seen as founder of american anthropology
historical particularism
idenfity needs for change that local people perceive
collab w those people to design a culturally appropriate and socially sensitive change
work to protect local people from harmful polcies and projects that may threaten them
artifacts in the same soil statum will most likely date to the same human occupation phase
a single deposit can only be as old as its youngest artifact
the law of superposition: artifacts found in deeper strata will be older than those found closer to the surface
any cut into a sediment or stratum must take place after that sediment or stratum has been deposited
horizontal- broad exposure of layer
participant observation- learning a culture through social participation and personal observation over a long period of time
interviews- conversations that maintain rapport and provide knowledge
genealogical methods- procedures to understand kinship, decent, and marriage
shld invlude host colleague in research
establish collaborative relationships
include host colleague in dissemination of research results
ensure that somethin is “given back” to the host colleagues
get informed consent!