame and specific and some type invisible concepts of race? I? Okay, this is funny back to Elizabeth comment, right? This has to do with the history of Americans labvery. So to answer the session, we're going on a little detour as we as do, as that how my minders. Um, we're going to go back a little bit and think about American slavery and how it works as a racial and social system. Slavery created generations and generations of makes people because, despite all of this talk about the rigid color line, slaveholders systematically crossed. I said on Wednesday that Frosted season on Monday, that Crossing the color line, especially in terms of sexual relationships, what is dangerous and needed as that is true for lacking and sometimes for, and afterately we waited, put and did allwise really violently and systematically. What did this look like? In active events that slaveholders were continuallyaping and they sexual violence was an endemic feature of the system of American slavery. It was not a random event that I approved in some cases of kind. it was a structural part of the system of American slavery. And this kind of knew that sexual violence often led to the murder of a rac children. So when these children were born, they were not considered by their fathers to be their children, they were considered to be their properties, right? Because their mothers then laid those children were and his laid. So imagine as it is a you know, 300 plus year mystery of slavery at there time generations and generations of people who were enslaved and considered to be black, but who look more and more white. This can be really hard to visualize the fact because I need the race, like they shift in different comments, they' shipped at time, we have pretty visual idea of race in the present. Uh, but this these photos for me of us a little bit to understand this. um all of the children in these two photographs were bored into slavery and all of them are considered property and all of that were consideringat. But probably to our eyes, only one of these children as looks black. So when these image of showing us is, again, like a strangeness of racing America. It's really like the fiction of race, of problems of race. We have this idea of rigid color line and then we have this social world that totally always by it. It is like a central problemating America, and it is at part of our 20th as. But it is also at the heart of the first ever African American novelot. Closelle for private's daughter, and they are mostly life was published by a for Lady author William Wells Brown in the 1856, of Phil during safety. um, and it again, at the the first factor all, this very clearly had aitional novel. It's a novel, it's written, it's a perfect of showingagos sla reading the need to project. Uh, the fact that this is the first act there in novel is a good reminder for us that novels, whether they are written by our Americans or by other groups, have not really miss it. Novels are enired or so story different from the literature, how all existed, but novels did not become kind of a cohereric form of that are literature, uh of writing until about the 18th century in Western European culture and then they started to become a major feature of Western European culture, cultureuring art aircraft the 19th century. and writing novels have is like longer durraysans in which histori can take place, and there' group or multiple different kind of stories. This is not super important about us today we're gonna come back see the conduct a lot of this then. but uh this is an important for sit situation in the 20th century where novels aren't one important for getting this little detour we taking the 19th century. Okay. back tootap. Uh, what I said is for novel and it takes up this problem of race and the problem of passing as central issue. Um Some of you here a red hotels and you know that it's like, a very convoluted and melodramatic story. um so we're not gonna do aopsis of this if you're curious, go recoel. um, but it's not that if we' for our course. I just wanna briefly introduce you to a central character in enslaved woman name hotel. This isotel as sheears about your soul. The appearance of Plotel on oct in deep sensation amongst the crow. There she stood in the complexion as light as most of those who are waiting with the wish shouldn' not referisers. The auctionireized by saying that Miss Futel had been observed for the last because she was the most valuable. how much, generally? Well, we're m meant to understand here is that, first of all, the towels of white, that is that the hotel is specially valuable because she looks like, and third, that this value attached to looking weight is sexualized, right? We get this very congestive how less g with it. Um, and this idea that played women were lighter reflection, including white acting, had special sexual values, um, was, again, a feature of this is of American slavery. Because of her lacis and also the other values white and, uh, she is persecuted across this o, which leads to a fact and laborer. She attempts to esclavery, that she gets caught and rather than go back to her factors, she chooses to to wep off the bridge for herck. So this is an illustration of that. This is like hotels weep ack. What did you with this? You might be at the Dr. D NOR. This week in the context of hot is morally righteous, right? She sort of a thing here. The cause of her death is slavery and her choice to die is, as I said, morally righteous, because it's protesting againstly and that means that within the context of the 19th century acad abolitionist dog. Uh, we can get a little bit of this, um, just from the way that lay brown wrote this right. There's no hope for aake for her down the passage. Her resolution was taken. She clasped her hands convulsively and raised them as she, at the same time raised her eyes for its heaven and begged for that mercy and compassion there, which had been denied her on earth, and then, with a single bound, she vaulted over the railings of the bridge and subbed forever beneath the ways of the river, thus died lowau. Okay. So this is a little bit of backstory and literary history that's going to help us understand where we are in our novel and how it ends. And we'll just say briefly that this is not the only novel that our literature that keeps up these issues of acid um, where a lot of really important and central novels of early actingary literature that do this, asking is one of them and then we're gonna read another one about to meet laugh more. This is all behind Ella Larson as she writing happy, and she is engaging with this literary history, but she's also complicating the story, right? I read Redfield and Cla Henry are not martyr characters by any right, the problems that they have are not only caused by outside forces. They have also caused by an own desires and wait. So, rather than writing a novel where black womenomes sort of like the vehicles for explloring an issue like slavery or race or racism. Larsen makes race and racism and passing into a being able or even like a backdrop or exploring black women, and their interiority. and they are desired potentially needed their fear, their