categorical variables
limited fixed # of values (labels/categories) ex: jury verdict
ordinal measurement
order matters (race positions)
interval measurement
Equal steps & zero is just a point on the scale (tempeature)
ratio measurement
true zero compare & calculate porportions (weight height age)
types of measures
self report
observational (behavior)
physiological (bio response)
conceptual defintion
General description of a variable in theoretical terms
EX: describe stress in general terms
operational defintion
how a variable is measured or manipulated in a study
EX: stress measured by self-report or corisol levels
operational defintion works by
Check past data to make sure things stay the same over time
test reliability
test-restest reliability
measure same ind at diff times get consistent results
ex:take same test month later & get similiar score
inter-rater reliability
diff ppl measure same thing, get similiar results
ex: 2 judges give similiar score to dancer
internal reliability
measure same construct using diff items
ex: teacher test student engagement w/test scores & participation
quanitative measurements
curvilinear association
changes direction at some point (U-shaped curve)
internal reliability: cronbachs alpha
avergae of all-item total correlations
consistency/stability of a measure
accurancy of a measure
its measuring what its supposed to measure
face validity
look like it measures what its supposed to
set of math Qs looks like measuring math ability
content validity
measure includes all relevant aspects of the concept
measure of depression should include mood, sleeping, appetite
predicitve validity
measure predicts future outcomes
driving test predicts how well they’ll drive in future
concurrent validity
measure show what it’s supposed to right now
new weight scale matches old scale score
convergent validity
diff measures give similar results
new depression scale show similiar results to exisiting one
discriminant validity
measure stays separate from unrelated measures
stress survey shouldn't relate w/happy survey