moving of air in & out of the lungs; required for effective oxygenation & respiration
active part of ventilation; energy is required
During inhalation
diaphragm & intercostal muscles contract → intrathoracic pressure decreases → vacuum is created → thorax enlarges → air passes through upper airway to lower airway → gets to alveoli
passive part of ventilation; no energy is required
During exhalation
diaphragm & intercostal muscles relax → thorax decreases → air is compressed out of the lungs
Air obstruction
blockage of an airway structure leading to the alveoli; will prevent effective ventilation
Causes of airway obstruction include
tongue (#1 common cause), fluid (saliva, blood, mucus, vomit), swelling, & foreign bodies
Methods of controlling oxygen delivery
increasing/decreasing rate of breathing & increasing/decreasing the tidal volume of breaths
inadequate delivery of O2 to the cells
Early indications of hypoxia
restlessness, anxiety, irritability, dyspnea, cyanosis, and tachycardia
shortness of breath
Late indications of hypoxia
altered/decreased level consciousness, severe dyspnea, cyanosis, and bradycardia
slow heart rate
Carbon dioxide drive
body's primary system for monitoring breathing status; body monitors CO2 leels in the blood & cerebrospinal fluid
Hypoxic drive
backup system CO2 drive, monitors oxygen levels in plasma, may be used by end-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients who have high levels of CO2
Prolonged exposure to high concentrations of oxygen in hypoxic drive patients
may depress spotaneous ventilations
Do not _______ from acutely ill/injured patients
withhold oxygen
delivery of oxygen to the blood; ventilation is required
Oxygenation is required for respiration BUT
does not ensure respiration
Surrounding air
contains about 21% O2
Expired air
contains about 16% O2
exchange oxygen & CO2
Heart and brain become irritable due to
lack of oxygen almost immediately
Brain damage begins within
about 4 minutes
Permanent brain damage likely within
6 minutes
Irrecoverable injury is likely within
10 minutes
Airway/Breathing Assessment
Look for chest rise/fall
Listen for breathing, ability to speak, & lung sounds
Feel for air movement & chest rise/fall (Put ear near patient or hand on patient's chest)
Adequate Breathing
normal RR & rhythm, nonlabored breathing, adequate tidal volume, & clear bilateral lung sounds
Inadequate breathing
Abnormal RR or breathing pattern
Nasal flaring (enlargement of nostrils)
Abnormal, diminished, or absent lung sounds
Paradoxical motion (flail chest segment moves in opposite direction of the thorax
Unequal chest rise/fall
Dyspnea, accessory muscle use, retractons
Agonal respiration (dying gasps)
Apnea (no breathing)
use of stethoscope to listen for lung sounds; left lung field is always compared to right lung field (side to side never top to bottom)
Anterior auscultation
Place the stethoscope at the midclavicular line about the second intercostal space (2 inches below clavicle but above nipple line)
Auscultate bilaterally (on both sides of the chest)
Place the stethoscope at about the 4th intercostal space at midaxillary line
Posterior auscultation
Place the stethoscope at about the midclavicular line & below the scapula bilaterally; lung sounds are often easier to access/hear posteriorly
Normal lungs sounds
clear & equal bilaterally
Absent/diminished lung sounds
indicates little or no air exchange
Wheezing lung sounds
high pitched sounds usually heard during exhalation (lower airway)
"wet" or "crackling" sounds (upper airway) caused by pneumonia. bronchitis. respiratory infections that cause mucus buildup)
high-pitched sounds indicating partial upper airway obstruction (auscultated in upper airway/neck)
low-pitched sounds resemble snoring (upper airway)
Pulse Oximetry
considered the "sixth vital sign."; Monitoring of oxygen saturation (SaO2) is now part of the standard of care for EMS; often a function provided on cardiac monitor/ defibrillators
measures % of hemoglobin (RBC) that are saturated with O2; does not identify definitively how much oxygen is in the blood, but it's an indication of respiratory efficiency
Normal SaO2
>98%, but <945 indicates the need for supp O2
Advantages of pulse oximetry
fast, easy, noninvasive assessment tool
Limitations of pulse oximetry
Indication of respiratory efficiency, not confirmation
Cannot measure the amount of hemoglobin, only the oxygen saturation of the hemoglobin that is present
Other clinical assessments must be performed as well
Measurement may be difficult to obtain on some patients due to hypovolemia, hypothermia, anemia, nail polish, carbon monoxide poisoning
Measures saturation of hemoglobin; it can- not distinguish between oxygen saturation and carbon monoxide saturation.
