Wilhelm Wundt
Father of psychology; founder of modern psychology; opened first psychology lab in 1879; German; mainly used the method of structuralism.
William James
First American psychologist; author of first psychology textbook; founder of functionalism.
Sigmund Freud
Founder of psycho-analytic perspective; believed that abnormal behavior originated from unconscious drives and conflicts.
Sir Francis Galton
Concluded that genius and greatness are inherited; invented procedures for testing abilities which led to the modern IQ test; British.
Ivan Pavlov
Russian psychologist; studied learning through animals; emphasized observable behaviors.
John Watson
Founder of behaviorism; studied only observable and objectively described acts; focused on learned behavior; American.
B.F. Skinner
Behaviorist; focused on learning through rewards and observation; American.
E.B. Titchener
Founder of structuralism; analyzed intensity, clarity, and quality of the parts of consciousness; British.
Maslow & Rogers
Humanistic beliefs; humans are not controlled by rewards and punishment; started "group therapy"; Americans.
Jean Piaget
Studied cognitive development; focused on how children develop thinking abilities; Swiss.