anger, and and then ultimately their violence. We see both of these characters, sorry out, but what they are to each other and stay the missions, right? I read in the black world, players in the white, but over time their divisions were like he in by one another. um, andir, at least from our perspective, is getting too close, right? Irene, um, on getting rid of player. So, how does this like, break down in start from thisantingopter in and we talked about on Monday, there's thisensive great attraction in the beginning atoration and the sense that Irene was kind of like, not resist the thrall of player, but at some point in the novel, I mean starts to feel differently, and she becomes ultimately to consumed by Claire as a problem. Where are some of the scen that we start to see this happen for uh yeah, where are some of the turning points in the novel where he gets this ri.t. and I think this happened like somebody to going out, like not a highly lot, but you laugh and youulated things how much else if they really doing without me without. I mean, she like, you know, she's so over on cat I, and then was. Yes, right. So, at some point around an invitation that she wasn't part of, Irene begins to believe that there's a fair. But she have evidence of this fair as what I agree, and then also, we have beers like, do we have of an affair, what what did you think about? like, the truth or reality of theear? I kind of interpreted Irena's a bit of an unreliable narrator. It felt like she was telling them story that had already happened. So maybe her act of the end of the novel influences how she's remembering things and trying to justify why she would have pushed a clear in the end. So she's looking at her while they laughed at each other, so that was a sign and when she's at the party and few kind of corroborates how she feels, you see a little bit more about unreliable narrator or what that means to feel? Um when they're presenting things with objective, but their emotions and personality are actually shaping, what what evidence that preventing you and what descriptors they're using?, that's a really good way of it, so we have she is she's basically our in the sense that like she's the as we've talked about, but the character of his perspective, we're really close to. um and we start to have a approx novel see that there is like a discrepancy between her internal thought process and what is available to us as what evidence of what's happening outside of her, um and so the more and more we start to see that, like we have a little bit alienated from Irene, uh, and so, right, the reality of any of her statements, um, have comes into some question. um, so we don't necessarily know what this affair was um, other than what Irene either think it was or justified the FDA. Yeah. kind of operating? he was maybe for a bit, but I think last class mentioned how she really called Claire beautiful. and how now is that Ryan is somewhat clear and not much evidence of a ware, but maybe if she was in his position, she would find clear in my so there is a question of like whose desire is actually at the center of this, right and Brian was kind of like taking the ball for things that are going on early player, and she's rejecting herself and she comes another very good as one way that we could be. northern hand.. I think like, in terms of like there being any evidence, the only thing that I kind of pull out was the fact that like, they kept going to like parties and stuff without Irene. So, like, if we are gonna give her some of the benefit of the doubt, there is that weird kind of tension that appears when, like, even when Irene is not interested in going, Brian and Claire are still going to these things and Claire spent a lot of time at their home, even when Irene isn't there. So I I do think that, like, yes, the evidence is very sparse, but I can understand how she comes to this conclusions given her perception of what's happening between them., right? There's a little bit Iree, but there is a general sense of what happened and how becomes greater and greater. Oh, I was gonna say uh the one we're being like a ton wild narrator, it's I think it's interesting that she's like totally certain and positive, that like it is happening and even one you trying to like, identify the evidence and she's like, oh, there is it really that much other than maybe I guess it Brian earlier in the all says he doesn't think Claire, is that all with that what I spot later, he's kind of let it sit. And then at the end he's obviously like very distressed. But I think the fact that she just totally dismisses the fact that like, there is't actually that much evidence and she still have certain positive speaks that kind of unreviability little bit.... We are less to one very like what is really at the part of this because what she's going on is maybe not sufficient to to clarify um the problem as she sees it. Um Okay, I have a little off track here in. more. tired until that like he's in very cold family. And so that for old vanity yet what and also afterwards, we can there for months and the right you're getting to look down here. like they there is reasonable doubt about this, and that is just like, I don't really powerful look back about as readers, because we are now we are psychological problems.. I'm not analyst. I remember what was talking about that we really do better and I with that best of families, but from reality having theirairs way of justifying that oh, I I have ruin in my husband life, but if lived in on I thought I commit to Asia, whoa, that's.. Right, okay, so Claire is the problem when they're marriedriage, they might have just had problems in the marriage.. I was a little bit crazy and controlling, especially in her husband, like infe. I' of admitting that the wrong husbandrop. And so I really felt that my. Yes, so great and all of these things are are created by Larson's writing, right? Larsen, who gives us this perspective of Irene, which at the beginning, we are sympathetic to, we we have no reason not to trust, and then she warped our character more and more, and they are all these like critical moments in which the the consciousness, the interiority by being starts to become a place that we has readers are not as comfortable being in, one of those things happens that some of you commented on at the party at Hughes, um, with the breaking of a tea. One is to look at this scene. So, you get a green right into itself, uh, and then let the break that happens in reality, a literal break. Her mental andvisible langu receive it right. What did it mean? How would it affect her in the voice? The voice? She had a surgery. It had been. feeling ofolute uninverted quality. Actually, she didn't have counted. She was to him only the mother of her s of his son. That was all. alone, she was not worse than obstacle. Rage boiled up in her. It was a slight crash on the floor at her feet laid as shadow cup. dark seeing guide the bright grubs, red, shad shock, went on. The fore hers doeta gathered up the white dragons. As from the distance, youword flip voice hanger, though he was she was aware somehow miraculously at the side. Sorry to apologize, that I