Group membership and its effects on resource access are a reason why we continue to use which term?
At Purdue there is a disproportionate amount of black professors when compared to the total population of the US (13% vs 3%) despite no one outwardly saying black people shouldn't apply to work in the faculty. this is an example of what type of racism?
Women are often told that women do bad on math exams. When going to take a test the stress from trying to prove the stereotype wrong causes her to do worse then what she could normally do. This is an example of what trend?
stereotype threat
Group habits of thoughts/emotions, experience and history, and technology/skills are all aspects shaped by what?
If you like in contemporary America, you have certain knowledge of tech terms and examples. For example, you understand the meaning of someone saying "swipe right and swipe left". This is because of what culturally effected aspect?
Someone who is Armenian growing up worrying about the arminian genocide will have differing thought processes than someone from Turkey who grew up not worrying about it. This is due to which two culturally shaped aspects?
experience and history
The differing views of abnormal behavior and socialization is why what is important in psychology?
Because culture effects how we behave and process stimuli it effects which two major aspects of the psychological field?
assessment and research
What type of stressor would poverty be?
What type of stressor would depression be?
Especially in the US, the media produces views on what is the "proper" body type. This has lead to an increasing in eating disorders in primarily women. This can be seen as the effect of what of psychology?
Significant/persistent distress or impairment of normal life activity is needed for diagnosis of psychological disorders because of this
Given the example of the man with the Pitbul related phobia, thoughts about his childhood friend being attacked by a Pitbul is an example of what type of anxiety symptom?
Given the example of the man with the Pitbul related phobia, increased breathing and sweating are an example of what type of anxiety symptom?
Given the example of the man with the Pitbul related phobia, yelling at people with Pitbuls and not going out with his family are an example of what type of anxiety symptom?
Anxiety d/os, panic d/os, selective mutism, agoraphobia, and specific phobias are all apart of what type of classification?
Anxiety disorders
OCD, Body Dysmorphic d/o, adjustment d/o, reactive attachment d/o, and disinhibited social engagement d/o are all apart of what type of classification?
Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorder
PTSD, Acute Stress d/o, adjustment d/o, reactive attachment d/o, and disinhibited social engagement d/o are all apart of what type of classification?
Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders
Anxiety disorders effect more women (2 to 1) and begin in childhood. This is an example of anxiety's __________________
Behaviors of clinging, uncomfortability being alone, nightmares, and attachment are normal anxiety sx on what group?
Juliana refuses to go with their friends to the mall because they are scared of how their friend will react to how they walk, eat, talk, ect. This would be an example of what disorder?
social phobia
Jackie refuses to leave his house and go to open city centers and public transport. He's scared that, if he goes there, he'll have a panic attack and not be in control of the environment. What would Jackie be diagnoses with?
Within anxiety and ocd disorders, avoiding a situation often leads to anxiety reducing which negatively reinforces someone to continue avoidance. This is an example of which type of conditioning?
In this condition, someone might misinterpret the normal bodily function as something that may be deadly causing an "attack" on themselves.
Before going to bed, Andy has to get out of bed and go up an down the stair 4 times a night to make sure all the doors are closed. Additionally he has to jiggle the door nob 3 times each trip. After doing this, Andy is able to fall asleep. What would Andy most likely be diagnosed with?
Before going to bed, Andy has to get out of bed and go up an down the stair 4 times a night to make sure all the doors are closed. Additionally he has to jiggle the door nob 3 times each trip. After doing this, Andy is able to fall asleep. In this situation, checking the doors and nobs would be a what?
Janice often tugs out their hair to suck on during stressful exams, meetings, and projects, regardless of how it effects their image. This would be an example of what disorder?
Jash grew up in an orphanage in Eastern Europe and was not given proper care. Eventually, he was adopted by an American family however he showed no reaction to the care they gave his. This would be an example of what disorder?
Reactive Attachment
Julia gets bored during her sisters baseball game and goes to a random family a couple courts over and sits down to start talking. Julia would most likely be diagnosised with what disorder?
Disinhibition social engagement
Available resources be less then what's needed, exceeding the system limits, and environmental demands that cause change are all things that Lazarus and Folkman say can cause what?
Stress can cause positive emotions such and preparation, vigilance, and excitement. True or false?
