a group of people that governed along with the king and controlled money
magna carta
an old agreement that established rights to the people that the king cannot touch
what was Jame's conflict with parliament
who was in charge - king or parliament
hampton court
an attempt by parliament to reform the english church to make it more calvinist, but james refuses.
Gunpowder plot
a conspiracy to blow up James I and the Houses of Parliament by Catholics, led by Guy Fawkes
Henry IV
AKA Henry of Navar, makes the edict of Nantes, a politique
Louis XIII and Cardinal Richelieu
wanted to make France the world dominating power, so he enforces absolute obedience to him.
The Fronde
a massive revolt against absolutism leading an angry mob into Louis XIV room, leading to enforced absolutism
L’etat? C’est moi
the king embodies France
Palace of Versalles
built to project an image of glory; specifically not fortified
nobility of the robe
the king creates brand new nobles from middle class so they are loyal to him
Bosseut Divine Right Theory
if you rebel against the king, you rebel against God which is a sin
Colbert and Mercantilism
economic idea that promotes precious metals, a favorable balance in trade and tariffs on foreign goods
Jansenists and Jesuits
a weird form of Catholics is to be shut down by the Jesuit monks
early wars of Louis XIV
expands the French borders
The War of the Spanish Succession
a war over the Spanish throne after there was no heir that results in a series of treaties that divided Spain’s territory
The Peace of Utrecht
phillip gets spain, austria gains territory, british have strategic naval bases, prussia is created, slave trade promoted
Great Northern War
a battle between Russia and Sweden
peter the great
tsar of Russia who made major reformations to Russia
St. Petersberg
a city built by peter himself in which he then called the capital
non religious
absolute power belonging to a central authority