Time delay between patient's pulse oximeter reading & current RR
Head-tilt-chin left
preferred manual method of opening the airway
Indications for Head-tilt-chin lift
altered/decreased LOC, suspected airway obstruction, requiring suctioning
Contraindications for Head-tilt-chin lift
Suspected c-spine injury
Indications for Jaw-thrust maneuver
patients with altered/decreased LOC AND suspected c-spine injury
Contraindications for Jaw-thrust maneuver
conscious patients
Oropharyngeal airway (OPA)
used to prevent the tongue from obstructing the airway; failure to size or insert OPA correctly can cause the tongue to block the airway; remove OPA if patient gags
Indication for OPA
unresponsive patients without a gag reflex
Contraindications for OPA
conscious patients or any patient with intact gag flex
Sizing OPA
measure from the corner of mouth to earlobe
Inserting OPA in Adults
Manually open airway
Suction if needed
Insert OPA upside down with distal end pointing toward roof of mouth
Rotate 180° while advancing OPA until flat
Inserting OPA in Pediatrics
Manually open airway
Suction if needed
Depress tongue with depressing
Insert directly or insert sideways and rotate
Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA)
used to prevent tongue from obstructing airway in patients that can't protect their own airway
Indications for NPA
unresponsive patient w/o gag reflex & patients with decreased LOC but with intact gag preventing use the OPA
Contraindications for NPA
conscious patients with gag reflex that can protect their airway, severe head/facial trauma/injury; resistance to insertion in both nostrils; NPAs are not typically used for patients <1yr
Sizing NPA
measure from tip of nose to earlobe
Inserting NPA
Lubricate NPA with water-solube lubricant
Always insert NPa with bevel toward septum
Try larger nostril first & switch if needed
Advance gently, rotating as necessary, DO NOT force
Remove immediately if patient gags
Suction if needed
entry of matter into lungs, drastically increases risk of death
Indications for Suction
secretions (blood, vomit, mucus, oral secretions, etc.) in the airway that could be aspirated, obstruct the airway, or interfere with ventilations or insertion of a mechanical airway adjunct
Suction should generally be performed
after the airway is opened manually and before insertion of mechanical airway adjunct
Suction units
should be able to generate a vacuum of 300 mmHg when tubing is clamped
Fixed suction
suction unit permanently mounted in a vehicle, hospital
Hand-powered suction
manually powered portable suction unit
Suction catheter
attaches to the suction unit & is inserted into the patient's airway to remove secretions; single-patient use only (tubing & disposable canisters as well)
Rigid suction catheter (tonsil tip or Yankauer)
best suited for suctioning the oral airway
French catheter (whistle-tip)
flexible catheter that comes in several sizes, best suited for suctioning nose, stoma, or inside of advanced airway device
Suctioning increases the risk of
Adults Max Suction time
15 seconds
Pediatric Max Suction time
10 seconds
Infant Max Suction time
5 seconds
Recovery position (patient on his side)
reduces sick of aspiration; unresponsive patients with adequate breathing and no c-spine should be in this position
Supplemental Oxygen
goal → maintain pulse ox of ≥94%, not needed if no signs or resp. Distress or ≥94% pulse ox
Indications for Supp O2
Cardiac arrest
Receiving artificial ventilation
Suspected hypoxia
Signs of shock (hypoperfusion)
Pulse O2 < 94%
Altered/decreased LOC
Oxygen cylinders
seamless steal or aluminum cylinder of various sizes, usually green, can never be left standing unattended, amount of O2 measured in psi (full cylinder has about 2000 psi)
Cylinder should be taken out of service & refilled if below
200 psi
Pin indexing system
safety feature that prevents a CO2 cylinder from being connected to O2 regulator
Flow meters/pressure regulators
Flow meters are connected to pressure regulators. In combination, they re- duce the pressure coming from the tank to safe levels and allow a specific flow rate. The flow rate is measured in liters per minute (lpm or L/ min)
Nonrebreathers (NRB) masks
preferred method O2 admin in prehospital, referred to as "high-flow" O2 admin, available in adult and pediatric sizes
Flow rate of NRB
10-15 LPM
Oxygen delivered in NRB
up to 90%
Cautions of NRB
prolonged use can dry & irritate nasal passage if oxygen is not humidified
Simple face mask
similar to nonrebreather, but w/o oxygen reservoir; flow rate → 6-10 lpm, 40-60% oxygen
Venturi mask
mask delivers precise concentration of low-flow oxygen, rarely used in the prehospital environment
surgical procedure that creates an opening through the neck & into the trachea
Humidification of oxygen
increases the moisture of supplemental O2 by flowing it through water prior to inhalation by the patient
Oxygen toxicity
alveoli can collapse due to long-term exposure to high concentrations of oxygen; rarely occurs in prehospital environment
Respiratory depression
risk for COPD patients on the hypoxic drive however, it typically requires long- term exposure to high-concentration oxygen; retinal damage can occur in newborns with lon-term exposure to high concent. O2
Assisted Ventilation (also artificial ventilation or positive pressure ventilation (PPV))
includes mouth to mask, flow-restricted, oxygen-powered ventilation device & automatic transport ventilators and BVM; indicated for any patient with inadequate spontaneous breathing leading to severe respiratory distress or failure
narrowing of the airways
Pulmonary edema
condition caused by too much fluid in the lungs; This fluid collects in the many air sacs in the lungs, making it difficult to breathe
no spontaneous breathing
Agonal breaths
shallow, ineffective gasps
slow breathing
fast breathing
breathing too slow or shallow
Any unresponsive patient receiving artificial ventilations should have an airway adjust in place to
prevent the tongue from obstructing the airway
Complications of PPV
Increased intrathoracic pressure, which reduces circulatory efficiency
Gastric distention, which increases the risk of vomiting & can compromise ventilatory efficiency
common mistake; occurs when ventilations are provided too fast, too deep, or both