The ________ along the Thames in London featured not just massive sewers dumping into the river, but also gas mains and water pipelines; all were enclosed in high walls of granite and concrete, making it one of the tallest structures in the world.
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Eiffel Tower
The ________ and the Basilica of the Sacred Heart signified the Third Republic's social and political divides between liberals and conservatives.
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Louis René Villermé
________ (1782- 1863) wrote his Tableau de l'état physique et moral des ouvriers (Catalog of the Physical and Moral State of Workers) in 1840, which detailed urban working- class conditions in France.
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Rudolf Virchow
________ (1821- 1902) published comparable findings in Germany.
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weekday tickets
The extension of trains with low- cost ________, as well as the advent of mechanical and, subsequently, electric tramways, as well as subways, enabled tens of thousands of employees of all classes to commute daily between the city and the outskirts.
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social dissatisfaction
Competition for jobs spawned new forms of political and ________, such as anti- Semitism leveled at tens of thousands of Russian Jews.
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Roman Catholic Church
The ________ directed the construction of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart (Sacré Coeur) high atop Montmartre between 1873 and 1914 as an act of national penance for the sins that allegedly led to French defeat in the Franco- Prussian War (1870- 1871)
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Inward urban migration
________ imposed additional social and economic pressures on already overstressed city resources, eventually altering urban life patterns.
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Paris' sewage system
________ was a well- known component of Haussmann's restoration scheme.
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Eiffel Tower
The ________ was completed in 1889, first as a temporary tower for that year's international trade show.