unit 9: applications of thermodynamics

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entropy (ΔS)

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entropy (ΔS)

the measure of how dispersed/spread out the matter and energy of a system is (more spread out → higher entropy)

  • +ΔS: higher entropy

  • -ΔS: lower entropy

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standard change in entropy

measure of how entropy changes during a process at some standard conditions

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absolute entropy

entropy change as a substances ins heated from 0 Kelvin

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gibbs free energy

measure of the thermodynamic favorability of a reaction at certain conditions

  • ΔG < 0: thermodynamically favored

  • ΔG > 0: not thermodynamically favored

  • ΔG = 0: equilibrium

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change in free energy when forming 1 mole of substance from its elemental components at standard conditions

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kinetic control

reactions when ΔG < 0 but do not happen at any significant rate at a given temperature

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a thermodynamically favorable reaction occurs alongside an unfavorable one, using intermediates to get the desired product

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electrochemical cell

chemical energy is converted to electrical energy using redox reactions

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galvanic cell

generate electricity by using redox equations that are thermodynamically favorable

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electrolytic cell

use a power supply to drive a thermodynamically unfavorable reaction

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electrochemical potential

measured in volts

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reaction of oxidation or reduction component alone

  • not dependent on the number of electrons or coefficients in balanced half reaction equations

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Q < 1

more reactants, stronger forward reaction, increased voltage, new Ecell is > standard Ecell

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Q > 1

more products, stronger backward reaction, increased voltage, new Ecell is < standard Ecell

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