pushed you. plenty of me. don't tell me it's priceless and you are placeable. It hurts, dear God, how they hurt, but she couldn't think of that nap. Okay, so I want you to tell me how the theme is playing out internally and externally, like, what's happening inside I readhe and then what's happening? between characters and the room and how is it that we're switching back and forth between the two? Like, what what characterizes the writing here were how many who comes sentence that woman over? Yeah. I like, we're getting a lot our head the sentences are we cur and so like we' physically very small uh, and then it was very well on the tiger and there committed. And then all of a sudden there playing actual different of external things that are hurring in the world like, you person it says it clear what it is says, uh, and I guess, but basically it's just written't.. This is like a breakdown of her internal world and we're getting into like short drag sentences. And the other thing like soued with the problem in your life that, like, you're not aware of what's happening with a person sitting next to you or of theity or like, maybe all like what you're teacher ising in front of the room, like, you have a really big problem going on. and so you're at your internal world and then something might happen and you are snackpped out of it and you're suddenly disoriented of like, oh, what's happening in front of me? You live next to me? The voice of Hugh sounds like it's far away, but miraculously he's right there. And so these are some of these moments where we start to say,Ine, is maybe not so reliable, Irene is high that. And then he makes his life kind of icy and cold and a little bit frightening turn in which describes the cuff. Didn't you notice that cup? Well, you're lucky it would be other saying thatcestors were charming conf own. Iotten how many thousands of years ago was that's brand on the ele has I had a little war history, it was brought marked by other. Oh, all right, the English be you call it the underback. I' coming to the fact that I' never figured out a way to get rid of it until about five minutes ago, I had an inspiration. I only had to break it and I was of it forever. So it simple and I never thought of it before. So, what do you hear in this explanation? that she's giving to you? Yeah. She's using the for more, so basicallyolve the way change. That.... getair is she gonna do something else, right? this year. like how comes up, right start everything is having over the course of a series of the conversation. There two other. I think representation of player and how I. I want to get rid of there, she talk about all. And kind of reverse, I think earlier to help when the teacup is, which could also refer to Claire's passing. um, and I' almost like that spoil the end. Yeah, this is foreshadowing for the end for when I bring them up, like cushing clear sort of out of the windowows, like killingberg. I thought this was kind of foreshadowing for that as well.. something for not made it the end, I apologize to you, but there's no real way to talk about this novel without talking about the ending. um, it will still be shocking when you read it if you haven't gotten there yet. And but we're gonna talk about the ending with the end of our time. Now, it all fells crashing gap. Remember in the beginning, we have Irene ascending to the top of the green end, we have all of this movement up there. and then at the very end, we have all of the charactersembled at the top of the building, and the revelation that clear and then passing, uh, because her husband, John Doulouse storms into the room. He says, so you're in Ed order to Dan Edward and his voice was a snarl, and a mode, an expression, of ray and the everything was in confusion. The man had sprread forward, police had lected between them and the blue. She said quickly, hereful, you're the only white man here. And the silver silver voice, as well as of her words was a warning. Players stood at the window as composed as an everyone were not staring at her and curiosity and li, as if the whole structure of their life were not high in practice and for her. She seemed u aware of any danger or uncaring. There was even a same smile on her full red lips and the under shining eyes. was that smile that maddened by reading, she ran across the room her coting with foccity and laid a hand on players of their arms, One thought was exper. She couldn't have Claire and repacified by the Lou. she couldn't have the free Before there stood John Lewis speechless now in his f neighbor, on them, the little hudd of other people and Ryan stepping out from among them. What happened next Irene never afterwards allowed her to remember, never clearly one moment there and then if, a vital flowing thing, like a flame of red and bold. the next, she was gone. There was a cast before and above it the sound not by human, like aast in abey, nig by God, big. Okay, women happened here? Do we have we have love closely and the list between the we know that our have not slow it all in high foot high is slowly evolving in matter, but also, ever since being do throughout the heat and how the sub is. So we don't know who she is. is in the D or is so overwhelmed over the ir culturer. We don't want it being claim to not of itself. I mean it is not on herself and she won't herself whatever, right? And then yet she has the softway face of right here that the service are about really high correct by, the whole forgery loving, loveliness, clear, Henry. How do we maybe think about this ending this ambiguity of the ending in relation to that story, that I go about? Like, what kind of ending did I show you there and what kind of ending is this for a character who kind of constituively is of the same type? That's almost for where I do all of really. It a position already had this plan place that ever found out she wanted to beency and she had to loseation. So this she she just. Okay, so there's medally in which this, like hotel is a lead to freo, we could say maybe this is like, right doing something in here, or it might be something up, other thoughts and thought and that. I when I was reading it awfully, okay, so what happens to her? Um, so we have final like multiple different athletes are basically the have on standard as like CN time. you have I just that at the end fire. I see the fire Yeah, I after this is a broad looking of uh this, she seems just so calm about whole situation so it be, you. It's and ambiguous. One person back. towards freedom because she get the bird can clear she a my knowledge, then she will be home free, but even when like, he did find out she still didn't really succeeded maybe she killed. Yeah, it's all right. So there's like, as opposed to a heroic ending, a morally righteous ending, we are left to wonder it where that her death by being pusbur over death, um the place that the lay right on the ground at the bottom of the sky creaper is like burt and a dark and wathering. um so again, we are not looking at stories that tell us a problem and a solution, we are staying inside of a problem. we are going to end. I want to just prepping for next week, we're shifting years and reading totally a very different kind of stories. But the thing that might help us make this week is to think about laughter in this novel, who is laughing because laughter is gonna be at the center of the that piece. Okay, that a all. Thank you. so much (copy) (copy)
