What is the leading cause for the development of COPD?
Cigarette smoking
15-20% of smokers dx with COPD
80-90% of those dx with COPD are smokers
Smoking is toxic to lung cells impairs the mechanisms responsible for lung repair
What else can contribute to the development of COPD?
Other risk factors
How do genetics contribute to the development of COPD?
Polymorphisms of genes that code for TNF, surfactant, proteases and antiproteases
Inherited mutation in a-1 antitrypsin gene can cause early onset and severe COPD (onset and severity worsened by smoking)
Heterogeneous nature of COPD attributed to multiple genetic and environmental factors as well as gene-gene and gene-environment interactions (epigenetic's)
How does environment contribute to the development of COPD?
Long term exposure to occupational dusts/chemicals, indoor pollution from heating and cooking with biomass fuels, outdoor pollution
What are some other risk factors that can lead to the development of COPD?
Severe childhood respiratory infections
Airway hyper-responsiveness
Impairment to fetal development resulting in low birth weight
Infants who develop bronchopulmonary dysplasia
What is meant by the use of the term "COPD phenotypes"?
Not a single disorder, but a group of disorders that are characterized by airflow limitation
What are the 3 COPD phenotypes?
Chronic bronchitis
What is chronic bronchitis?
Airway inflammation and obstruction of the major and small airways
Chronic productive cough for at least 3 consecutive months over 2 consecutive years
What is emphysema?
Loss of lung elasticity
Abnormal enlargement of the airspaces distal to the terminal bronchioles with destruction of the alveolar walls and capillary beds
What is bronchiectasis?
Permanent dilation of the bronchi and bronchioles
Caused by destruction of the muscles and elastic supporting tissue due to vicious cycles of infection and inflammation
How are asthma and COPD related?
Together they can be called obstructive airway diseases
How can COPD be defined?
"Respiratory disorder largely caused by smoking, characterized by progressive, partially reversible airway obstruction and lung hyperinflation, systemic manifestations and increasing frequency and severity of exacerbations"
What is COPD characterized by?
Persistent inflammation of airways, lung parenchyma and its vasculature
Pathophysiological hallmark is expiratory flow limitation
What are the 4 most important airflow limitation mechanisms associated with COPD?
Loss of lung elastic recoil
Peribronchiolar fibrosis
Increased airway secretions
Airway smooth muscle
Describe what occurs with loss of lung elastic recoil
Occurs with emphysema
Due to protease mediated degradation of connective tissue elements in the lungs
Describe what occurs with peribronchiolar fibrosis
Occurs because of imbalance between lung repair and defence mechanisms
Fibrosis of small airways contributes to airway remodelling which is a key factor in the development of the irreversible airflow limitation seen in COPD
Airway remodelling: "persistent changes that occur within the structural components of the airways in response to inflammation"
Describe what occurs with increased airway secretions
Mucus hyperplasia and increased expression of mucin genes in COPD
Inflammation and oxidant injury play a role in mucus hypersecretion
Describe what occurs to airway smooth muscle in COPD
Increased tone in airway smooth muscle due to bronchial hyper-reactivity and bronchoconstriction due to persistent inflammation
Even if tone is not increased in those with COPD, airways are narrower resulting in increased airway resistance
Using bronchodilators will have a positive effect on airflow whether there is increased tone or not
Chronic bronchitis is the result of?
Inflammation of the airway epithelium and mucus hyper-secretion due to inspired irritants like tobacco smoke or air pollution
What is the first feature of chronic bronchitis?
Hyper-secretion of mucus in the large airways
What are some of the issues associated with increased mucus production and chronic bronchitis?
Mucus produced is thicker and more tenacious
Increase in the number and size of mucus glands and goblet cells in the airway epithelium
Ciliary function impaired which reduces airway clearance
increases risk of pulmonary infection because lung's defense mechanisms are compromised
Bacterial colonization can occur, infection and injury cause further mucus production and inflammation
Recurrent infections and persistent inflammation result in bronchospasm and eventually permanent narrowing of the airways
How does thick mucus and hypertrophied bronchial smooth muscle lead to pulmonary HTN and cor pulmonale?
