Reconstruction Finance Corporation (Feb 1932) US$2 billion given in loans to struggling banks
Emergency Relief Act (Jul 1932) US $300 million given to state governments to help the unemployed
Home Loan Bank Act (Jul 1932) 12 regional banks set up with a fund of US$125 million
Civil Works Administration → by 1934: 4 million Americans on CWA payroll. Jobs included scaring birds away from buildings or sweeping leaves
Civilian Conservation Corps → jobs for hobos living in Hoovervilles 18-25. By 1941 >2million men had work with CCC
Agricultural Adjustment Act → farmers paid to produce less, increasing prices. 1936 incomes were 1.5x 1933 incomes
National Recovery Administration → wages + working conditions, max hours + min wages
Tennessee Valley Authority → series of dams to generate cheap electricity + control flooding; made destroyed land in dust bowl fertile again. TVA eventually covered 7 states
Huey Long: Republican governor of Louisiana; claimed Roosevelt was not sharing the country's wealth properly. Slogan 'share our wealth' and he gained much support.
Father Charles Coughlin: Catholic priest, claimed Roosevelt was not doing enough for the needy. He had a weekly radio show with 40m listeners.
Dr Frances Townsend: former army doctor + old age activist had benefited little from the new deal by 1934. He set up the Townsend clubs which had 5m members by 1935
believed Roosevelt was doing too much to help people + was changing US gov. role
represented rich American families + large businesses who didn’t want more tax
believed actions were unconstitutional as they took too much power away from state governments
laissez-faire attitude to economy + believed American economy would recover on its own
Works Progress Administration: organised US$4.8 billion relief program. Put unemployed teachers back to work and employed artists, writers and actors.
Wagner Act: set up the National Relations Board which had the power to act against employers using unfair practices.
Fair Labour Standards Act: established min wages and max hours. 300 000 workers paid more as a result + >1 million got shorter working hours. Child labour not permitted except on farms.
Social Security Act: pensions for the elderly and injured. Also imposed unemployment benefits.
restored people's faith in the government.
democracy was maintained.
extended role of the central government.
too much federal power/ bureaucracy