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than that I'nique. I think I would write a name and we cross the rental for past at do period, so like, it is us out of taking off or dealing with all of the logistics, so far, um you are still kind of getting devil or have anything else to figure out on terms of uh, just a piece adistration, conferences, anything else, uh, as usual, um, just, act and lecture or send me an email there's a few little things that I still working out, but hopefully to get settled for all of you. Um, last thing you just wanna say, thank you for your first discussion of us. They were just like specialasure read and, like, showed me how many different ways you're all being with us novel uh, and I now I like, oh, I wish you had another hour. I'm talking with this one. keep talking about it? um but we'll definitely touch on one of the things that you read in your post. today and when, um next week we're moving on to another reading, but we'll have your first conferences and that'll be a chance to talk about that kid's reading by all that really everything that we've discussed so far, so pull on to you all of these ideas that you're having. Okay, um, so today, we're gonna be a no happening, we're gonna talk about some of theorical contacts that can have us understand passing, like what's happening in the novel. Uh, and then we're gonna die further into the text of acting of what Laren is doing with this concept ofaba. Um, first, I just wanted to briefly touch on something that Irene referended in the novel, but that in this outside, it'sersen, using a novel so it references Comicorn, a little piece of history. We have I read thinking at one point, when she's worrying about Claire and correct and she's becoming, uh, and the problem of playing becomes three of her husband Rob, said, what is Luc there? He, was under eight the eight, uh, at the time that Larson was writing, passing, the rhyler case was sort of like a recent new sensation or almost like a celebrity spectacle in New York City. um, and the reason that Irene refers to it in the novel is because of the he centered around a white man who is married to a black woman who could pass her wife. uh, and the question in the rhyment her face was was she has, or did her husband, in fact, already know that she would lack? Uh, I was had like a little brief synopsis of this thing, and they' li. uh up on my versus if you wanted to read more about this soon. a fascinating story. So, in 1921, a wealthy young white man named Kit Reinellander, met Alice Jones, who was working class an racial black women. Rein Linder, the ris guy only, did not like this relationship. the two elopes in 1924, and soon after, because Bryander was part of this aristocratic family, uh, the news paint it up and published a story titled Bradland's son, and Mary is the daughter of a color name. and this led to his father finding out about the marriage and forcing his son to file for an annullment, uh, and then there were all these purpose meetings that began. And in this suit, Kitinlanders side attempted to prove that Alice had to defauded Kit using sex to gain access to hisalth. And social position. um, and then this became, as I said, kind of a big news story and cultural identity that because the right of her family was sort of celebrated being of family and because there were so many intimate details here in the court in the news about their marriage and also about Alex, um and this currently pretty preceding into all. Alice, for her side, I had been single case. She admitted to be black and she insisted that Kip had been aware of it. um and in the end, some surprisingly for the moment of by the court decided in Alice's favor and three, that KI had actually known of her blackness all along, so he was not the victim of any thought. In this case, he was not at the woman who wasying about being white. It was her husband lying about his knowledge about it. And so this is like just another variation of all these birds, like convoluted situations that arose in the midst of the American conception with the color line with racial purity and with racial power. and this is like, you just like another piece of helpful background as we head back into the novel of our characters, um, in our case, player is passing the way, and her husband, John, as far as we know, up to a point, does not have any clue that clear is black. Um, and even though this is the setup, Larsen does something to sort of what, electrify us early on, when she sets the scene with strong balloon and drink the roof and the dressingla this web. Hello, was John's reading player. Um, and I' using that that meansalonate, he's using probably obviously a variation of a regial slarity and word, right? And so this immediately creates like, great confusion for Ine and perjury who are sitting there. uh, and Claire and quickly has to explain why husband is calling you that. Her black eyes let her down. Tell them here, why you call me eyes. The man chuckled, make up his eyes, not I madeless compelled acknowledgepleasantly. He explained, well, you see, it like this, when the first married she was white as well as white as a lily. But I did lay she's getting darker and darker. I tell her if she don't look out, she'll wake up one of these days and find she her and with Edward. Heared with laughter. Claire' ringing bell light laughing his then a little later on. My goodness Jack, what difference would it make it after all these years, you were to find out that I was more than she present color. The put out his hand and refudiating flame definite and final. Oh, no, he declared, nothing like that with me. I know you known, so far right, you can get that slack as you please as far as I concerned, since I know you no. I draw the line back, the open pen words in my family ever happen and never will. Okay, how does our protagonist Irene experience this scene and how does she feel watching it? Yes.. There's. I couldn't. She's sitting at the TV party, you just kind of watching me not even even a while, put the most. But I it upset me, she doesn't know if she can speak up without real very nature. Yes, so she's like having to her appearance, like like looking around and deep confusion and disments. down because like the translated almost like half rest and comments that Cla Gertrude pick up on because the three of them are passing, and you can kind of tell that Claire has a lost experience with it has a conversation because she had she handles it a lot better than Irene does, um, and yeah, if you see all this in totalal turmoil and it keeps out a little bit in intercom conversations. Yes, right, so you trying to be her cool, but they're always like it is irrepressibleomas the sense of way, what the hell is happening here in player like aA... Claire husband to explain why would she bring up that conversation in the I? If she, oh, my husband has absolutely no idea. just for me.ger to know