Thick mucus and hypertrophied bronchial smooth muscle -> airway obstruction -> ventilation-perfusion mismatch + hypoxemia + hypercapnia -> polycythemia, cyanosis -> pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale
What is polycythemia?
Overproduction of red blood cells
What is cor pulmonale?
Enlargement of the right ventricle which will cause right sided heart failure
What is emphysema characterized by?
Breakdown of elastin in the alveolar septa and bronchial walls as well as breakdown of alveolar and bronchial wall components by proteases (enzymes that digest proteins)
Why is there breakdown of lung tissues by proteases?
There is an imbalance between proteases and anti-proteases, the leading cause of this is airway epithelial inflammation from toxins in tobacco smoke or air pollution
What are the most important proteases activated in emphysema?
Matrix malloprotease
How is protease production and smoking linked?
Anti-protease production and release is inadequate in smokers that develop COPD
What is primary emphysema?
Related to inherited linked deficiency of a-1 antitrypsin, individuals develop the disease before the age of 40/in their early 40's and do not have a history of smoking. People with the deficiency who also smoke have a higher susceptibility to developing emphysema
What are some of the things that occur to someone with emphysema?
Septal destruction destroys portions of the pulmonary capillary bed which leads to ventilation-perfusion mismatch and hypoxemia
Decreased elastic recoil in bronchial walls leads to air trapping
Air trapping causes enlargement of gas exchange airways called acini
Increased residual volume and total lung capacity occur due to air trapping, persistent inflammation can also result in hyper-reactivity of the bronchi with bronchoconstriction
What does a-1 antitrypsin do?
Elastin is released by inflammatory cells in response to smoking/air pollution. A-1 antitrypsin normally inhibits the action of elastin, however inflammation will persist and there is a decrease in a-1 antitrypsin activity
This leads to destruction of elastic fibres in the lung and causes emphysema
What occurs with a-1 antitrypsin deficiency?
Limited amount of a-1 antitrypsin to counteract elastase released
Result is destruction of elastic fibres in the lung and eventual emphysema
How is the amount of a-1 antitrypsin determined?
By protein inhibitor genes
What is the most serious disorder of the a-1 antitrypsin deficiency?
Caused by the PIZ variant which is found in 5% of the population. Homozygous individuals who carry 2 PIZ genes have only 15-205 of the normal plasma [ ] of a-1 antitrypsin and have a 70-80% likelihood of developing emphysema
What role do sites of involvement play in emphysema?
Determines whether the emphysema is centriacinar or panacinar
What is the most common form of emphysema?
Centriacinar, destructions confined to terminal and respiratory bronchioles, located in the upper parts of the lungs
What is paracinar emphysema?
Involves the peripheral alveoli and later the more central bronchioles, more common in those with inherited a-1 antitrypsin deficiency, located in the lower parts of the lungs
When does air trapping occur?
Airways pulled open during inspiration allowing gas to flow past the obstruction caused by narrowed airways and mucus plugs
During expiration decreased elastic recoil of bronchial wall causes airways to collapse and prevents normal expiratory flow
What would you expect to find upon physical examination of someone who has hyperinflation/air trapping of the lungs?
Barrel chest
Expands the thorax (respiratory muscles at mechanical disadvantage resulting in decreased tidal volume, hypoventilation and hypercapnia)
Which condition is air trapping usually most associated with?
Usually associated more with emphysema as the loss of elastic recoil due to destruction of lung tissue significantly prevents normal expiratory flow
How does inflammation relate to COPD?
Central feature of COPD
leads to damage and remodelling of lung parenchyma, leading to airflow limitation
Innate immunity activated at all stages of COPD, adaptive immunity is activated in more severe disease
What changes would we expect to see in the lymphocytes of a person with COPD?
