What is Finance?
Finance is the management of large amounts of money, especially by governments or large companies.
What does a business need to consider when starting a business
Non current assets, number of employees, raw material needed
What is the finance that a business needs when starting up
Start up capital
When expanding businesses need to consider
Capital, equipment needed, employees, takeover
What is working capital
Finance needed for day to day expenses
Examples of working capital
Rent, wages, salaries, bills
Short term finance needs
Raw material, wages and salaries, rent, electricity, tax, interest
Long term finance needs
Assets, buildings, land, machines, equipments
Retained profit
Profit the business keeps after taxes and dividends
What is non current assets
Non-current assets are long-term investments that a business expects to hold for more than one year, such as property, equipment, and intangible assets.
Revenue from assts sales
Finance raised by a business selling some of its assets that it no longer needs
Revenue from inventory sales
Finance raised by selling some of its raw materials and components that it keeps as inventory
Savings from the owner
Finance raised by using the owners savings for additional capital when needed
Cash into the business
Cash inflow
Cash out of the business
Cash outflow
Cash inflow can come from
Products sold for cash, trade receivables paying money back for the product they purchased earlier, money borrowed from external source, selling assets
Factors when choosing a source of finance
Size and type of business, the purpose of the business and the time period, the amount of finance needed, risks nd gearing
Sources of Cash outflows
Payment of Rent, raw material, wages, salaries, fixed costs, loans, other expense
How to construct cash flow forecast
Cash inflow, cash outflow, net cash flow, opening balance, closing balance
Cash inflow formula
Total revenue from sales + other income
F贸rmula of Cash outflow
Total expenses + loan repayment + assets purchased + other outflows
F贸rmula of Net cashflow
Cash inflow - cash outflow
F贸rmula of Opening balance
Closing balance of previous balance
F贸rmula of Closing balance
Opening balance + net cash flow
F贸rmula of Total cost
Variable cost + fixed cost
Profit formula
Revenue - total cost
Gross profit formula
Sales revenue - cost of goods
Cost of goods
Opening inventory + purchases - closing inventory