Results for "Ancillary service"


flashcards Flashcard (10)
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the laboratory report on a patient indicates a hemoglobin level of 7g/dl. which of the following is the first action for the medical assistant to take notify the provider####a medical assistant is preparing a patient to have cryosurgery following an abnormal papanicolaou test. which of the following statements should the assistant make to explain the procedure cryosurgery involves an extremely cold probe to freeze and kill abnormal cells####which of the following dressings should a medical assistant use on a partial thickness burn non adherent dressing####which of the following positions is appropriate for a pelvic examaination lithotomy####a medical assistant receives a call from a patient requesting a refill for fentanyl patches for chronic pain. which of the folllowing actions should the assistanttake refer the patients request to the provider####a medical assistant is preparing to create a report about patients who have a family history of brest cancer. which of the following types of software will allow the assistant to sort, retrieve and combine information for this report data base managementt####a medical assistant receives a telephone call from a patient who is hesitant about discussing a new medical concern unless the conversation is wiht a provider. the assistant should use which of the following techniques to address the patients reluctance use a reflective statement to recognize tthe patients concers####which of the following items in a medical office are considered adminisrative office supplies letterhead, envelopes, business cards####which of the following laboratory results should a medical assistant recognize is abnormal potassium 3 mEQ/L####a medicall assistant is caring for a childwho has varicellazoster virus. the assistant should recognize that varicella is transferred throgh which of the following modes of transmission airbourne####a medical assistant is reviewing laboratory results that confirm a patient has varicella zoster virus. the assistant should identify that this micro organism causes which of the following types of infections chickenpoxs####a medical assistant is caring for an infant who suddenly becomes unresponsive for unknown reasons. which of the following actions should the assistant take initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation####a patient who has vulvovaginal candidiasis asks a medical assistant for more information about her infection. the assistant should begin by explaining that candidiasis is which of the following types of infections fungal####a medical assistantis reviewing laboratory requisitions. for which of the following patient conditions should the medical assistant perform a capillary collection rather than a venipuncture previous thromboses####a medical assistant is talking wiht an older patient who has experienced several injuries at home over the past 6 months. the patient lives alone and has no family nearby. which of the following responses should the assistant make to help ease the patients transition to assisted living or long-term care it seems like it is no longer safe for you to be at home alone. lets talk about other options####a medical assistant is preparing a patient for an enema. in which of the following positions should the assistant place the patient for this procedure sims position####A medical assistant must invert anticoagulant tubes to prevent which of the following clotting####a medical assistant is checking a patients hearing using the weber test. which of the following actions should the assistant take ask the patient if he hears the vibration louder in one ear than the other####a medical assistant is collecting data from a patient who has cold sores on his lips. the assistant should identify that which of the following viruses causes this condition herpes simplex type 1####a medical assistant is explaining to a female patient how to collect a clean-catch urine specimen. which of the following instructions should the assistant include with the libia spread, urinate a small amount into the toilet before collecting the sample####a primary care provider suspects that a patient has fibromyalgia. the medical assistant should expect the provider to refer the patient to which of the following specialists rheumatologist####which of the following actions should a medical assistant take when obtaining the length of an infant during a well-child bisit position theinfant on his back####a medical assistant is preparing to dispose of bandages that have been removed from a patients open wound. per osha guidelines which of the following actions should the assistant plan to take place the bandages in a red biohazard bag####a medical assistant is caring for a patient who is experiencing chills, nausea, and dizziness the patients face appears pale. the assistant should recognize that the patient is exhibiting. manifestations of which of the following medical emergencies syncope####a medical assistant is determining the amount a patient will be required to pay for a scheduled procedure that has an allowable amount of $200. the patient has 20 co-payment, 90/10 co-insurance , and has met his deductible what is the total amount the patient will pay the provider for this procedure 40####a medical assistant is scheduling diagnostic tests for a patients liver and pancreas. which of the following systems is being assessed digestive####a medical assistant has just received a derogatory email from a patient what action should the assistant take print email and make notes about topics to be addressed prior to formulating a response####a medical assistant is performing an ekg on a patient. which of the following describes the appropriate placement of the electrodes tabs down on the arm####which of the following routes of administration should a medical assistant use when performing a tuberculin skin test intradermal####a medical assistant is entering a patients data into an electronic medical record (emr system whichfof the