The first step to Selye's Global Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) involves the initial fight or flight response. This is called ___________
The first step to Selye's Global Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) involves the long term coping strategy. This is called ___________
The first step to Selye's Global Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) involves the depletion of coping resources and system no longer being able to handle stress. This is called ___________
After a car accident, Bri purposely avoids cars and similar moving vehicles to the point of moving into a city where she doesn't have to drive to get to her job, grocery store, friends house, ect. Bri would most likely be diagnosed with what disorder?
After a car accident, Bri purposely avoids cars and similar moving vehicles to the point of moving into a city where she doesn't have to drive to get to her job, grocery store, friends house, ect. These would all be types of which type of symptom?
Lazarus and Folkman believe positive health promotion and recognizing/avoiding stressful situations will help avoid, prevent, or lessen what?
Seeking and developing social support skills, such as going to an English class, and reframing problems like "I've failed this exam, I'm going to lose my scholarship" into "I just need to do better on the next test" are all part of what part of Lazarus and Folkmon's stress reduction methods?
building resources (coping)
Alexander moved to Ohio from Germany and had crippling stress from having poor English skills and overwhelming new american culture. Her therapist suggest going to the local October fest and joining a club dedicated to German books and crafts. This tx would be using what aspect?
This group believes that somatic symptoms can be fixed by talking about root psychological problems
This group believes somatic symptoms are due to defense mechanisms where someones energy from anxiety-provoking trauma is turned to more socially acceptable physical symptoms.
Anna O was a victorian women developed a paralysis of her right hand and some other physical symptoms. Psychologist Breuer found that under hypnosis her paralysis subsided. Breuer was using what school of psychological thought?
Matty got a cough that lasted about a week. After thinking about it, Matty comes to the conclusion that he now has some type of terminal lung disorder. Matty would most likely be diagnosed with what disorder?
illness anxiety
Juliana wants to get out of her Psych 350 exam and emails her professor that she is currently sick and vomiting into her toilet. This would be an example of what disorder (that is not a somatic disorder)?
Martez likes the feeling of being a good mother and medical staff sympathy and therefor goes through a lot of work to make it seem like her daughter is ill and takes her to ~190 different doctors. This would but an example of what type of disorder
Factitious (Münchhausen's by proxy)
Social/cultural stigma around mental problems can lead to what type of symptom?
A girl in high school starts to develop tiks. Eventually other girls see what is happening and also, subconsciously, start to develop tiks. They would most likely be diagnosed with what disorder?
Which two emotions can lead to a lot somatic symptoms like high blood pressure and migraines?
anger and stress
Community resources's, such as gym's, housing, and healthy eating, effects on health are often measured through what type of research?
Alice abruptly sit upon her kitchen counter and stares at the wall for about an hour. During this she starts to perceive a detached version of identity and environment going as far as to feel a disconnect from herself. This would be an example of _____________
Often in religious settings and boring lectures forms of dissociation are seen as _____________
Suggestibility, imagination, and absorption are all precursors of what?
these two schools of though think dissociation is form of protection from trauma
psychoanalytical and cognitive
Markus often leaves his home, husband, and two kids. During this time he forgets his name and identity and has traveled to new places. For instances, once he moved 3 towns over for a month, opened and ice cream stand, and lived as John. Markus has what would be called _____________
dissociative fugues
A man walks into a hospital not remembering anything. Once given an inhibitor drug, he's able to tell the staff he walked passed a murder and overheard them saying they need to kill any witnesses. This would be a case of _______________
dissociative amnesia
Janet often lies awake at night feeling detached from both her body and world as she thinks about peoples experiences in different parts of the world and time period. This would be an example of ______________________ disorder
Depersonalization and derealization
After going through horrific sa from his Boy Scout leader as child, Alex develops an older personality (alter) named Carol who is able to handle the trauma. This eventually leads to Alex developing multiple alters, such as a little girl named Annie and an older man named Luke. Alex would be categorized as having ____
a recent spike in cases and the fact that most cases are seen by few clinician brings complications with the legitimacy of diagnosis what disorder?
Some people believe DID is manifested through the therapist legitimizing the disorder. This theory would be using what common factor of people with DID?
Unlike other anxiety and phobia disorders, this disorder will always be diagnosed in the aftermath of an identifiable trauma.
Reintegrating alters and lost personal elements is often the treatment goal for what type of disorder?
After stopping coffee use, Jamie become jittery and gets a major headache. What is Jamie experiencing?
Addictive disorders have to come from substance use. True or False
Continued use of substance or activities despite knowing the risks or problems associated with them is a qualification for what type of disorder?
