Updated Tech in Journalism Final

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T/F The report of a journalist should present all sides and all viewpoints on a matter.

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Tabb Fall 2022 (will be taken down after final)

119 Terms


T/F The report of a journalist should present all sides and all viewpoints on a matter.


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T/F Many research projects suggest that you have only 2 minute to impress a recruiter or prospective employer with your resume.


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The journalist's duty is to the _______, not the _________.

public, government

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T/F Undergraduate students or recent graduates should try to limit their resume to two pages. You should only go to three pages if the information adds value to your candidacy for a particular position.


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T/F People distrust journalists with facts.


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T/F No textbook is required for this course. Students are required to review and comprehend the Weekly Readings accessible through Canvas.


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T/F Being honest is important for a journalist; never lie to the public.


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Define journalism, as discussed in the class or in the readings.

Journalism is an objective telling of a story, and it includes considering what the most important facts of the story are. A journalist's job is to present information to the public so that they can come to their own conclusions. Journalism can be achieved through many mediums, including radio, print, television, internet, or podcast.

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Identify and explain the two types of resumes, as discussed in the class or in the readings.

The first type of resume is the reverse chronological resume, and this type lists the most recent work experience, education, and honors first. The second type of resume is functional, and this type lists the most relevant and/or impressive experience, activities, and honors first. A functional resume would be used by someone who has a large pool of impressive experience to draw from.

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T/F The objective is a brief statement used to alert the employer to your specific interests and/or abilities. Include an objective only if you have a clearly defined employment goal.


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A grade of ____ is the highest letter grade possible for any work (e.g., assignments, projects, exams, etc.) submitted late or after the initial deadline in JRN 1100. An additional 5 points will be deducted for each day late, after the initial deadline is missed.


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  1. Identify and 2) explain one news value, as discussed in the class.

One news value is proximity, meaning that the physical scope of the audience should play a role in what stories a publication decides to share. For example, a local, small town newspaper in Alabama wouldn't cover a small robbery that happened in New York.

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Explain the difference between the use of a resume and cover letter; explain each (resume and cove letter).

A resume is a concise list of a candidate's qualifications and should allow employers to learn the most important things about their candidate quickly. A cover letter is a candidate's chance to explain how their skills are relevant to the job they are applying for, as well as a chance to explain why they want to work there specifically. Both should not be more than one page long.

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T/F The "Lucy" project was originally Jobs idea after


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T/F In the realm of accounting jargon a "spread sheet" or spreadsheet was and is a large sheet of paper with columns and rows that lays everything out about transactions for a business person.


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T/F Steven Wozniak and Steven Jobs were the true founders of Apple.


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T/F A cell reference is it location or "address" within a spreadsheet and is identified by what column it is located in.


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T/F The Tropolitan moved to full pre-press pagination around 1995. Prior to 1995, the paper was put together by "waxing" columns of text printed on laser printers onto full-size templates for the paper.


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T/F In terms of formatting cells, we can change the appearance of a number without changing the number itself.


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In 1791, an English mathematician named Charles Babbage developed what he called "The Difference Engine" to solve polynomial equations. His design is similar to modern computers. Babbage's design centered around five component groups. Identify and explain two of the the five component groups.

One of the componets is the processor. The processor is made up of axles and gears and was more than 10 feet tall.

Another component is the control unit. The control unit was made up of slats and studs and was a barrel-like object.

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_________ established spreadsheet software as a major data presentation package as well as a complex calculation tool.

Lotus 1-2-3

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A _______ is another word for your Excel file. A ________ is a collection of cells where you keep and manipulate the data.

workbook; worksheet

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T/F Microsoft PowerPoint was developed by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin for the American computer software company Forethought, Inc.


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T/F Tim Cook was named Apple's CEO in August 2011.


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T/F You can import what you have created in other Microsoft products, such as Word and Excel into any of your slides in a PowerPoint.


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The current CEO of Apple earned an MBA from Duke University and a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from __________.

Auburn University

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Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver's research was first published in a book called "Mathematical Theory of Communication" and consisted of five elements. Identify and explain two of the five elements.

The components are information source, transmitter, channel, receiver, and destination.

The transmitter took a message and encoded it into a signal. The receiver took that signal and deconstructed it back into a message.

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English mathematician Charles Babbage developed _____________.

the Difference Engine

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T/F Resume | Cover Letter: For references, it is recommended that students have a separate page with three to seven references listed.


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T/F In terms of formatting cells, we can change the appearance of a number without changing the number itself.


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T/F Microsoft PowerPoint was developed by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin for the American computer software company Forethought, Inc.


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T/F A PDF is generally a vector file. However, depending how a PDF is originally created, it can be either a vector or a raster file.


