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Low intergroup and high interpersonal communication
Communication based on personal identities (relationship between two old friends)
High intergroup and low interpersonal communication
Communication based on group identities (watching the news about someone who been arrested)
Group with which an individual identifies with
Minimal Group Paradigm
an experiment where they split people based on their liking and they start to degrade eachother.
Social Identity Theory
sense of who we are based on the groups or categories we belong to
We identify with groups(feel an attachment).
social cognition
us vs them thinking, stoping thinking as an individual and starts thinking as a group
Downward Comparison
Comparing oneself to those perceived as worse.
Interpersonal communication
is defined by unique qualities of individuals
Two friends chatting with each other about their life
Group Hierarchy
Ranking of groups based on power and status.
Communication Strategies
Methods to maintain positive group identity.
Group Life
Defined by power dynamics and social status.
Individuals sharing common beliefs and values.
Obligatory Interdependence
Dependence on others for survival and success.
Social Categories
the categories or stereotypes individuals employ during person perception and impression formation(how we view others)
Social Identity
those parts of individuals' self-concepts derived from groups and social categories(how we view ourselves)
Mental representation of what makes us who we are
Salient Identity
Social identity that is in our mind
Chronically Salient
Identity consistently present in one's mind.
Temporarily Salient
Identity activated in specific contexts.
Positive Distinctiveness
Our drive to differentiate our group from other groups in a positive way (what makes my group better than other)
High interpersonal and high intergroup
communication based on both group and personal identities (sister and bother aruging about abortion)
low intergroup and low interpersonal
communication where both personal and group interactions interactions are irrelevant. (you and the store clerk)
Group with which an individual does not identify with
Ingroup Favoritism
Preference for one's own group over others.
Outgroup Derogation
Negative attitudes towards groups not identified with.
Upward Comparison
Comparing oneself to those perceived as better.
Intergroup Communiation
is defined by groups or social categories people identify with
When the two friends get their politics involved with what they are talking about
Need to Differentiate
Desire to establish uniqueness from other groups.
Intergroup Communication
Communication between different social groups.
Social Media Influence
Impact of social platforms on group identity.
Belonging and Pride
Emotional connection derived from group membership.
Ascribed Identities
Identities inherited at birth, like gender.
Acquired Identities
Identities gained through experiences over time.
Shared Identity
Common social identity enhancing communication effectiveness.
Disagreement arising from differing group identities.
how much are you attached to that identity
Internal vs external identities
Internal- social identity is what it means to the person to be apart of the group
External- how other people place you into buckets
Communication Boundaries
Distinctions between 'us' and 'them' in groups.
Using SIT carefully
1. identity choice
2. Groups and categories that lack meaning
3. Critiquing the system of power
4. multiple identities
Overlapping identities affecting experiences of discrimination.
Strategies for maintaining positive group identity
Leave the group
Downward Comparison
Devaluing dimension making in-group bad
Focusing on dimension making in-group good
Change the group hierarchy
Permeability of group boundaries
Can you switch teams?
High permeability- easy to switch
Low Permeability- hard to switch
Security/legitimacy of the status quo
Can you change which group is more powerful? Is the arrangement between groups fair?
Identification with the ingroup?
How committed are you to your group?
When threaten it matter if it is a big deal to you or not because it is based on how you will act
low identification- if someone makes fun wot affect you
high identification- if someone make fun will hurt
Social Mobility
Group boundaries permeable + Status Quo secure/legit + Identification low
ex- the fake president switching between when talking to black people vs white
Social Creativity
Group boundaries impermeable + Status quo secure/legit + identification high
Push aside the identity thread and instead focus on something good about our group
Social Competition
Group boundaries impermeable + status quo insecure/illegit + Identification high
When a group member fights about against a identity threat
Realistic threat
Risk to the in group safety, economy, politics, or well in
Identity Threat
Something that makes you feel negative about your group identity
Symbolic Threat
Risk to non material good like the in group morals values norms attitude and esteem.
Our mental image of someone with a specific identity
High comparative fit
Helps explain similarities and differences, prototypes are useful here, group of children with one from a different country
Low comparative fit
Social categories doesn't help decide similarities or difference, prototype is not useful here, group of children all from the same country
High normative fit
When a person fits there stereotype, a male mechanic(traits of being a mechanic align with being a male)
Low Normative Fit
A female mechanic(traits of the job that don't align with the person who is doing the job)
Stop using unique characteristics to see a person identity and start relying on the prototypes.
Communication Accommodation Theory
Framework for understanding adjustment people make to create maintain or decrease social distance
Move to be more similar with conversation partner , decrease social distance and gain social approval
Move to be different than conversation partner, increase social distance
Sustaining one default communication style, maintain social distance
Under Accomodation
Recognize what people want but don't give to them( we give them less)
Over Accomodation
Give people too much of what we think they want, people feel you are being condescending toward them
Applications of a prototype when encountering groups of people
The different characteristics that begin a person as masculine or feminine
Referential Communciation
-facts, ideas, and emotions
- "I am goign to tell you something and when I tell you something it is infrmation I want you to get from it
-Information I want you to know
Initial orientaton
we all enter and encounter with an oritenation with ourselves and the other person we are communicating with
Upward Convergence
-shift to more prestigious speech to match somone from a higher status group
-interviewer from high status group and interviewee from lower status
Downward convergence
shift to less prestigious speech to match someone from a lower status
-politicians who are more powerful than average person but like to act like the average person
Upward divergence
-shift to more prestigious speech to be different from someone from a lower status group
-how adults speaker to younger children
Downward divergence
-shift to less prestigious speech to be different from someone of a higher status group
-people in the deaf community using accessive sign language
Types of accomodation- Partial vs Full
-full can be perceived as negative and not genuine
Affective Motivation
-decrease social distance
-EXCEPT- when idenities are threated
Cognitive Motivation
-Improving comprehension
Communcation theory of identity
-all of the things we do in communication become part of our idenitity
—social relations and roles are internalized by individuals as idenitity through communication
Personal Identity- CTI layer
-who am I?
-how an individual defines themselves
-this is our twitter bio
Relational identity- CTI layer
-who am i to other?
-Idenitiy formed through relationships with others
Enacted identity- CTI layer
-How do I perform my idenities?
-does it fit with my roleplaying
Communal Identity- CTI layer
-How does my community define my identity
-we learn about this layer from our friends and family
the process of blending or uniting elements of identity
Identity Gaps (CTI)
-when parts of you identity dont align with each other
-ex: people who hold a LGBTQ+ identity and a heavy religion identitiy(communal identity of being jewish conflict with personal)
Social Category Communication
-signaling identity, group membership
-was of signaling about social categories we carry or belong to
-groups I want you to know I belong to