that idea. Why folks think? Why? Why will 30 this? There so many different ideas? few folks in the French? What are you things are? why in the read I Pandora. And all the soation and friends or what we actually. there' exposition to us a reader and to having. Yes, okay, so right, so she's like doing this like to them, like, there is there is a context here for this. Okay, there's a lot of kids and I go, here, here, maybe just go there.. as well. I is trying up all theoth or like making joke from the. because people aren has that beatified for her because she spent all this time for this performance and. And now she does advantage of this route. she work in. Yes. making a joke of her husband, right? why would she create this situation to begin with? so there's a way in which, like, there are different audiences and she created an audience to watch it un full.. sounds like, I g said, oh, you should spot, you know, uh, fire, you layer in my one pass the approaches it is like, you know, those, you don't know, but whatever really you can dola is, so it's like almost like red flag or alarms or something like battery knock and probably at me like, oh my God, like they kind of like on the closed and like my love. They're like email and they like not, everything that happens to Claire because they share this identity, that it's all black men who are can't ask for life, like anything that happening, it is like, immediately there's an implication of what this means for the other in characters. Yes. all this field are sheets like player? because um, like the she wants sitting for a her, our players trying for. and the other player wants to like more hard I his life. um, and it it feels like he's like giving a little taste like this is time, whatever med. So, like, why don't you let me your like a little more psychling real life? Yes, right, so there in which, like, maybe she showing up and like, making a joke at these I' heard a thing that there's another way she's like look at my situation, like this I live in I, uh, but it's both, right, at the same time... This is my back that. I contin what as I Yes, right. She's doing this like dance and shifting the position, uh, by by creating this and this is really dangerous essentially situation, um and and letting her friends in on it. Um, and there is this sense, right that there is, you know, danger in the scene, there is ultimately something that disturbing, but one of the involved is that I may not progress is like this this knowing lap, right? that kind of comes over earth room too, um, because there's something absurd about watching the scene, um, at one point, like Irene's lips trembled almost arm full of, but she made a desperate effort to fight after disastrider laugh and succeeded, um, and then jumped down a little bit, she's looking at her from grocery clear littleressed down a for a. I mean wish there was brief size through she feared by her self comprolled thatiled toridge for her notating anger and in that indignation. So there's like laughter and there's anger and indignation. She had a weepingiety to shout at the manip her and you're sitting here surrounded by three black devils during the teeth. So it does seem, right? that there's a joke and on notolute. He is awake and he is so sure that he would never have a black person in his family or in his house, but in reality, he is sitting there and has a black life, he has the black daughter, and there are two other black men sitting in the are and yet, they all of these women that are just referred to, player, Irene, recru, and and Claara Marjorie, all look white. How are they black? you can turn off, right. Okay, so there's sense in which a appearance is not the only way in which raises being decided, right? That becomes very clear. You can look at way as player and somehow collect Yes. you know, like like slide when you have a conversation down with the blue and it said, like, oh, and players said, what I was large, you color. And he says, well, you know, like, that's not simply means I never not that. So it's not even having, like, that like, DNA more like, you know, that like, it's the not even like it's I I don't even know like what definition is anymore because documentaries is not about, you know, having the access here, you not having that, what countries like, oh, I don't care about how you look, I don't care about you know, what's what's your ancest, you like be somebody else and something like. Yeah, it's really confusing.ired it just that John Lulu by being away, he's so sure he would go, right? There was no way she was getting away with the one or two percent colors in this case, uh, right? Um, but something weird is going on with this definition. two are men and then weonse yet. I think we need lots of different maybe people compared to the John tell the version of of push of the media of excuses. So I think with the women is that someoundaries, here, um the and also I mean for help uh, like, that their response to the outage show and how Yeah, right there are like, so many different ways that race is playing has an identity, but also have like a legal construction and also as a maybe like cartoon characteristic of what blackness is.. I don't know for what like one rule decide, um, who who wasn't? One, but under the law, there was the more, where ne the color lion have already in identities that forces you into one or the other. Yes, so this is exactly where we're headed. This is the streaming I understand, yet how he got to this place in the 1920s, where there are three white open women and all of them are apparently black. In the 1920s, this idea that right even just a tiny percentage of black ancestry made a person black um was part of a law, right? So that is happening in all of these acts were regional integrity acts laws that are prostating American deceased, uh, including in 1984 in Virginia, uh laws like the Virginia racial Integrity act outlawedational marriage and defined a white person as someone who has no pri whatsoever of any one whether than not. Right? And what is that that talk about? Um, and then there are other laws that defined lackers that owned with any trace, right? It could be, 116, uh, a black ancestry remain on. At least kind of law were as they said, white friend across the US and they also extended our back into American history street, one of the first laws that to do this work of criminalizing racial effect on the marriage, uh and defining ways by this strange formula heredity was in 1652 in a specular event. Um we often think about race as something visible, and in any case, it was a uh, but here, right we're seeing that the in terms of the law, uh, we'reology with very technical, legal, and then often invisible ideas of race and of blackness. My question is, and this has already come out a little bit irresponses, but why would Americans come up with such a thing convoluted and frame and specific and some type invisible concepts of race? I? Okay, this is funny back to Elizabeth comment, right? This has to do with the history of Americans labvery. So to answer the session, we're going on a little detour as we as do, as that how my minders. Um, we're going to go back a little