following information should be entered into the patient demographics section of the emr occupation####a medical assistant is administering an injection, and the patient faints. which of the following actions should the assistant take place the patient in a supine postion####a medical assistant is testing a patients visual acuity using a snellen chart. which of the following actions should the assistant take make sure the patient does not lean forward during the test####at work a medical assistant cared for a neighbor who sustained multiple injuries in a fall. after work. another neighbor asks the assistant what happened to the neighbor who fell. following the aama code of ethics which ot the following responses should the assistant make I cant share any information about whtat happens at my job####a medical assistant notices that the medical office is not providing personal protective equipment for staff which of the following regulatory agencies should the assistant contact osha####which of the following parenteral medication should a medical assistant administer for a slow release of medication into the blood stream transdermal####when completing documentation in a patients paper medical record, a medical assistant realizes she made an error which of the following action should the assistant take draw a line through the error and initial it####a medical assistant is caring for a patient who weighs 72kg. what is the patients weight In pounds 158.4lb####a provider examines an older adult patient who is disabled and has a lesion on her arm. a medical assistant should anticipate a referral for this patient to which of the following ancillary services home health care####when assisting a provider with a punch biopsy of a mole, which of the following tasks should a medical assistant expect to perform receive and prepare tissue specimens for processing####a medical assistant is collecting vital signs from a 6 year old child. the assistant should recognize that which of the following vital signs is outside of the expected referrence range for this patient and should be reported to the provider heart rate of 140/min####a medical assistant is caring f or a patient who is 5'7" tall. which of the following is the patients height in cm. 170cm####while measuring a patients pulse the medical assistant should recognize that which of the following patient factors can contribute to an erroneous pulse rate movement####a medical assistant is caring for a 4-month old infant who has a temperature of 100.4f. which of the following is this temperature when converted tp celsius 38####a clinic schedules all cardiac patients on monday and wednesdays and all oncology patients on tuesdays and thursdays. which of the following types of scheduling is the clinic using cluster scheduling####a medical assistant is coding an office visit during which the provider reviewed the systems related to a patients chief complaint but did not discuss the patients family or social history. which of the following procedures codes should the assistant use for this visit expanded problem focused history####a medical assistant is encouraging a patient to increase her intake of insoluble fiber to help prevent constipation and hemorrhoids. which of the following foods should the assistant recommend as the best source of insoluble fiber pears with skin####for a 12 lead ekg, which of rthe following is the correct placement for the V4 electrode at the fifth intercostal space left midclavicular line####a medical assistant is assisting a provider with an abdominal examination. when the provider palpates the major portion of the liver the assistant should recognize that he is palpating which of the following abdominal quadrants right upper.####a medication container states there is 250 mg of medication in each scored tablet. the provider orders 375 mg. how many tablets should the medical assistant give the patient 1.5####a medical assistant is collecting blood samples to measure a patients cholesterol levels. which of the following actions should the assistant take before collecting the patients blood make sure the patient did not eat any food for the past 12 hours####a medical assistant is assisting a provider with the repair of a laceration on a patients head. the providers prescription for the procedure includes an injection of 10ml of lidocaine with epinephrine. the assistant should recognize that which of thef ollowing is the purpose of epinephrine in the local anesthetic to reduce bleeding at site####which of the following cell structures is instrumental in helping the body mobilize and secrete mucus from the respiratory tract cilia####which of the following documents indicates how a patients medical records will be used and disclosed by a medical office notice of privacy act NPP####a medical assistant is classifying services that a patient requires the assistant should identify which of the following as an ancillary diagnostic service pathology####a medical assistant in an emergency clinic is admitting several patients the assistant should recognize that the provider should see which of the following patients first an older adult patient who has diabetes and has a blood pressure of 80/42 mm HG####a medical assistant is contacting a patient to schedule a repeat papanicolaou test due to abnormal results. the assistant should identify that which of the following factors can interfere with the test result using an over the counter vaginal cream prior to the test####a medical assistant requests that a patient pay her insurance copayment at the time she arrives for her appointment. the patient becomes defensive and asks why she should pay for care she has not yet received. which of the following responses should the medical assistant make I understand you're concerned so you're welcome to pay at the end of your appointment####which of the followign terms refers to the range of fees charged by providers who have similar training and experience and practice in the same geographical area customary####a medical assistant is talking with a patient who is