increasing marginal returns
decreasing marginal returns
negative marginal returns
firms should continue to produce as long as price is above AVC
if price is below AVC, minimize loss by shutting down bc loss is bigger than fixed coss
shut down if P < AVC
no economic profit
in an efficient competitive market, firms with identical products make a normal profit
perfect competition
monopolistic competition
monopolistic competition
many small firms
identical products (perfect substitutes)
low barriers
seller has no need to advertise
price takers → no control over price
economies of scale
only one electric company because they can make electricity at lowest cost
natural monopoly
superior technology
geography/ownership of raw materials
government created barriers
one large firm
unique product (no close substitutes)
high barriers
monopolies are price makers
a few (less than 10) large producers
identical or differentiated products
high barriers to entry
price maker
mutual interdependence
firms worry about decisions of competitors and use strategy
relatively large number of sellers
differentiated products
some control over prices
low barriers
non-price competition (advertising)
charge above market price → nobody will buy
charge below market price → not necessary because demand stays the same
price is the same at all quantities demanded
demand curve is perfectly elastic
applies to all markets
only applies of P > AVC
can be restated as P = MC for perfectly competitive firms
profit → firms enter
loss → firms leave
all firms break even (make no economic profit)
no economic profit = normal profit
extremely efficient