This implies serious drug seeking that isn't able to be done by infants and children
Maxwell takes unprescribed aderall to stay more alter on his business exam. This would be the uses of what type of substance?
Justice wants to wind down after a long day of work and to do so drinks a few beers. Justice would be consuming ______________
Georgie wants to have a fun experience with friends that takes her out of the daily views/life. To do so, she takes weed, a ___________
After getting his right finger amputated, Maxwell gets a dependence on his morphine based pain meds that give him a high effect. He would be consuming ______________
This DSM stage of recovery is marked for people who have become sober (stop showing symptoms)
in remission
this disorder is often comorbid with personality, mood, and anxiety disorders
substance use
The legal difference related to powder vs rock cocaine show the effects of ____________ on the social views/treatment resources of certain substances
Hannah is in treatment for meth use however she doesn't feel like she is getting any better. This stuck feeling leads to her ____________
Martin often feels like he has mastered many parts of sobriety and doesn't need to worry about substance use. This is dangerous and can lead to Martin _________
The effect of individuals becoming dependent on certain substances because they disruption the bodies natural neurotransmitter process is what makes ________________ ________ so hard to work on
substance use
Annie has developed a dependance on cocaine since it has replaced this neurotransmitter at neural receptor sites
The expectation of college students to drink a lot over the weekend would be an example of the _____________ of substance use
Tension reduction and escape is a common ________________ of substance use, according to behavioral theories
The first part of the opponent process view is the A process, which involves substances providing a ___________ _______________ effect
positive psychoactive
Alex has reached the stage where he has to consume daily amounts of weed to hit his normal baseline of happiness. This means Alex has reached which part of the opponent process view?
B (build-up of negative)
Luke sits down with his client, who's abuses alcohol, and discusses where his client feels their abilities of controlling alcohol consumption is at and their goals/wishes that drive them to become sober. This would be an example of this common part of the treatment process:
motivational interview
Stress can harm what important bodily system?
Marie moves to the US from the Middle East and now is dealing with the stress of deciding how to, or if she should, where her veil around her Illinois suburb. Marie would be dealing with what type of stress?
Lexie moves from Russia to New York. To fit in, she decides to compromise and learn English and parts of traditional american culture while still speaking Russian at home and finding a group to make traditional Russian food. Lexie is dealing with acculturative stress with what theory?
Ronnie's family moves from Mexico to Arizona. After a couple years, his family starts to drift away from each other and they lose contact with their relatives in Mexico. This is an example of what form of stress?
Marco believes he's a smart and capable businessman. This allows him to stay calm and not stressed when going into a big deal. This is due to what type of expectancy?
commitment, challenge, control are all part of a cluster of traits that can help a person prevent stress and are called:
psychological hardiness
Following the death of their mother, Ky often lays in bed at night feeling hopeless and crying. This would be an example of ______________ disorder with ____________ mood(s)
adjustment and depressed
For a month following a very rough plane trip, Andrew refused to get on a plane. Whenever he heard plane noises or was in a bumpy car ride, he have flashbacks to the original plane trip. Andrew would most likely be diagnosed with what disorder?
acute stress
Annie was SA'd at a party at the tri delta frat. Now she has to adjust her route to class to not pass the frat. This is an example of what type of PTSD behavior?
Often during meetings involving the police, instead of sitting in the cars, they stand with their backs to the wall to limit the possibility of an attack from behind. This is an example of what type of PTSD behavior?
To have an effect on someone, a trauma has to be personally experienced. True or False.
This is the most common cause for PTSD
car accidents
This part of the brain can play a factor into a persons susceptibility to to develop PTSD
To help treat his PTSD, Ryan's therapist takes him on a short drive around the neighborhood where it happened. This is an example of what CBT/behavioral therapy process?
While cleaning out the attic with your sister, she sees a big spider and has to back out of the room. For the next few minutes she has breathing difficulties and has to sit down. What has you sister just experienced?
Panic attack
Studies show the minority groups often experience less anxiety related problems and disorders, often believed to be tied to their lifelong experiences of social issues. This would be an example of what type of differences involved with anxiety disorders?
A possible biological explanation for addiction would be substances amplification or replacement of what neurotransmitter along with issues with serotonin?
After Annie walks up the stairs to go give her EAPS final presentation, her heart rate and breathing starts to spike and she starts to believe she is having a heart attack. This is an example of __________ ____________ leading to a __________ attack.
bodily misinterpretations, panic
What neurotransmitter tones down brain activity and can help prevent anxiety/panic?