Increase in lymphocytes
Increase in CD4+ lymphocytes and B-cells
Macrophages secrete inflammatory mediators that activate neutrophils and CD*+ T-lymphocytes
CD4+ T-lymphocytes activate B-cells, and B-cells involved
What are the most important inflammatory cells in COPD?
CD8+ T-lymphocytes
In a person with COPD, we could expect to see an increase in which pro-inflammatory cytokines?
Thymic stromal lymphopoietin
T-cell cytokines
How do chemokines, growth factors and anti-inflammatory cytokines influence COPD?
Chemokines induce leukocyte chemotaxis, promote neutrophil activation and migration
Growth factors contribute to airway remodelling
Cytokines have inhibitory/anti-inflammatory effects
What is IL-10? What happens to levels of this in patients with COPD?
Persistent anti-inflammatory cytokine that inhibits TNF-a, IL-1B, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, chemokines and matrix metalloproteinase (all increased in COPD)
IL-10 is reduced in the sputum of persons with COPD
What are the 2 schools of thought in relation to systemic inflammation and COPD?
Systemic manifestations and comorbidities are the result of a systemic spill over of the inflammatory and respiratory events occurring in the lungs. Therapies should be primarily directed to the lungs
Pulmonary manifestations are simply one form of expression fo a systemic inflammatory state where there is multiple organ compromise. Therapies should be shifted to the systemic inflammatory state
Where are most treatments for COPD currently aimed?
At the lungs
What are the cytokines linked to muscle weakness, skeletal muscle atrophy or cachexia?
Chemokines (specifically CXCL8 or IL-8)
What is leptin?
Adipokine (cytokine derived from fat cells)
Important role in regulating energy and is decreased in persons with COPD
What are the acute phase proteins linked to COPD symptoms and severity?
CRP - linked to health and exercise capacity, significant predictor of BMI, if it remains high 2 weeks post exacerbation there is a likelihood of recurrent exacerbation
Fibrinogen - plasma concentrations increased with frequency exacerbations, worse FEV1 and increased risk of hospitalization for COPD linked to increased plasma fibrinogen
Serum amyloid A - elevated during exacerbation correlated wit severity of exacerbations
Surfactant protein D (better related disease severity and symptoms than CRP
CRP and fibrinogen associated with increased cardiac co-morbidity
What are the systemic manifestations (of inflammation) and comorbidities? (* = comorbidity, not usually related to systemic inflammation)
Skeletal muscle weakness
Lung cancer*
Pulmonary HTN*
Ischemic heart disease
Cardiac failure
Normocytic anemia
Obstructive sleep apnea*
What is the role of oxidative stress from cigarette smoke?
Contains numerous oxidants as well as from inflammatory cells which release reactive oxygen species
Oxidant/antioxidant imbalance
Other factors affecting O/AO imbalance in pathogenesis of COPD are respiratory infections, genetic factors and dietary factors
Oxidative stress contributes to the damage that occurs in the lungs
Oxidative stress considered to be the cause of corticosteroid resistance in COPD
Muscle dysfunction in COPD strongly associated with enhanced oxidative stress
Acute changes in symptoms such as cough, dyspnea and sputum production that is beyond what is considered normal variability in a patient
Why is it difficult to determine which bacteria cause AECOPD?
Chronic bacterial colonization of the airways is common in COPD
What are some triggers of AECOPD?
Pulmonary embolis
Exposure to allergens and irritants
Bacterial/viral infections
What are the most frequently involved viruses in AECOPD?
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Parainfluenza viruses
Human metapneumoviruses
What are some of the probable bacterial pathogens involved in COPD?
Haemophilus influenza
Moraxella catarrhalis
Streptococcus pneumonia
Which type of infection more commonly causes AECOPD?
Viral more common than bacterial
What are the common signs and symptoms of AECOPD?