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T/F Apple computers were not compatible with the Windows 3.0, thus making it very inconvenient for people to buy Apple computers.


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T/F Resume | Cover Letter: If you include an objective statement on your resume, the objective statement should be brief and narrowly focused on one specific position.


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Placed in operation around December 1943, the Colossus was used by the ____ to break message codes used by the ______.

British, Germans

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Define wired services.

A wired service is an organization that provides syndicated news to TV, newspapers, and radio (if they are unable to travel somewhere to get the story themselves). An example of a syndicated source is Associated Press.

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Consider (Pew) What makes a news story trustworthy? Overall, broad majorities of U.S. adults say there is one important point of the five surveyed factors when determining whether a news story is trustworthy or not. Explain the most popular selection for U.S. adults, as indicated in the reading; this point received 88 percent of votes.

The number one factor Americans consider is the organization that published the story. However, not everyone finds the same sources credible (republicans may find Fox news more reliable than CNN, and democrats vice versa). The other points of consideration were factors like the specific journalist who wrote the story, the number of shares, and gut instinct, but organization was the most agreed upon.

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T/F The Apple II computer was introduced in 1978.

False (it was made in 1977)

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T/F During 1979, Jobs began working on the Macintosh, when Apple's "Lucy" project began to crumble.


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T/F Apple Computers were formed by Steve Jobs and Robert Wozniak in early 1976.


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An Excel cell that starts with an equal sign as the first character indicates that the content of that cell is a(n) ______.


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T/F "Backpack / Mobile Journalism" = All tools for reporting fit into your notebook.


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___ - Completed in January 1943, eight feet tall, 51 feet long, and two feet wide computer weighed more than 10,000 pounds. It was built by IBM for the U.S. Navy and used relays instead of electronics for its calculations.

Mark 1

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T/F In terms of a virtual career fair, career experts claim 80% of recruiting will be virtual for the foreseeable future.


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The______ generation microcomputers started showing up in 1977. These machines were coming from companies like Radio Shack and Apple Computers.


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By the way, Jobs and Wozniak had to negotiate the rights to use the brand-name "Apple" for their computer from the British music group, _____.

The Beatles

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T/F Colossus was used by the British to break message codes used by the Germans. Colossus used more than 2,400 electronic vacuum tubes in this process.


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When you create a presentation using PowerPoint, the presentation is made up of a series of ______.


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Apple had trouble keeping up with Bill Gate's _______, that had been introduced during the summer of 1995.

Windows' 95

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Pew: Do Americans Trust the news media? (Week 6) As discussed in the video, research suggests there to be "a big difference in how people evaluate the media" evoking more positive evaluations of the news media. Please explain.

The video spoke of how most Americans overall distrust the media (their initial response is "no, I don't trust it"), but that answer can be broken down to find that they do trust particular news reporters or sites. Additionally, Americans are more likely to trust the media if they have been apart of it, or interviewed, or seen themselves in the media. Factors that change how someone might evaluate a story includes political affiliation, religion, and socioeconomic status.

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In 1971, Professor ________ pioneered the development of computerized spreadsheets for use in business accounting.

Richard Mattessich

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T/F Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote the first microcomputer BASIC language and formed Microsoft.


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A basic PC consists of _______.

a keyboard, a display unit, and system unit

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T/F A spreadsheet document, often called a notebook, is a grid made of numbered rows and alphabetized columns.


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JPEGs, GIFs and PNGs are common ________ image types


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T/F A major problem with early microcomputers was that each independent computer manufacturer developed an operating system for that computer that was incompatible with all other microcomputers.


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Herman Hollerith is credited by many as being one of the first innovators in the computer field when he devised a scheme that allowed punched cards to be used to mechanically count the population. Hollerith worked for __________.

Census Bureau

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Resume | Cover Letter: This type of resume is most appropriate for college students or for people seeking another position in the same field in which they are currently working.

Chronological resume

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Finally, in 1994, Apple introduced the PowerMac, this was the first Mac to be structured on the ________.

PowerPC chip

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Which of the following are one of the disadvantages of vector graphics?

Hard to produce photo realistic drawings

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T/F Journalists must be alert and ordered. All journalists must aim for accuracy.


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T/F The reports of a journalist should not be biased. This means that if the journalist has a financial interest in the subject, the journalist should give the report to someone else.


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_______ Uncompressed image retains maximum amount of image data from the camera.


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T/F TIFF is a large raster file. It is used when a high resolution photographic file is needed. This file format is typically used for print production.


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_______ is created when one or more elements of design are used repeatedly to create a feeling or organized movement.


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T/F A PSD file is a Adobe Photoshop vector file in its native format.