experiencing home displacement following a hurricane. to which of the following resources should the assistant refer the patient for information, support, and links to community american red cross####a medical assistant is reviewing a patients recent medical history and notes that she has a healing fracture of the distal femur where on the patients body should the assistant expect to find the injury just above the knee####a patient is seen in an urgent care center for a laceration to the left foot the provider evaluates the. injury. determines sutures are not needed, applies a dressing and releases the patient which of examination should a medical assistant use for the procedural coding for this visit problem focused examination####a medical assistant is collecting a health history from an older adult patient who exhibits moderate hearing loss which of the following actions should the assistant take remain with in the patients view to allow lip-reading####a medical assistant recieves a denial of payment for a patients cholecystectomy. the reason stated is noncovered service. it this procedure was deemed emergent by the provider which of the following actions should the assistant take instruct the patient to contact the insurer about the denial of payment####a medical assistant is cleaning countertops and other surfaces after a surgical procedure in a providers office. which of the following disinfctants should the assistant use a 1:10 bleach and water solution####a medical assistant is collecting information from a patient who reports persistent pain in the left upper quadrant. the assistant should note that this area contains which of the following organs stomach####a patient reports feeling depressed due to the recent loss of a partner. in which of the. five stages of grief process does depression present itself fourth####a medical assistant is caring for a patient who has recently received a terminal diagnosis and is crying. which of the following actions should the assistant take allow the patient cry####a medical assistant is preparing to administer a liquid oral medication to a patient. which of the following methods should the assistant use to ensure the correct dose is delivered pour the medication to the prescribed dose in the medicine cup on a flat surface####when performing the palpatory method for obtain bloods pressure which of the following indicates the level at which the medical assistant should inflate the cuff 30 mm hg above the radial pulse cessation####a medical assistant should identify which of the following as a characteristic of anorexia nervosa excessive exercising####a patients bill of rights protects individuals from which of the following denial of care due to the patients age####a medical assistant is performing an ear irrigation for an adult patient who has a cerumen impaction. which of the following steps should the assistant complete prior to administering the irrigation solution pull the pinna of the ear up and back####a medical assistant should use which of. the following soutions to prepare a patients skin prior to drawing blood cultures chlorexidine####a medical assistant works at an urgent care center that uses open hours scheduling. which of the following describes this form of scheduling patients arrive at their convenience and are seen on a first come first serve basis####a medical assistant is caring for a patient who has active tuberculosis .which of the following pieces of personal protective equipment must be used during the patients care N95 respirator####which of the following instructions should a medical assistant give to a patient when administering an enteric-coated tablet swallow the tablet whole with a glass of water####a medical assistant should understand that the chain off custody form is used for which of the following ensuring that the specimen is packaged as directed####which of the following is a formal authorization that identifies an individual as legally able to make decisions on behalf of a patient durable power of attorney####a medical assistant is performing a review of items in a clinics inventor. how should the assistant classify dressings and bandages for inventory purposes as clinical supplies####a medical assistant is speaking with a patient who recently received a terminal diagnosis. the patient states, I regret not taking better care of myself. now I wont be able to accomplish what I wanted to do with my life. the assistant should identify that the patient is in which of the following stages of grief depression####a medical assistant is responsible for cleaning the instruments used in a minor surgery. which of the following is the first step in this process sanitization####a medical assistant is talking with a patient who reports forgetting whether she has taken her prescribed medications each day. which of the following responses should the assistant make try putting your medication in a weekly medication dispenser for the up coming week####a provider has requested a dissecting instrument on a sterile tray that a medical assistant is preparing. which of the following instruments should the assistant include on the tray scissors####a medical assistant is transcribing a prescription for magnesium sulfate into a patients medical record. which of the following should the assistant use to document this medication magnesium sulfate####when choosing a a diagnosis code a medical assistant should consider which of the following actions in order to avoid an insurance denial coding to the highest level of specificity####a medical assistant is reviewing a patients medical history prior to the patients appointment which of the following laboratory results indicates the need to schedule an extension of the current visit fasting blood sugar glucose 168 mf/dl####a medical assistant is reinforcing teaching with a patient who is scheduled for a standard 12-lead ekg. which of the following statements should the assistant make you should refrain from talking during the procedure####a medical assistant should insert the needle at which of the following