Supply-side policies
Aim to expand the productive potential (LRAS) of an economy/increase trend rate of growth
Are about the government creating the right conditions to allow market forces to create growth
Involve making structural changes to the economy to allow its ‘individual parts’ to work more efficiently and productively
Free market supply-side policies
Aim to increase efficiency by removing things which interfere with the free market. These include:
Tax cuts
Policies to increase labour market flexibility
Interventionist supply-side policies
Usually aimed at correcting market failure. These include:
Government spending on education
Subsidies for R&D
Funding for infrastructure improvements
Industrial policies
Advantages of supply-side policies
Can increase the efficiency of various markets
Can reduce budget deficits
Involve fewer trade-offs between objectives
Makes an economy less dependent on imports
Disadvantages of supply-side policies
Time lags
Unintended consequences
Low popularity