removal or destruction of brain tissue in a surgical procedure
absolute threshold
intensity level at which one can detect a stimulus 50% of the time
the process of modifying a schema to account for new information; the process of the eyes lens changing shape in order to focus on distant or near objects
acetylcholine (ACh)
a neurotransmitter involved in learning
need for achievement
desire for accomplishment
achievement test
a test that assesses what one has learned
a process in classical conditioning by which the association of a neutral stimulus with a natural stimulus is first established
action potential
the electrical process by which information is transmitted the length of an axon
activation synthesis
the idea that dreams are the result of the cerebral cortex interpreting and organizing random flashes of brain activity
adrenal gland
source of the hormone norepinephrine which affects arousal
affective disorders
psychological disturbances of mood
need for affiliation
desire to associate with others
after image
an image that remains after a stimulus is removed
drugs which mimic the activity of neurotransmitters
the most frequently used and abused CNS depressant in most cultures; its use affects mood
description of the action of neurons when firing
alpha waves
seen when an individual is in a relaxed
limbic system component associated with emotion
anal stage
Freud's pychosexual period during which a child learns to control his bodily excretions
anorexia (nervosa)
an eating disorder in which one starves oneself even though significantly underweight
drug which blocks the activity of neurotransmitters
anterograde amnesia
loss of memory for events that occur after the onset of the amnesia; eg
retrograde amnesia
loss of memory for events that occurred before the onset of amnesia; eg a soldier's forgetting events immediately before a shell burst nearby
antisocial personality disorder
psychological disorder in which one demonstrates a lack of conscience
the middle of the three ossicles
impairment of language usually caused by damage to the left hemisphere
condition in which the sympathetic nervous system is in control
artificial intelligence
a subdiscipline of computer science that attempts to simulate human thinking
interpreting new experiences in terms of existing schema
association areas
areas of the cerebral cortex which have no specific motor or sensory repsonsibilities
associative learning
learning in which an organism learns that certain events occur together
theory developed by Harlow; types include secure and insecure
a relatively enduring evaluation of a person or thing; Asch demonstrated that this doesn't always match one's behavior
feeling of being drawn toward another and desiring the company of a person
attribution theory
a way of explaining others' behavior by either one's disposition or one's situation
auditory canal
the area that sound waves pass through to reach the eardrum
style of parenting in which the parent creates strict rules for the child and the child has little or no input into determining the rules
autonomic nervous system
division of the nervous system that control the glands and organs; its divisions arouse or calm
autonomy vs. shame and doubt
Erikson's stage in which a toddler learns to exercise will and to do things independently; failure to do so causes shame and doubt
availability heuristic
this cognitive shortcut features the idea that events which are vividly in memory seem to be more common
extension of the neuron which carries
stage of language development at about 4 months when an infant spontaneously utters nonsense sounds
basic research
scientific investigations intended to expand the knowledge base
applied research
scientific investigations intended to solve practical problems
perspective on psychology that sees psychology as an objective science without reference to mental states
belief perseverance
situation in which one's beliefs continue despite the fact that the ground for the beliefs have been discredited
big 5 personality factors
openness to new experience
binocular cues
retinal disparity and convergence which enable people to determine depth using both eyes
perspective that stresses links between biology and behavior
bipolar cells
eye neurons that receive information from the retinal cells and distribute information to the ganglion cells
bipolar disorder
mood disorder in one experiences both manic and depressed episodes
blind spot
point in the retinal where the optic nerve leaves the retina so there are no rods or cones there
bottom-up processing
analysis that begins with sensory receptors and works its way up to the brain's integration of sensory information
we have two
oldest part of the brain
eating disorder characterized by excessive eating followed by purging
bystander effect
the tendency to not offer help when needed if others are present who do not offer help
theory of emotion that says that a stimulus causes simultaneously psyiological arousal and the subjective experience of an emotion
case study
scientific investigation in which a single subject is studied in great detail
CAT scan
a method of creating static images of the brain through computerized axial tomography
a form of schizophrenia in which the patient has muscle immobility and does not move
release of aggressive energy through activity or fantasy
Central Nervous System
consists of the brain and the spinal cord
brain structure that controls well-learned motor activities like riding a bike
cerebral cortex
the fabric of interconnecting cells that blankets the brain hemispheres; the brain's center for information processing and control
using operant conditioning to teach a complex response by linking together less complex skills
organizing units of information into manageable units such as memorizing a phone number as three groups of information 248-555-1212
circadian rhythm
the daily biological rhythms that occur in a 24-hour period
classical conditioning
method of learning in which a neutral stimulus can be used to elicit a response that is usually a natural response to a stimulus
client-centered therapy
developed by Carl Rogers
this type of psychologist studies
this coiled structure in the inner ear is fluid-filled and in it the energy from sound waves stimulate hair cells
cognitive dissonance theory
this says that we will suffer discomfort and act to change the situation when our thoughts and actions seem to be inconsistent
perspective on psychology that stresses the importance of mental activities associated with thinking
cognitive therapy
treatment for psychological disorders that centers on changing self-defeating thinking
collective unconscious
Jung's theory that we all share an inherited memory that contains our culture's most basic elements
color blindness
a variety of disorders marked by inability to distinguish some or all colors
this adjective describes cultures in which the individual is less important than the group
concrete operations
Piaget's stage in which children learn such concepts as conservation and mathematical transformations; about 7 - 11 years of age
concurrent validity
the extent to which two measures of the same trait or ability agree
conditioned response
in classical conditioning
one type of hearing impairment caused by mechanical problems in the ear structures
neurons in the retina that are responsible for color vision
confirmation bias
a tendency to search for information that supports one's preconceptions
adjusting behavior to meet a group's standard
confounding variable
extraneous factor that interferes with the action of the independent variable on the dependent variable
one's awareness of one's environment and oneself.
consummate love
includes passion
control group
subjects in an experiment who do not receive application of the independent variable but are measured nonetheless for the dependent variable
convergent thinking
a type of critical thinking in which one evaluates existing possible solutions to a problem to choose the best one
the transparent outer covering of the eye
corpus callosum
the fibers that connect the right and left hemispheres
the degree of relationship between two variables
correlation coefficient
a positive one near 1.0 indicates two variable are positively related; a negative number indicates a negative relationship; zero indicates no relationship
type of study that measures a variable across several age groups at the same time
giving participants in a research study a complete explanation of the study after the study is completed
defense mechanisms
Freud's processes by which individuals express uncomfortable emotions in disguised ways
when an individual seems to lose himself or herself in the group's identity
moving people with psychological or developmental disabilities from highly structured institutions to home- or community-based settings