angles during a venipuncture 15 degree angle####a medical assistant is reinforcing teaching with a patient about pulse oximetry. which of the following statements should the assistant include in teaching remove your nail polish before the test####which of the following cardiac procedures is with in a medical assistants scope of practice and does not require a licensed technician or provider to assist or perform it holter monitor application####a medical assistant is replacing a sharps container in an examination roon and receives a small laceration on her arm from the plastic lid. which types of documentation should the assistant complete as a result of this incident OSHA form 301####which of the following actions should the medical assistant take when obtaining the head circumference of an infant record the measurement to the nearest 0.6cm quarter inch####a medical assistant is performing a 12-lead ekg on a patient. which of the following electrodes should the assistant place to the left of the sternum at the fourth intercostal space v2####a medical assistant is writing a piece of professional correspondence to a consulting provider. in which of the following ways should the assistant record the date on the letter january 1,2020####which of the following tests is granted waived status und CLIA rapid strep####a medical assistant is applying a transdermal patch for a patient. which of the following actions should the assistant take apply the patch to a hairless area of the patients skin####which of the following statements made by a medical assistant demonstrates and understanding of required patient identification techniques I will ask the patient to state her full name and date of birth before administering vaccines####according to the regulations of controlled substances which of the following is true of a scheduled 1 drug have no accepted medical use####a patient tells a medical assistant that his providers office is incompetent as there is no improvement in his condition. which of the followingis an appropriate response for the assistant to make I think that you feel that your treatment is not effective####a medical assistant is preparing a patient who has congestive heart failure for an examination by the provider which of the following manifestations shuld the assistant expect shortness of breath####when measuring a patients respiratory rate. which of the following actions should a medical assistant take to ensure an accurate reading count the respirations while the patient thinks his pulse is being obtained####a medical assistant is preparing a patient a patient who has anemia for an examination by the provider. which of the following manifestations should the assistant expect to find irregular heart beat####a patient asks a medical assistant to explain the difference between a liniment and a medicated lotion. which of the following responses should the assistant make liniments contain a higher portion of oil that medicated lotions####a patient presents to an emergency department with a large laceration to the wrist that is bleeding profusely. which of the following actions should the medical assistant take first don gloves####a medical assistant is administering heparin subcutaneously to a patient. which of the following actions should the assistant take ...####a medical assistant is administering an intramuscular injection into the gluteus medius of an adult patient. at which of the following angle should the assistant insert the needle 90 degrees####a medical assistant needs to type a professional business leter from the office. which of the following formats is appropriate keep flush with the left margin####when removing sutures why is it important for a medical assistant to place the. removed sutures on a gauze pad to determine the number of sutures removed####several patient arrive at a clinic at the same time requesting care a medical assistant should recognize that which of the following patients chief complaints is priority for the provider to address an adult patient who is experiencing dyspnea and congestion####which of the following is the largest and upper. ost section of the brain cerebrum####the medical assistant drops an instrument on the floor while setting up a sterile tray for a procedure. he picks up the instrument and places it back on the sterile field. a few days after the procedure the patient calls the office cncerned that the area surrounding the procedure site is infected. which of the following torts has the assistant committed negligence####a medical assistant is caring for a patient who has terminal corlorectal cancer with a life expectancy of 6 months. the patient states, i dont know if its time to begin hospice care yet. whi hospice can help manage your pain and comfort during the final months of your life####a medical assistant should identify that which of the following vitamins is fat soluble vitamin a####a medical assistant is transcribing a prescription for a medication that a patient should take efore meals which of the following abbreviations should the assistant use to indicate when the patient should take the medication ac####a medical assistant is assisting with the physical examination of a patient who has scabies. besides gloves, which of the following pieces of personal protective equipment should the assistant wear gown####which of the followign is a medical assistants role in pulmonary function testing pft coach the patient through the test####a medical assistant is preparing to assist a provider with suturing a wound. which of the following items should be in the sterile field hemostat####a medical assistant is preparing to administer a subcutaneous injection for a a patient which of the following needle size should the assistant choose 1/2 to 5/8 inch needle, 25 gauge####in which of the following positions should a medical assistant place a healthy patient in preparation for a rectal examination sims####a medical assisstant is scheduling a patient for an outpatient procedure. which of the folllowign actions should the assistant take first obtain an