Channel between cells, allows for transport of nutrients and other vital organelles
Location of photosynthesis, abundance of chlorophyll
starch biosynthesis and storage
remove waste and maintain water balance
acts as a pore to regulate gases
guard cells
open and close stomata by pulling apart and pushing together
hairs that protect plants from outside harms
location of photosynthesis and food storage; makes up most plant tissue ; loose cells
provides structural support and flexibility; condensed and provides stretch
small fibers that are dead and provide structural support
sclerenchyma- sclereids
mechanical support and protection(stiffness); dead; provides gritty texture
sclerenchyma fibers
provide structural support; mechanical strength; made of sclereids
support and upward conduction of water; thin fibers; no nucleus
vessel element
conduct water; no nucleus
sieve tube member
transport organic compounds with help of companion cell : no nucleus
sieve tube plate
connection site between sieve tubes ; pores
companion cell
load and unload organic materials(sugar) into sieve tube members
phloem tissue
sieve tube member, sieve tube plate, companion cells
xylem tissue
tracheids, vessel elements, fibers
root cap
cover and protect tip of roots
region of cell division
area where cells are dividing and provides growth in length(primary growth)
region of cell elongation
provides lengthening and growth of cells and loosens plant walls
unspecialized cells located between epidermis and vascular tissue
pericycle (bundle sheath)
regulates formation of lateral roots; surrounds and protects vascular tissue
barrier around vascular tissue that is selectively permeable
casparian strip
found within the endodermis; forces water and solutes to cross plasma membranes; regulate water flow
vascular cambium
found in woody plants; secondary growth (increasing diameter) and forming woody tissue
cork cambium
found in woody plants, secondary growth that protects vascular cambium
Pores in bark that allow for exchange of gases
leaf primordium
group of cells that will form new leaves
apical meristem
responsible for the primary growth of roots and shoots
lateral bud
involved in secondary growth and produces shoots
soft region made of parenchyma cells; transports and stores nurtrients
vascular tissue in monocot roots
vascular tissue in monocot stems
vascular tissue in eudicot roots
in the center
vascular tissue in eudicot stems
palisade mesophyll
primary location of photosynthesis; contains many chloroplasts and elongated cells
spongy mesophyll
allows for exchange of gases needed for photosynthesis
protective coating covering the epidermis
gymnosperm plant
plants with needles; thick cuticle and sunken stomata
Aids in digestion by manual breakdown and secreting enzymes that assist in chemical digestion
small intestine
to absorb nutrients from food and further aids in the digestion process
large intestine
removes waste that was not digested after absorbing water and salts
important in metabolization; helps to break down and balance nutrients in the blood and secretes enzymes, hormones, and bile
stores and secretes bile produced by the liver
controls the quantity of blood cells and protects the blood from germs
produces enzymes that breakdown food
filters blood and processes toxins and removes the waste in the form of urine
tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder
tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body
urinary bladder
stores urine until the muscles relax and then empties the urine out of the body
hard palate
separates the nasal cavity from the mouth and helps with swallowing and speaking with the interactions with the tongue
soft palate
closes off the nasal cavity when swallowing
transports food from the mouth to the stomach
flap that folds to close off the trachea when swallowing to prevent food from going down the airway instead of the esophagus
helps move food around mouth and aids in swallowing; also helps with speech to enunciate words
serves as a defense mechanism and produces white blood cells
produces hormones for metabolism
the male organ that is used for urination to release urine and for sexual intercourse to release sperm
produce sperm and testosterone
produce and store eggs and secrete female hormones
to support and nourish a fetus until birth; where a baby develops and contracts during labor
circulates blood throughout the body and is responsible for blood pressure
cranial vena cava
the vein that transports blood from the upper(superior) region of the body to the heart
axillary artery
transports oxygenated blood from the heart to the upper limbs
axillary vein
transports deoxygenated blood from the upper limbs and region to the heart
common carotid artery
transports oxygenated blood from the heart to the head and neck region; supplies oxygen to the brain
internal jugular vein
transports deoxygenated blood from the neck and head region back to the heart
external jugular vein
transports deoxygenated blood from the face and scalp region back to the heart
renal vein
transports deoxygenated blood from the kidneys to the inferior vena cava back to the heart
renal artery
transports oxygenated blood from the aorta to the kidneys
caudal vena cava
transports deoxygenated blood from the lower (inferior) region of the body to the heart
abdominal aorta
transports oxygenated blood from the heart to the rest of the body
umbilical artery
transports deoxygenated blood from a fetus to the placenta
a muscle that contracts and relaxes to allow your lungs to inflate and deflate
carries the air from the trachea to the lungs
organ where gas exchange occurs allowing oxygen to be transported to the rest of the body; responsible for breathing in and out air
carries air from the larynx to the bronchi; warms and moistens the air before getting to the lungs
protects the body from inhaling food into the trachea; allows for speech by containing the vocal cords
erythrocytes(red blood cells)
circular in shape cells that transport oxygen throughout the body
leukocytes(white blood cells)
oblong cell shape; responsible for defense mechanisms and the immune system
small circular cells that float in the blood; responsible for clotting
location where the lungs and blood exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
openings in the exoskeleton that allow for air ventilation because insets don't have lungs
the tubes that are in an insects body that connect to air sacs that allow an insect to breathe
the bony flap that protects gills
in fish where gases are exchanged between capillaries in gill lamella and water
glial cell
cells that support neurons and create the myelin sheath
transmitters that send and receive of signals throughout the body
gray matter
center of spinal cord that contains the cell bodies, dendrites, unmyelinated axons
white matter
axons wrapped in myelin sheath
part of brain that controls higher thinking and processing sensory information
part of brain that controls movement and balance
part of brain that controls unconscious processes including breathing
part of brain that maintains homeostasis with eating, drinking, temperature
pituitary gland
part of brain that regulates growth, metabolism, and reproductive hormones
medulla oblongata
part of brain that controls autonomic processes such as breathing and heartbeat; serves as a conduit
optic chiasm
part of brain that allows for crossing of fibers that go from the eyes to cortex; allow for signals to reach both hemispheres
olfactory bulb
part of the brain that processes information about odors from the nose