bit and think about American slavery and how it works as a racial and social system. Slavery created generations and generations of makes people because, despite all of this talk about the rigid color line, slaveholders systematically crossed. I said on Wednesday that Frosted season on Monday, that Crossing the color line, especially in terms of sexual relationships, what is dangerous and needed as that is true for lacking and sometimes for, and afterately we waited, put and did allwise really violently and systematically. What did this look like? In active events that slaveholders were continuallyaping and they sexual violence was an endemic feature of the system of American slavery. It was not a random event that I approved in some cases of kind. it was a structural part of the system of American slavery. And this kind of knew that sexual violence often led to the murder of a rac children. So when these children were born, they were not considered by their fathers to be their children, they were considered to be their properties, right? Because their mothers then laid those children were and his laid. So imagine as it is a you know, 300 plus year mystery of slavery at there time generations and generations of people who were enslaved and considered to be black, but who look more and more white. This can be really hard to visualize the fact because I need the race, like they shift in different comments, they' shipped at time, we have pretty visual idea of race in the present. Uh, but this these photos for me of us a little bit to understand this. um all of the children in these two photographs were bored into slavery and all of them are considered property and all of that were consideringat. But probably to our eyes, only one of these children as looks black. So when these image of showing us is, again, like a strangeness of racing America. It's really like the fiction of race, of problems of race. We have this idea of rigid color line and then we have this social world that totally always by it. It is like a central problemating America, and it is at part of our 20th as. But it is also at the heart of the first ever African American novelot. Closelle for private's daughter, and they are mostly life was published by a for Lady author William Wells Brown in the 1856, of Phil during safety. um, and it again, at the the first factor all, this very clearly had aitional novel. It's a novel, it's written, it's a perfect of showingagos sla reading the need to project. Uh, the fact that this is the first act there in novel is a good reminder for us that novels, whether they are written by our Americans or by other groups, have not really miss it. Novels are enired or so story different from the literature, how all existed, but novels did not become kind of a cohereric form of that are literature, uh of writing until about the 18th century in Western European culture and then they started to become a major feature of Western European culture, cultureuring art aircraft the 19th century. and writing novels have is like longer durraysans in which histori can take place, and there' group or multiple different kind of stories. This is not super important about us today we're gonna come back see the conduct a lot of this then. but uh this is an important for sit situation in the 20th century where novels aren't one important for getting this little detour we taking the 19th century. Okay. back tootap. Uh, what I said is for novel and it takes up this problem of race and the problem of passing as central issue. Um Some of you here a red hotels and you know that it's like, a very convoluted and melodramatic story. um so we're not gonna do aopsis of this if you're curious, go recoel. um, but it's not that if we' for our course. I just wanna briefly introduce you to a central character in enslaved woman name hotel. This isotel as sheears about your soul. The appearance of Plotel on oct in deep sensation amongst the crow. There she stood in the complexion as light as most of those who are waiting with the wish shouldn' not referisers. The auctionireized by saying that Miss Futel had been observed for the last because she was the most valuable. how much, generally? Well, we're m meant to understand here is that, first of all, the towels of white, that is that the hotel is specially valuable because she looks like, and third, that this value attached to looking weight is sexualized, right? We get this very congestive how less g with it. Um, and this idea that played women were lighter reflection, including white acting, had special sexual values, um, was, again, a feature of this is of American slavery. Because of her lacis and also the other values white and, uh, she is persecuted across this o, which leads to a fact and laborer. She attempts to esclavery, that she gets caught and rather than go back to her factors, she chooses to to wep off the bridge for herck. So this is an illustration of that. This is like hotels weep ack. What did you with this? You might be at the Dr. D NOR. This week in the context of hot is morally righteous, right? She sort of a thing here. The cause of her death is slavery and her choice to die is, as I said, morally righteous, because it's protesting againstly and that means that within the context of the 19th century acad abolitionist dog. Uh, we can get a little bit of this, um, just from the way that lay brown wrote this right. There's no hope for aake for her down the passage. Her resolution was taken. She clasped her hands convulsively and raised them as she, at the same time raised her eyes for its heaven and begged for that mercy and compassion there, which had been denied her on earth, and then, with a single bound, she vaulted over the railings of the bridge and subbed forever beneath the ways of the river, thus died lowau. Okay. So this is a little bit of backstory and literary history that's going to help us understand where we are in our novel and how it ends. And we'll just say briefly that this is not the only novel that our literature that keeps up these issues of acid um, where a lot of really important and central novels of early actingary literature that do this, asking is one of them and then we're gonna read another one about to meet laugh more. This is all behind Ella Larson as she writing happy, and she is engaging with this literary history, but she's also complicating the story, right? I read Redfield and Cla Henry are not martyr characters by any right, the problems that they have are not only caused by outside forces. They have also caused by an own desires and wait. So, rather than writing a novel where black womenomes sort of like the vehicles for explloring an issue like slavery or race or racism. Larsen makes race and racism and passing into a being able or even like a backdrop or exploring black women, and their interiority. and they are desired potentially needed their fear, their anger, and and then ultimately their violence. We see both of these characters, sorry out, but what they are to each other and stay the missions, right? I read in the black world, players in the white, but over time their divisions were like he in by one another. um, andir, at least from our