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Correlational Research
Examines relationships between variables without manipulation.
Commonly used method in correlational research.
Correlation vs. Causation
Correlation does not imply one variable causes another.
Internal Consistency Reliability
Degree items in a scale are related.
Cronbach's Alpha
Measures average correlation among scale items.
Test-Retest Reliability
Stability of a measure over time.
Alternative-Form Reliability
Correlation between different versions of a measure.
Inter-Rater Reliability
Agreement between two observers on behavior.
Kappa Coefficient
Adjusts agreement for base rates of behaviors.
Face Validity
Measure appears to assess intended variable.
Content Validity
Comprehensive range of content about target variable.
Construct Validity
Extent of measuring desired construct accurately.
Convergent Validity
Correlates with measures as expected.
Discriminant Validity
Does not correlate with unrelated measures.
Criterion Validity
Relates to specific outcome of behavior.
Concurrent Validity
Corresponds to existing outcome or behavior.
Predictive Validity
Predicts future outcomes based on measurement.
Correlation Coefficient
Indicates strength and direction of variable association.
Pearson r
Measures correlation, ranging from -1 to +1.
Scatter Plots
Visual representation of correlation between variables.
Point-Biserial Correlation
One variable is continuous, other is dichotomous.
Dummy Coding
Quantifies categorical variables with numerical values.
Phi Coefficient
Used for correlation between two dichotomous variables.
Sophisticated Correlational Statistics
Includes ANOVA, regression, factor analysis, etc.
Census-Style Counts
Expensive method often underestimating true numbers.
Service Utilization
Estimates homelessness via shelter bed counts.
Household Survey Method
Estimates lifetime prevalence but excludes certain groups.
Initial Large National Surveys
Obtained representative samples of households with telephones.
Toro Research
Focuses on age differences among homeless individuals.
Substance Use Disorder
Examines link between substance abuse and homelessness.