Chest tightness
Increased cough and sputum production
Change in colour and tenacity of sputum
Exercise intolerance and fever may present prior to exacerbation
How can acute exacerbations be managed?
Initiate or increase bronchodilator therapy
No improvement -> admission to hospital
Administer oxygen, combination therapy of beta-2 agonists and anti-cholinergic, PO/IV corticosteroids
IV methylxanthines, antibiotics, NIPPV my be considered
Treat comorbidities prn
How can acute exacerbations be prevented?
Smoking cessation
Vaccinations (specifically influenza which reduces mortality by 50% and pneumococcal vaccine)
Self management education
Regular long acting bronchodilators in moderate to severe COPD
Regular inhaled corticosteroid and long acting beta-2 agonist combination therapy in moderate to severe COPD with 1+ AECOPD per year
Oral corticosteroid therapy for AECOPD
Pulmonary rehabilitation
What are some of the symptoms that those with COPD can experience?
Fatigue and exercise intolerance
Sputum production
Why would someone with COPD experience dyspnea/SOB?
Being unable to get enough air, dyspnea may be caused by disturbances in ventilation, gas exchange or ventilation-perfusion relationships, and increased work of breathing that damages the parenchyma
Why would someone with COPD experience fatigue and exercise intolerance?
Breathing with effort depletes their energy stores
Why would someone with COPD experience a cough?
Reflex stimulated by excessive secretions and/or inhaled irritants
Why would someone with COPD experience sputum production?
Excessive amounts caused by airway inflammation
Why would someone with COPD wheeze?
Breathing through narrowed airways
What are some abnormal vital signs that you may expect to see in someone with COPD? What would each abnormality indicate?
FEVER - may indicate infection HYPOVENTILATION - due to prolonged expiratory phase TACHYCARDIA - related to mechanisms including fever, use of beta-2 agonist and hypovolemia BP - should not be affected, abnormal results may indicate hypovolemia or sepsis (hypotension), high blood pressure = HTN HYPOXEMIA - Inadequate gas exchange in COPD
What are some cardiac abnormalities that you could expect to see in someone with COPD?
Edema or increased jugular venous pressure
What are some respiratory abnormalities that you could expect to see in someone with COPD?
Most important assessment
Note work of breathing, use of accessory muscle, pursed lip breathing, cyanosis, hyper resonance with percussion, crackles, wheezes
Barrel chest
Tripod position to facilitate use of sternocleidomastoid, scalene and intercostal muscles
What are some other signs (related to physical appearance) that you may expect to see in a patient with COPD?
Muscle weakness
Muscle wasting
Clubbing (associated with diseases that interfere with oxygen)
Why do you hear hyper resonance when auscultating the chest of someone with COPD?
Due to air trapping in the lungs
Why would you hear crackles when auscultating the chest of someone with COPD?
Abnormal secretions, mucus or fluid in the airways
Wheezes on inspiration indicate...?
Upper airway obstruction
Wheezes on expiration indicate...?
Lower airway obstruction
What signs would we expect to see in arterial blood gas of someone with COPD?
Hypoxemia, hypercapnia, acidosis with severe disease or respiratory failure (inadequate gas exchange)
Hypoxemia in which pp or arterial 02 is less than or equal to 50 mmHg or hypercapnia where pp of arterial CO2 is greater than 500 mmHg with a pH less than or equal to 7.25
What signs would we expect to see in a CBC of someone with COPD?
Elevated leukocytes
Elevated cytokines and acute phase proteins
What would you expect to see on a chest x-ray of someone with COPD?
Hyperinflation and flattening of the hemi-diaphragms (air trapping)
Note presence of atelectasis, pulmonary edema, areas of consolidation, cardiomegaly
Evidence of infection
What is the standard assessment tool for diagnosis, staging and monitoring of COPD?
When should spirometry be performed?