perspective, is getting too close, right? Irene, um, on getting rid of player. So, how does this like, break down in start from thisantingopter in and we talked about on Monday, there's thisensive great attraction in the beginning atoration and the sense that Irene was kind of like, not resist the thrall of player, but at some point in the novel, I mean starts to feel differently, and she becomes ultimately to consumed by Claire as a problem. Where are some of the scen that we start to see this happen for uh yeah, where are some of the turning points in the novel where he gets this ri.t. and I think this happened like somebody to going out, like not a highly lot, but you laugh and youulated things how much else if they really doing without me without. I mean, she like, you know, she's so over on cat I, and then was. Yes, right. So, at some point around an invitation that she wasn't part of, Irene begins to believe that there's a fair. But she have evidence of this fair as what I agree, and then also, we have beers like, do we have of an affair, what what did you think about? like, the truth or reality of theear? I kind of interpreted Irena's a bit of an unreliable narrator. It felt like she was telling them story that had already happened. So maybe her act of the end of the novel influences how she's remembering things and trying to justify why she would have pushed a clear in the end. So she's looking at her while they laughed at each other, so that was a sign and when she's at the party and few kind of corroborates how she feels, you see a little bit more about unreliable narrator or what that means to feel? Um when they're presenting things with objective, but their emotions and personality are actually shaping, what what evidence that preventing you and what descriptors they're using?, that's a really good way of it, so we have she is she's basically our in the sense that like she's the as we've talked about, but the character of his perspective, we're really close to. um and we start to have a approx novel see that there is like a discrepancy between her internal thought process and what is available to us as what evidence of what's happening outside of her, um and so the more and more we start to see that, like we have a little bit alienated from Irene, uh, and so, right, the reality of any of her statements, um, have comes into some question. um, so we don't necessarily know what this affair was um, other than what Irene either think it was or justified the FDA. Yeah. kind of operating? he was maybe for a bit, but I think last class mentioned how she really called Claire beautiful. and how now is that Ryan is somewhat clear and not much evidence of a ware, but maybe if she was in his position, she would find clear in my so there is a question of like whose desire is actually at the center of this, right and Brian was kind of like taking the ball for things that are going on early player, and she's rejecting herself and she comes another very good as one way that we could be. northern hand.. I think like, in terms of like there being any evidence, the only thing that I kind of pull out was the fact that like, they kept going to like parties and stuff without Irene. So, like, if we are gonna give her some of the benefit of the doubt, there is that weird kind of tension that appears when, like, even when Irene is not interested in going, Brian and Claire are still going to these things and Claire spent a lot of time at their home, even when Irene isn't there. So I I do think that, like, yes, the evidence is very sparse, but I can understand how she comes to this conclusions given her perception of what's happening between them., right? There's a little bit Iree, but there is a general sense of what happened and how becomes greater and greater. Oh, I was gonna say uh the one we're being like a ton wild narrator, it's I think it's interesting that she's like totally certain and positive, that like it is happening and even one you trying to like, identify the evidence and she's like, oh, there is it really that much other than maybe I guess it Brian earlier in the all says he doesn't think Claire, is that all with that what I spot later, he's kind of let it sit. And then at the end he's obviously like very distressed. But I think the fact that she just totally dismisses the fact that like, there is't actually that much evidence and she still have certain positive speaks that kind of unreviability little bit.... We are less to one very like what is really at the part of this because what she's going on is maybe not sufficient to to clarify um the problem as she sees it. Um Okay, I have a little off track here in. more. tired until that like he's in very cold family. And so that for old vanity yet what and also afterwards, we can there for months and the right you're getting to look down here. like they there is reasonable doubt about this, and that is just like, I don't really powerful look back about as readers, because we are now we are psychological problems.. I'm not analyst. I remember what was talking about that we really do better and I with that best of families, but from reality having theirairs way of justifying that oh, I I have ruin in my husband life, but if lived in on I thought I commit to Asia, whoa, that's.. Right, okay, so Claire is the problem when they're marriedriage, they might have just had problems in the marriage.. I was a little bit crazy and controlling, especially in her husband, like infe. I' of admitting that the wrong husbandrop. And so I really felt that my. Yes, so great and all of these things are are created by Larson's writing, right? Larsen, who gives us this perspective of Irene, which at the beginning, we are sympathetic to, we we have no reason not to trust, and then she warped our character more and more, and they are all these like critical moments in which the the consciousness, the interiority by being starts to become a place that we has readers are not as comfortable being in, one of those things happens that some of you commented on at the party at Hughes, um, with the breaking of a tea. One is to look at this scene. So, you get a green right into itself, uh, and then let the break that happens in reality, a literal break. Her mental andvisible langu receive it right. What did it mean? How would it affect her in the voice? The voice? She had a surgery. It had been. feeling ofolute uninverted quality. Actually, she didn't have counted. She was to him only the mother of her s of his son. That was all. alone, she was not worse than obstacle. Rage boiled up in her. It was a slight crash on the floor at her feet laid as shadow cup. dark seeing guide the bright grubs, red, shad shock, went on. The fore hers doeta gathered up the white dragons. As from the distance, youword flip voice hanger, though he was she was aware somehow miraculously at the side. Sorry to apologize, that I pushed you. plenty of me. don't tell me it's priceless and you are placeable. It hurts, dear God, how they hurt, but she couldn't think of that nap. Okay, so I want you to tell me how the theme is playing out internally and externally, like, what's happening inside I readhe and then what's happening? between