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T/F JPEGs (JPG), GIFs and PNGs are common raster image types.


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T/F CMYK is an acronym for cyan, magenta, yellow and black, the standard colors used in offset printing.


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_______ is distribution of visual weight of objects, colors, texture, and space.


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Explain the difference between raster images and vector images.

A Raster image is made up of pixelated colors. Raster images are best for photographs or images with shading, and these lose quality when they are scaled. Vector images are made using mathematical equations. These can be scaled without losing quality and are best for fonts and line art.

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_____ - Lossy compression is a disadvantage, as the file is compressed to save space, it loses some of the original file data and therefore degrades image quality.


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_______ can be scaled in size without any loss of quality. They are typically used for type, illustrations and line art.


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Adobe InDesign is a page layout application for desktop/print publishing. It was originally released in _____ as a high-end replacement for Adobe PageMaker, and competitor to QuarkXPress.


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JPG or JPEG is an acronym for _________.

Joint Photographic Experts Group

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_______ images are often called bitmap images.


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Grayscale Images with ___________ ranging from black to white.

256 shades of gray

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RGB is an acronym for __________, ___________ and __________, the colors used for computer monitors and video electronics.

Red, Green, and Blue

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T/F Through media literacy, individuals are able to recognize different points of view.


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T/F Consider The Role of Alternative Social Media in the News and Information Environment. A majority of those who regularly get news from at least one of the seven alternative social media sites (66%) identify as Republicans or lean toward the Republican Party, in contrast with the news consumers on more established social media sites, who largely identify as Democrats or lean Democratic.


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Consider Americans are more aware of some alternative social media sites than others, but overall, very few get news there. Although some of the seven alternative sites were largely created to be alternatives to the more established social media sites, most Americans who have turned to them for news report that they also still get news on at least one of the more established sites, which include YouTube, Facebook or Twitter.


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Consider The Role of Alternative Social Media in the News and Information Environment. Identify at least two of the several alternative media sites discussed in the reading.

The reading discussed seven alternative social media sites. This includes Parler, Truth Social, and Rumble.

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As discussed in the readings, explain the recent incident that has led to the growing concern for media literacy in America.

The provided example that discussed a recent incident sparking concern was an article from the department of justice where they arrested several Russians for interfering in American politics. These individuals brought havoc by convincing Americans to organize conflicting political events on the same day in the same area. The idea of Russian interference in American politics was a very serious issue during the 2020 election, and since then, misinformation and the concept of media literacy has been a highly prevalent topic.

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T/F Consider The Role of Alternative Social Media in the News and Information Environment. A central way the alternative sites depict themselves, one that may help give users that sense of community, is as welcoming havens for free speech as well as antidotes to the censorship and “cancel culture.”


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Consider The Role of Alternative Social Media in the News and Information Environment. Most alternative social media news consumers feel a sense of community on these sites, which prominently identify themselves as havens of free speech.


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Media literacy requires individuals to become smart consumers about _______ and information.


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Consider The Role of Alternative Social Media in the News and Information Environment. Americans who have heard of the alternative sites but do not use them as sources for news are skeptical of them, particularly because people in this category commonly cite __________, political bias and the political right, and extremism and fringe ideas.

inaccuracy and misinformation

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T/F Depending how a PDF is originally created, it can be either a vector or a raster file.


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T/F Adobe InDesign was originally released in 1999 as a high-end replacement for Adobe PageMaker, and competitor to QuarkXPress.


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T/F InDesign Creative Cloud was released in 2016; InDesign CS6 was released April 2012.


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Which of the following is a disadvantage of TIFF file formats?

Slow speeds when transferring to online galleries that do support TIFF files.

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T/F An EPS can be both a vector file format and raster file format.


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T/F A lead or lede is the opening of a story. This part of the news story condenses the key facts of the event into the first paragraph.


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T/F A photo credit is a line stating the contact information for the reporter, enabling readers to provide feedback.


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T/F CMYK is primarily for on-screen viewing. CMYK is an acronym for red, green and blue, the colors used for computer monitors and video electronics.


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___ is the path the viewer's eye take through the work of art, often to focal areas.


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________ images allow for more flexibility. They are constructed using mathematical formulas rather than individual colored blocks.


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What is the primary disadvantage for JPG or JPEG files.

The primary disadvantage of a JPEG file is lossy compression. This means that whenever it is compressed to save space, there is a loss in photo quality.

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_____ a small, limited-color raster file. It is used for on-screen viewing only, when a very small file with just a few solid colors is needed.


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A ______ is the one front-page element that never changes; it is set in special type.


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________ is a small, limited-color raster file, used for on-screen viewing. Designed to replace GIF file format, it has more color options than a GIF file. EPS


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