Alzar (v)
to pick up an object
Maquinalmente (adv)
do something without thinking (mechanically)
Absorta (adj)
concentrado -- engrossed
Arrodillarse (v)
to kneel
Resplandecer (v)
to stand out, to shine
Acostarse (v)
to go to sleep
Dirigirse (v)
encaminarse -- to walk towards
las oraciones (n-p)
a prayer
Rezar (v)
to pray
La tontería (n)
the nonsense
La edad (n)
the age
Los bienes (n)
the goods (capital)
Bondadoso (adj)
Sublime (adj)
extraordinario -- of great excellence
Disputar (v)
to dispute
Convenirse (v)
to agree
Arrepentido (adj)
repentant (feelings of sorry or remorse)
Desilusionado (adj)
Temeroso (adj)
la cura (n)
the priest
Venerable (adj)
respected, honorable
Avaricioso (adj)
Robusto (adj)
robust, strong
Llena de oro (misc.)
full of gold
Calcular (v)
to calculate
La suma (n)
the sum
Tratándole con carino (misc.)
treating him/her with care
Obtener (v)
to get/obtain
Pesadísima (adj)
very heavy [muy pesada]
Ancha (adj)
Débil (adj)
A menudo (phrase)
Heredar (v)
to inherit
Poseer (v)
to possess
La sombra (n)
the shadow/shade
Cacarear (v)
to cluck (alternative - to boast about)
Ruidosamente (adv)
Feroz (adj)
fierce, savage
Hacerles daño (misc.)
hurting them
El águila (n)
the eagle
Jurar (v)
to swear (make a promise, vow, or cuss)
No se ha de (misc.)
not to be
Coger (v)
to take
El fusil (n)
the rifle
El alma (n)
the soul
Disparar/tirar (v)
to shoot [a weapon]
Repentino (adj)
Perseguir (v)
to pursue
El refugio (n)
the shelter (safe place, etc.)
Desmayar (v)
to lose heart, to be disheartened
El golpe (n)
the hit/blow/punch
Tras (prep)
after, behind
Detrás (prep)
Las Cercanías (n)
the vicinity
El castillo (n)
the castle
Gallargo (adj)
gallant, valiant, brave, courageous
Diestro (adj)
skilled, skillful
Cuyo (pron)
La seriedad (n)
the seriousness
La hermosura (n)
the beauty
Pertencer (v)
to belong to
Elegir (v)
to choose
Mirarse el uno al otro (misc.)
To look at each other
Estallar (v)
to explode, to burst
Maldecir (v)
to insult, complain bitterly about
Afrentarse (v)
to be ashamed/offended, insulted
Enfrentarse (v)
to face, confront
Frívola (adj)
frivolous, a person who does not take things seriously, little care
De un salto (misc.)
of a jump/leap
Darse cuenta (v)
to realize
El portal (n)
the big door
Encender (v)
to turn on
De pronto (exp.)
Fósforo (n)
a match
Eché una mirada (misc.)
to take a glance/look
Quedarse inmóvil (v)
to stay still/put
Evadir (v)
to evade
La carcel (n)
the jail
Acercarse (v)
aproximarse -- to approach
Eché a correr (misc.)
start/ take a run
Las afueras (n)
the outskirts
Pararse (v)
to stop
Apresuradamente (adv)
quickly, hurriedly
Disparar (v)
to shoot [a gun]
El tiro (n)
the [gun]shot
La golondrina (n)
the swallow (bird)
Atrapar (v)
to catch
Evitar (v)
to avoid
El punto flaco (exp.)
the weakness, flaw
Las patas (n)
legs of an animal
Apenas (adv)
Posarse (v)
to land, to perch upon
Las alambres (n)
wired fence
Las perchas (n)
the fence post
Dar de comer (v)
to feed [animal]
Los polluelos (n)
the chicks
Agarrada (adj)
[something] grabbed -- Verb: agarrar
Pronosticar (v)
to predict
La lluvia (n)
the rain
La creencia (n)
the belief