oral or written order from the provider for the procedure####which of the following statements made by a new medical assistant regarding an artifact, demonstrates a need for furter teaching electrical interference on the ekg is not caused by cell phones####a patient calls the clinic to cancel a postoperative appointment and states that she will reschedule at a later date. for which of the following reasons should the medical assistant document this information on the patients chart to prove that the office was not neligent####after a patient leaves an examination room which of the following actions should a medical assistant take to prepare the examination table for the next patient roll up the disposable paper on the table tightly and quickly####a medical assistant is preparing a patient who has bilateral below the knee amputation for an ekg. which of the following sites should the assistant select for electrode placement abdomen####a medical assistant is preparing to calculate a patients heart rate from an ekg tracing. which of the following methods should the assistant use for this calculation divide 1500 by the number of small boxes between two R waves####which of the following techniques should a medical assistant use for the routine cleaning of ekg cables disinfection####a medical assistant is obtainingg a blood pressure measurement from an adult patient which of the following actions should the assistant take to ensure an accurate reading place the stethoscope diaphragm ove the patients palpated artery####an adolescent is covered by two insurances policies under her. divoreced parents who have birthdays in may and august. which policy is the primary policy for the adolescent the policy of the parent whos has the earliest birth month####a patient informs a medical assistant that he gets headaches when he reads from a compuer monitor. the assistant should place this information in which of the following locations when using the soap approach to organizing medical records subjective####a medical assistant works at a practice that is part of an accountable care organization (aco) this designation means that the practice health care team will focus on improving care for patients who have which of the following types of of medical coverage medicare####a medical assistant is preparing to file the paper chart for mary st. thomas. where should this file be placed when filed along with the charts mary perez elizabeth saint and john a thomas after elizabeth saint and before john a thomas####a medical assistant is performing a fecal occult blood test using a guaiac card. which of the following actions should the assistant take interpret a blue color as a positive result####a medical assistant is cleaning an examination room after assisting a provider with a biopsy. which of the following should the assistant take hold sharps by the blunt end to avoid a needle stick injury####a medical assistant observes a hematoma developing at the site of a venous blood draw the assistant should do which of the following release the tourniquet and stop the draw####which of the following items included on the cms 1500 form should a medical assistant recognize as indicating the medical necessity of a procedure diagnosis code####which of the following additives should be used when performing a cbc edta####a medical assistant is assisting a patient whose insurance does not cover immunizations to which of the followign community resources should assistant refer the patient department of health and human services####a medical assistant is reinforcing teching about a cardiac event monitor with a patien. which of the followign statements by the patient indicates an understanding of the procedure I will record any symptoms I experience in the event log####when coding with the icd-10-cm where should the medical assistant begin the process of looking up a iiagnosis code for breast cancer the alphabetic index####a medical assistant is faxing a prescription to a patients pharmacy. which of the following actions should the assistant take call the pharmacy to confirm receipt of the faxed prescription####a medical assistant is reinforcing instructions with a patient about how to take a buccal tablet. which of the following instructions should the assistant give the patient place the tablet between your gum and cheek####where do cardiac electrical impulses originate in the heart sinoatrial node####a medical assistant is monitoring an infant patient for microcephaly. which of the following describes the anthropometric measurement that the assistant should preform head circumference####which of the following pieces of legislation keeps health care staff safe from retalation by there employers when they report cases of patient neglect and abouse whistleblower protection act####according to osha guidelines for proper waste disposalm which of the following should a medical assistant place in a regular waste container an empty urine container####which of the following is a step in the process of skin preparation prior to a surgical procedure clean the surgical site with antiseptic####in which of the following scenarios should a medical assistant choose a cpt modifier for special circumstances applied to a procedure performed by the provider####a patient present to an office for treatment after reading the consent form she expresses concerns about the treatment. who is responsible or counseling the patient provider####a medical assistant is entering a new prescription into a patients electronic medical record emr. while entering the prescription an alert notifying the assistant of a medication interaction appears on the screen wich of the following actions should the assistant take consult with the provider before continuing to process the prescription####to provide culturally ompetent care which of the followign actions should a medical assistant take first when encountering patients examine person religious and cultural values and beliefs to identify any biases####
flashcards Flashcard (150)
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