What are the three main muscle tissues?
Cardiac, skeletal, and smooth muscle.
Define Flexion.
Decrease angle by bringing two body parts together.
Define Extension.
Makes the angle larger by moving two body parts farther away from each other.
What is Cardiac Muscle?
A specialized type of muscle tissue that forms the heart.
What are Skeletal Muscles?
Muscles that are connected to bones.
What is Smooth Muscle?
Muscle that covers the walls of internal organs.
What are the three parts of a muscle?
Body (main portion), Origin (fixed attachment), Insertion (point of attachment to body part moved by muscle).
What is Fast Twitch muscle fiber?
Provides bigger and more powerful force but for shorter durations with quick fatigue.
What is Slow Twitch muscle fiber?
Fatigue resistant and focused on sustained smaller movements.
What are the major muscles in the front of the body?
Biceps, Abdominals, Pectorals, Obliques.
What are the four quadriceps muscles?
Rectus Femoris, Vastus Intermedialis, Vastus Lateralis, Vastus Medialis.
What are the major muscles in the back?
Trapezius, Deltoid, Triceps, Latissimus Dorsi, Gluteus Maximus, Hamstrings, Gastrocnemius.
What are the three Hamstring muscles?
Semimembranosus, Semitendinosus, Biceps femoris.
What are the two calf muscles?
Lateral head, Medial head.
What is the function of Latissimus Dorsi?
Forms width of the back and causes arm extension.
What is the function of Trapezius?
Moves the scapula bone.
Where are the Deltoid muscles located?
On the shoulder.
What does the Biceps muscle do?
Flexes the elbow.
What is the function of Triceps?
Causes forearm extension.
What do the Pectoral muscles do?
Cause arm flexion and adduction.
What is the function of Abdominals?
Flexes the spine.
What do the Obliques muscles do?
Help rotate the trunk.
What is the function of Gluteus Maximus?
Makes up the buttocks.
What is the function of Rectus Femoris?
Extends the knee.
What is the function of Hamstrings?
Flex the knee.
What does Gastrocnemius do?
Causes plantar flexion and helps you walk.