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Step 1: Ask a Question or Find a Research Topic.
Step 2: Review the Literature/Research Existing Sources.
Step 3: Formulate a Hypothesis.
Step 4: Design and Conduct a Study.
Step 5: Draw Conclusions.
Step 6: Report Results.
smiles, gestures, colors, language, how do relationships differ in different groups
criticism- underestimates role of large institutions and economic structures in interactions
“accounting” in relationships
assumes motivation=self interest
maximize benefits/minimize cost
reciprocity and balance are crucial
assets/liabilities as a mate, deciding on divorce
criticism- doesn’t address resource distribution
focus of family changes over time
dating, engagement, marriage, children, work/schooling, launching, retirement, death/grief
criticism- not applicable to contemporary families
societies are stable/orderly systems
relationships are a result of agreement by members of society
social institutions work together to help society survive
ex: functions of the family- produce and stabilize members of society, fill roles that ensure stability- expressive role and instrumental role
criticism- number of families that actually filled these roles was greater in the 1950s
women may work and be responsible for the expressive role as well (second shift)
focus on inequality in the family esp around power and control
personal conflict- bad management can cause extensive damage
sources of power- legitimacy, money, physical coercion, love
criticism- underestimates cooperation, stability in families
families are systems- change by one person affects others
boundaries, rules, roles
difficult to change- equilibrium
criticism- focused on treatment of families in a clinical setting
men go to WWI
child labor laws
flappers in office
mandatory education laws
divorce rate rises
pessimism about the future
companionate family
great depression
unemployment jump
family income way down
more traditional roles- divorce decreases
victory gardens, rationing
half of women in factory work
childcare assistance
marriage and divorce rise
after war, women move out of work
good post war economy
traditional roles and younger marriage
divorce rates decline
fertility increases
gov subsidizes education and white housing
poverty rate for 2 earner black families was 50%
teen birth rate increased
rate of babies given up for adoption- up 80%
1/3 marriages end in divorce
middle class stay at home mom drug/alcohol use
eros: romantic/passionate love
ludus: playful or game playing love
storge: love between companions
mania: obsessive love
agape: altruistic love
pragma: practical love
eye contact/facial expression
object language
obesity or underweight
extreme weight loss/gain
maternal age (over 30)
excessive alcohol use
excessive physical or emotional stress that results in amenorrhea
chlamydia, endo, PCOS
age (over 40)
excessive drug/alcohol use
high testes temp
exposure to radiation
covers those working for
private sector employers w at least 50 employees
public agencies
conditions of employment
must have been employed minimum of 12 months before leave
must work at least 24 hrs a week
what is covered?
job is held up to 12 months
insurance is continued but no pay
conditions of family leave
care for newborn
care for receiving foster/newly adopted child
care for seriously ill child, parent, or spouse
serious medical condition of employee
Military Caregiver leave- 26 weeks to care for seriously ill or injured child, spouse, or parents of active military personnel