the policy or process of preventing the expansion of a hostile power
a journalist who uncovers abuses and corruptions in a society
direct primary
a vote held by all members of a political party to decide their candidate for public office
the right of citizens to place a measure or issue before the voters or the legislature for approval
the practice of letting voters accept or reject measures proposed by the legislature
the right that enables voters to remove unsatisfactory elected officials from office
the right to vote
laws banning the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages
Social Darwinism
a philosophy based on Charles Darwin's theories of evolution and natural selection, asserting that humans have developed through competition and natural selection with only the strongest surviving
settling a dispute by agreeing to accept the decision of an impartial outsider
disobedience to authority
direct tax
a tax imposed directly on a person or their property
indirect tax
a tax that someone pays, but the tax burden falls on someone else
income tax
a tax based on the net income of a person or a business
unfair trade practices
trading practices that derive a gain at the expense of competition
the actions used by one nation to exercise political or economic control over a smaller or weaker nation
a country that is technically independent but is actually under the control of another country
yellow journalism
type of sensational, biased, and often false reporting for the sake of attracting readers
the quality of or state of being self-governing
extreme nationalism marked by aggressive foreign policy
sphere of influence
section of a country where a foreign nation enjoys special rights and powers
Open Door policy
a policy that allowed each foreign nation in China to trade freely in the other nations' spheres of influence
dollar diplomacy
a policy of joining the business interests of a country with its diplomatic interests abroad
armed fighters who carry out surprise attacks
gross national product
The total value of goods and services, including income received from abroad, produced by the residents of a country within a specific time period, usually one year.
A person who organizes, manages, and takes on the risks of a business.
Idea that government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs.
land grant
a grant of land by the federal government, especially for roads, railroads, or agricultural colleges
A business owned by stockholders who share in its profits but are not personally responsible for its debts
economies of scale
the reduction in the cost of a good brought about especially by increased production at a given facility
total control of a type of industry by one person or one company
a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement, especially to reduce competition
holding company
a company whose primary business is owning a controlling share of stock in other companies
a decline in the volume of available money or credit that results in lower prices, and therefore increases the buying power of money
industrial union
an organization of common laborers and craft workers in a particular industry
a company tool to fight union demands by refusing to allow employees to enter its facilities to work
a court order whereby one is required to do or to refrain from doing a specified act
closed shop
an agreement in which a company agrees to hire only union members
one who enters and becomes established in a country other than that of his or her original nationality
A policy of favoring native-born individuals over foreign-born ones
a very tall building
multifamily apartments, usually dark, crowded, and barely meeting minimum living standards
political machine
an organization linked to a political party that often controlled local government
party boss
the person in control of a political machine
the acquisition of money in dishonest ways, as in bribing a politician
the belief that no matter what a person's background is, he or she can still become successful through effort
providing money to support humanitarian or social goals
settlement house
an institution located in a poor neighborhood that provided numerous community services such as medical care, child care, libraries, and classes in English
process of acquiring or causing a person to acquire American traits and characteristics
a political movement founded in the 1890s representing mainly farmers that favored free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other large industries
unit of paper currency first issued by the federal government during the Civil War
an ongoing increase in prices and decrease in the value of money
a store where farmers buy products from each other; an enterprise owned and operated by those who use its services
graduated income tax
a tax based on the net income of an individual or business and which taxes, different income levels at different rates
poll tax
A tax of a fixed amount per person and payable as a requirement for the right to vote
Separation of people based on racial, ethnic, or other differences
Jim Crow laws
statues enacted to enforce segregation
to execute, by hanging, without lawful approval
the spreading of ideas about an institution or individual for the purpose of influencing opinion
a policy of aggressive military preparedness
loyalty and devotion to a nation
goods whose importation, exportation, or possession is illegal
Stock Market
a system for buying and selling stocks in corporations
bull market
a long period of rising stock prices
act of buying stocks at great risk with the anticipation that that prices will rise
buying a stock by paying only a fraction of the stock price and borrowing the rest
margin call
demand by a broker that investors pay back loans made for stocks purchased on margin
bank run
persistent and heavy demands by a bank's depositors, creditors, or customers to withdraw money
regular periodic payment made to pay off the cost of an item when buying it on credit
minor officer of the courts
a homeless and usually penniless wanderer
soap opera
a serial drama on television or radio using melodramatic situations
public works
protects such as highways, parks
aid in the form of money or supplies for those in need
to take possession of a property from a mortgager because of defaults on payments
abbreviated term for poliomyelitis, an acute infactious disease affecting the skeletal muscles, often resulting in permanent disability and deformity
concentration camp
a camp where persons are detained or confined
extermination camp
a camp where men, women, and children were sent to be executed
strategic materials
items needed for fighting a war
a nation policy of actively trading with foreign countreis t ofoster peace and prosperity
a constitution
satellite nations
nations politically and economically dominated or controlled by another more powerful country
Iron Curtain
the political and military barrier that isolated Soviet-controlled countries of Eastern Europe after World War II
limited war
a war fought with limited commitment of resources to achieve a limited objective, such as containing communism
to express a formal disapproval of an action
radioactive particles dispersed by a nuclear explosion
massive retaliation
a policy of threatening a massive response, including the use of nuclear weapons, against a Communist state trying to seize a peaceful state by force
the practice of pushing a dangerous situation to the limit to force an opponent to back down
not openly shown or engaged in; secret
developing nation
a nation whose economy is primarily agricultural
military-industrial complex
an informal relationship that some people believe exists between the military and the defense industry to promote greater military spending and influence government policy
to deprive of the right to vote
a government contract to pay a manufacturer the cost to produce an item plus a guaranteed percentage
a new industrial region in southern California and the Deep South that developed during World War II
Victory Suit
a men’s suit with no vest, no cuffs, a short jacket, and narrow lapels, worn during WWII in order to save fabric for the war effort
restricting the amount of an item an individual can have due to a limited supply
victory garden
garden planted by citizens during war to raise vegetables for home use, leaving more for the troops
an amphibious tractor used to move troops from ships to shore
during World War II, a Japanese suicide pilot whose mission was to crash into his target
the outer boundary of something