Specialised sex cells for reproduction
What do the specialised parts of this cell do?
Acrosome - contains enzymes to digest though the outer layer of the egg cell
Respiration occurs in the mitochondria to release energy for the sperm to swim to the egg
Flagellum acts as a tail/ for swimming
When the nuclei of the egg and sperm fuse to form a diploid zygote
Haploid v Diploid:
Haploid cells have one set of chromosomes - 23 chromosomes
Diploid zygotes have 46 chromosomes
Eggs and the female sex hormone oestrogen are produced here
The egg travels along the oviduct to the uterus - cilia waft the egg along. Fertilisation occurs here if an egg meets a sperm
This is where the foetus develops
A ring of muscle at the neck of the vagina which dilates during labour
British canal and entry of the penis for fertilisation
Look at this label of the female reproductive system:
Female reproductive system