Gr7 22-23 SS Ch4Sec3-4 (sec 3 daily grade + study guide)

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Which of the following groups were mentioned in the declaration of independenct

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author of common sense

who was thomas paine

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patriots and loyalists

which two sides emerged in response to the declaration of independence

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they are rights that cannot be taken away

What does it mean when the authors of the Declaration of Independence mention "unalienable rights"?

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made them pay taxes without consent

According to the Declaration of Independence, how did King George III violate the colonists' rights?

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Abigail Adams

Who urged her husband to "Remember the ladies"?*

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John Locke

Who wrote about an unwritten contract that we all share as humans or part of a community?

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out of many, one

What does the Latin phrase "E pluribus unum" translate to?

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What side did most Native Americans choose in the Revolutionary War?

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guns and european goods

What did the British promise Native Americans to convince them to join their cause against the Patriots?

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It persuaded many colonists to support independence

What was the main effect of Common Sense?

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He could reach a wider audience by using common language

Why did Thomas Paine use common language in writing Common Sense?

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What percentage of Americans were estimated to be Loyalists?

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Slavery still existed so they could not be listed as having personal freedom

Why were African Americans left out of the Declaration of Independence?

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common sense

a 47 page pamphlet that was distributed in Philadelphia in January 1776

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Thomas Paine

a recent immigrant wo was the author of common sense

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Declaration of Independence

announced the colony's break from Great Britain

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Thomas Jefferson

The author of the Declaration of Independence

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colonists who chose to side with the British

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Haym Solomon

a recent immigrant from Portland, who went behind British lines to get information

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foreign soldiers who fought not out of loyalty, but for the pay

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Battle of Trenton

was an important Patriot victory where the patriots took 900 prisoners

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Battle of Saratoga

in New York, the turning point of the revolutionary war; a victory for the Americans

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Marquis de Lafayette

gave money to the Continental Army, was from France, trained soldiers

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Baron Friedrich von Steuben

from Prussia, was responsible for training a lot of the Continental Army

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Bernardo de Galvez

governor of Spanish Louisiana and conquered British forts in Florida

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John Paul Jones

naval hero, was considered the father of the US navy. "I have not yet begun to fight

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George Rogers Clark

volunteered to lead the western campaign and captured Fort Sackville

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the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of. happiness

What were the 3 main ideas in the Declaration of Independence

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What does the phrase "unalienable rights" mean?

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The Native Americans sided with the British because the British promised to keep their land safe from the colonists

Why did the Native Americans side with the British?

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slaves, women and Native Americans

Which 3 groups of people did the Declaration of Independence not include?

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Abigail Adams

Who pushed for women to be included in the Declaration of Independence?

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Because the British were allowing African Americans to fight for them and in return would give them their freedom

Why did the continental army eventually recruit African Americans?

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Nathan Hill

a spy that went behind British lines and stored important documents in the soles of his shoes

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Salomon, Hales and Cornwalis

Who were the 3 ethnic heroes of the American Revolution?

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Saratoga because it convinced the French king that the patriots could win

Which battled "saved the revolution" and why?

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guns and ships, soldiers ammunition and money

What was France's contribution to the American Revolution?

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"I have not yet begun to fight"

What famous phrase did John Paul Jones say?

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Fort Sackville

a surprise attack by George Rogers Clark

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I regret that I have but one life to lose for my country

What famous phrase did Nathan Hale say

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He only had 150 men but had enough Patriot flags to make it look like more. They fired continuously on the fort to make an overwhelming show of force. The commander of the fort fell for it and thought they had more people than they did

Describe the attack on Fort Sackville by George Rogers Clark.

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