Anyone with a history of exposure to risk factors for COPD, history of chronic respiratory illness or chronic symptoms of cough, sputum production or dyspnea
What is forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1)?
Volume of air forcibly exhaled during the first second of expiration after maximal inspiration
FEV1 <80% indicates what?
More advanced disease
What is forced vital capacity?
Maximum volume of air exhaled until the lungs are empty
How is FVC affected in COPD?
FVC not always reduced in the early stages of COPD
What ratio is used to assess lung function?
Ratio of FEV1 to FVC
What value confirms airflow limitation?
FEV1/FVC post bronchodilator value of < 0.70
How is oxygen therapy used in the treatment of COPD?
Used during stage IV COPD, which is very severe disease with chronic respiratory failure
Long term continuous therapy, during exercise or prn to relieve episodes of acute dyspnea
LT therapy (15+ hours a day) to achieve 02 sats of 90%+ offers a survival advantage not those with stable COPD with severe hypoxemia (pp O2 mmHG or less/ pp O2 <60 mmHg in presence of bilateral ankle edema, cor pulmonale or hematocrit >56%)
Improves pulmonary HTN, increases exercise capacity, lung function, improves the mental and emotional states, and increases survival in persons with chronic respiratory failure
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation can be considered during severe exacerbations or in persons with chronic hypercapnia respiratory failure, not standard for those with COPD
What role do bronchodilators play in COPD?
Main pharmacological therapy for those with COPD, available in long acting and short acting formulas Ex. Inhaled anticholinergics, inhaled beta-2 adrenergic receptor agonists
What do inhaled anticholinergics do?
Decrease bronchoconstriction by reducing muscle tone and glandular mucus
Inhibits acetylcholine from interacting with cholinergic M1 and M3 receptors that control bronchoconstriction and glands that produce mucus
Caution with glaucoma/prostate issues
Dry mouth = common side effect
What do inhaled beta-2 adrenergic receptor agonists do?
Cause bronchodilation
Act on B2 adrenergic receptors located in smooth muscle of the airways
Receptors stimulated, causes increase in cAMP which inhibits bronchoconstriction
LABAs recommended as maintenance therapies for long term prevention and reduction of symptoms
What are combination inhalations?
Combine inhaled anticholinergics or beta-2 adrenergic receptor agonists with corticosteroids
Why are corticosteroids not effective as a mono therapy for those with COPD?
Because of corticosteroid resistance (oxidative and nutritive stress in COPD lungs)
What are inhaled corticosteroids used for in those with COPD?
Treatment of patients with advanced COPD (FEV1 <50% with frequent exacerbations)
ICS + LABA reduce decline in lung function
What are oral corticosteroids used for in those with COPD?
Used for severe exacerbations
What are some other forms of pharmacotherapy that can be used for the management of COPD?
Methylxnthines - 3rd line treatment after inhaled anticholinergics or inhaled beta-2 agonists or when treating exacerbations
Mucolytics can be used in patients with significant mucus hyper secretion
Rehab should be offered and encouraged to who?
People with COPD need to maintain an active lifestyle
Rehab should be offered and encouraged for those who continue to have dyspnea and exercise limitation despite optimal pharmacotherapy
What benefits does physical therapy provide?
Reduces symptoms, improves dyspnea, exercise endurance and quality of life
Increases physical and emotional participation in ADL
Decreases risk of hospitalization following AECOPD
Goal: restore a patient to the fullest medical, emotional, social and vocational status possible
What are the 3 main components of pulmonary rehab?
Exercise training (aerobic and resistance exercises)
Nutritional counselling
Patient education
What are important things to educate those with COPD on?
Smoking cessation
Self-management programs
Effective inhaler technique makes sure they are getting the proper amount of drug
Early recognition and treatment of acute exacerbations
Nutritional counselling
Encourage active lifestyle
Identify community resources
COPD is progressive and there is no cure, when appropriate end of life care should be discussed