what is the multi story model of memory
the multi store model of memory was proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin
What happens to information in the sensory memory?
Information from the environment is sensed through the senses(eyes and ears) and is converted into short term memory when attention is focused on it
What is maintenance rehearsal?
It is the repetition of information to keep it in short term memeory, which can eventually lead to its transfer into long term memory
What are the characteristics of the sensory register
Duration = ¼ to ½ second, Capacity = all sensory experience. Encoding = sense-specific
What are the characteristics of short term memory (STM)
Duration = 0-18 seconds, Capacity = 7+/-2 items, Encoding = mainly acoustic
what are the characteristics of long term memory (LTM)
Duration = Unlimited, Capacity = Unlimited, Encoding = Mainly semantic (but can also be visual and acoustic)
Why is the Multi Store Model criticised regarding rehearsal
It fails to account for different memeory trace depths for different types of material, indicating that meaningful or interesting content can be remembered more effectively than material that isn’t
What evidence supports the distinction between STM and LTM
The serial position effect demonstrated by Glanzer and Cuntiz shows the primacy and recency effects, which supports the idea of separate stores for STM and LTM
Who is H.M. and what does his case study illustrate
H.M. is a patient with amnesia who retains short-term memeory while suffering form significant long-term memory loss, indicating that STM and LMT are distinct
What is the significance of the working model of memory proposed by Baddeley and Hitch
It expands on the concept of STM, suggesting it is more complex than a single unitary store