characters and the room and how is it that we're switching back and forth between the two? Like, what what characterizes the writing here were how many who comes sentence that woman over? Yeah. I like, we're getting a lot our head the sentences are we cur and so like we' physically very small uh, and then it was very well on the tiger and there committed. And then all of a sudden there playing actual different of external things that are hurring in the world like, you person it says it clear what it is says, uh, and I guess, but basically it's just written't.. This is like a breakdown of her internal world and we're getting into like short drag sentences. And the other thing like soued with the problem in your life that, like, you're not aware of what's happening with a person sitting next to you or of theity or like, maybe all like what you're teacher ising in front of the room, like, you have a really big problem going on. and so you're at your internal world and then something might happen and you are snackpped out of it and you're suddenly disoriented of like, oh, what's happening in front of me? You live next to me? The voice of Hugh sounds like it's far away, but miraculously he's right there. And so these are some of these moments where we start to say,Ine, is maybe not so reliable, Irene is high that. And then he makes his life kind of icy and cold and a little bit frightening turn in which describes the cuff. Didn't you notice that cup? Well, you're lucky it would be other saying thatcestors were charming conf own. Iotten how many thousands of years ago was that's brand on the ele has I had a little war history, it was brought marked by other. Oh, all right, the English be you call it the underback. I' coming to the fact that I' never figured out a way to get rid of it until about five minutes ago, I had an inspiration. I only had to break it and I was of it forever. So it simple and I never thought of it before. So, what do you hear in this explanation? that she's giving to you? Yeah. She's using the for more, so basicallyolve the way change. That.... getair is she gonna do something else, right? this year. like how comes up, right start everything is having over the course of a series of the conversation. There two other. I think representation of player and how I. I want to get rid of there, she talk about all. And kind of reverse, I think earlier to help when the teacup is, which could also refer to Claire's passing. um, and I' almost like that spoil the end. Yeah, this is foreshadowing for the end for when I bring them up, like cushing clear sort of out of the windowows, like killingberg. I thought this was kind of foreshadowing for that as well.. something for not made it the end, I apologize to you, but there's no real way to talk about this novel without talking about the ending. um, it will still be shocking when you read it if you haven't gotten there yet. And but we're gonna talk about the ending with the end of our time. Now, it all fells crashing gap. Remember in the beginning, we have Irene ascending to the top of the green end, we have all of this movement up there. and then at the very end, we have all of the charactersembled at the top of the building, and the revelation that clear and then passing, uh, because her husband, John Doulouse storms into the room. He says, so you're in Ed order to Dan Edward and his voice was a snarl, and a mode, an expression, of ray and the everything was in confusion. The man had sprread forward, police had lected between them and the blue. She said quickly, hereful, you're the only white man here. And the silver silver voice, as well as of her words was a warning. Players stood at the window as composed as an everyone were not staring at her and curiosity and li, as if the whole structure of their life were not high in practice and for her. She seemed u aware of any danger or uncaring. There was even a same smile on her full red lips and the under shining eyes. was that smile that maddened by reading, she ran across the room her coting with foccity and laid a hand on players of their arms, One thought was exper. She couldn't have Claire and repacified by the Lou. she couldn't have the free Before there stood John Lewis speechless now in his f neighbor, on them, the little hudd of other people and Ryan stepping out from among them. What happened next Irene never afterwards allowed her to remember, never clearly one moment there and then if, a vital flowing thing, like a flame of red and bold. the next, she was gone. There was a cast before and above it the sound not by human, like aast in abey, nig by God, big. Okay, women happened here? Do we have we have love closely and the list between the we know that our have not slow it all in high foot high is slowly evolving in matter, but also, ever since being do throughout the heat and how the sub is. So we don't know who she is. is in the D or is so overwhelmed over the ir culturer. We don't want it being claim to not of itself. I mean it is not on herself and she won't herself whatever, right? And then yet she has the softway face of right here that the service are about really high correct by, the whole forgery loving, loveliness, clear, Henry. How do we maybe think about this ending this ambiguity of the ending in relation to that story, that I go about? Like, what kind of ending did I show you there and what kind of ending is this for a character who kind of constituively is of the same type? That's almost for where I do all of really. It a position already had this plan place that ever found out she wanted to beency and she had to loseation. So this she she just. Okay, so there's medally in which this, like hotel is a lead to freo, we could say maybe this is like, right doing something in here, or it might be something up, other thoughts and thought and that. I when I was reading it awfully, okay, so what happens to her? Um, so we have final like multiple different athletes are basically the have on standard as like CN time. you have I just that at the end fire. I see the fire Yeah, I after this is a broad looking of uh this, she seems just so calm about whole situation so it be, you. It's and ambiguous. One person back. towards freedom because she get the bird can clear she a my knowledge, then she will be home free, but even when like, he did find out she still didn't really succeeded maybe she killed. Yeah, it's all right. So there's like, as opposed to a heroic ending, a morally righteous ending, we are left to wonder it where that her death by being pusbur over death, um the place that the lay right on the ground at the bottom of the sky creaper is like burt and a dark and wathering. um so again, we are not looking at stories that tell us a problem and a solution, we are staying inside of a problem. we are going to end. I want to just prepping for next week, we're shifting years and reading totally a very different kind of stories. But the thing that might help us make this week is to think about laughter in this novel, who is laughing because laughter is gonna be at the center of the that piece. Okay, that a all. Thank you. so much (copy)
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