Definition of toxicology
the study of the adverse effects of xenobiotics on biological and ecological systems
Definition of xenobiotics
any substance that is foreign to a biological system
definition of toxin
substance produced by an organism that can cause harmful effects, like snake venom
definition of toxicant
man-made substance that can cause harmful effects, like DDT
toxic substance can be classified based on why they exist
chemical warfare agents, pesticides, household poisons, drugs, etc.
how the toxicant is absorbed, metabolized, and distributed
strictly speaking, looks at the movement of molecules inside the body and how we analyse that with different models
How the toxicant exerts its effects
How does the BBB keep us safe
most capillaries allow lipid- and water-soluble molecules through, but the BBB has tight junctions so only lipid-soluble molceules can get through but everything else has to be actively transported
the brain is therefore only exposed to lipid-soluble compounds
Oocyte barrier to toxins
dynamic barrier that changes due to a variety of factors
Placenta as a barrier to toxins
the placenta is NOT a barrier! anything in the blood can pass to the fetus
Metabolism of toxicants
mainly in the liver
Breaking down complex molecules by the chemical addition of water. Can sometimes make even more toxic metabolite
performed by P450s
The skin as a barrier
toxicants can cross the skin by diffusion
the more lipophilic, the more rapidly it can cross
Special barriers to toxins
the BBB
the eyes
the blood-testes barrier
the blood-granulosa cell barrier
the placental barrier (not true)
primary site of metabolism
the liver
Overview of metabolism of toxic compounds
lipophilic -> hydrophilic
biologically active -> non-biologically active
epoxide hydrolase
makes a more reactive metabolite
example of hydrolysis
alcohol is metabolized into acetaldehyde by ADH
acetaldehyde is metabolized into acetic acid by ALDH (rate limiting_
acetic acid is excreted quickly
acetaldehyde accumulation bad
what performs oxidation
18 families of P450 genes, 43 subfamilies with multiple enzymes
adds a group to the compound to make it more hydrophilic
6 majors conjugation reactions
ex. glutathione reaction: will react with an electrophile to make it less toxic as it will no longer be able to react with anything
volume of distribution
Vd = dose/concentration
high serum C means low Vd; it's not in the body's compartments
amount of toxicant variable
Vd variability
if a toxicant is very polar, it will stick only to the plasma, so its Vd will be based on the 4.5L of standard plasma volume
if it accumulates fat, the Vd can grow
warfarin Vd variability example
very polar therefore low Vd
does not leave the plasma easily
First-order elimination
the rate of elimination is a constant fraction of the dose
Zero order elimination kinetics
the rate of elimination is a constant amount
importance of knowing order of elimination for toxicokinetics
you can know how long the toxicity will last ex. DDT has a half life of 5 years, so it can stick around for the lifespan of an individual
factors affecting elimination rate
lipid solubility
high volume of distribution!!
how to identify a target molecule responsible for toxicity:
toxicant must:
reach an effective concentration at the target site
react with target and adversely affect function
alter target in a way that is mechanistically related to toxicity
reaction types
non-covalent binding
covalent binding
non-covalent binding
reversible and common
ex. membrane receptors, ion channels, enzymes
covalent binding
usually irreversible
permanently alters endogenous molecules
the toxicant is usually electrophilic and targets nucleotphiles
action by hydrogen abstraction, electron transfer, enzymatic reactions
modifying endogenous molecule can lead to autoimmunity
graded dose response curve
the dose response curve of an individual
quantal dose response curve
the dose response curve of an entire population (average)
dose response curve
quantal or quantitative
how to make probit units
perform log10 transformation on the DRC to produce a straight line
add 5 to 0 to avoid negative numbers (probit units = 5+nSD)
how to use probit units
what's the point of probit units
compare different DRC
probit unit range
1-10, with 5 being 50% response
comparing dose response curves
threshold in toxicology
the concentration above which exposure leads to toxic effects governments and organizations need to decide safe thresholds
zero threshold
applied to anti-cancer drugs assuming that there is a linear relationship between the 0 point and the point where we see an effect, no dose is safe
no observed adverse effect level
the highest concentration at which we do not see a statistically significant effect
lowest observed adverse effect (NOAEL)
point of departure
where we start seeing an effect, but it is not significant
can be the NOAEL, LOAEL, or BMD10 depending on the data you have to figure out RfD
MOST IMPORTANT for RfD calculation and based on data
using BMD is preferred
reference dose in mg/kg/day
an estimate of the maximum acceptable oral dose of a toxic substance
can use NOAEL, BMD, or calculated point of departure
uncertainty factor
accounts for things we can't be sure about by being extra precautious
can be reduced through further investigation
ex. intra or interspecies variation
modifying factor
accounts for variations or inconsistencies in data
ex. variation in concentration in
the point at which 50 percent of the test organisms show a negative effect from a toxin.
the amount of a chemical that kills 50% of the animals in a test population
beneficial effects produced by low doses of a toxic substance, effects change as dose changes.
leads to funky DRCs
example of hormesis
too little = death
too much = death
U-shaped curve
non-monotonic dose response curves
example of hormesis
sometimes chemicals are toxic at low doses but not high
sometimes chemicals have varying toxicity at different levels (like vitamins)
difficult to determine safe threshold
ex. endocrine disrupting chemicals
low dose effects
decreasing doses of toxins trigger different responses
toxicant interactions
additive interaction
effects of more than one substance add up (2 + 2 = 4)
effects of more than one substance work together (2 + 2 = 10)
substance that has no toxic effect enhances the toxicity of another substance that is toxic (0 + 2 = 10)
occurs when the effects are less than additive; the toxins make each other less toxic (2 + 2 = 3) ex. Calcium and Selenium
ways toxins can alter biological systems
can alter pH
uncouplers of oxphos
solvents and detergents can destabilize membranes
space occupiers (oxalic acid in gout)
basic receptor stuff
hazard vs. risk
Hazard = an event that could cause serious harm Risk = the probability that the hazard could happen Hazard x exposure = risk
hazard x exposure =
risk = f(??)
risk = f(hazard, exposure)
exposure =
exposure = intensity x frequency x duration
parameters of total exposure
intensity, duration, frequency
exposure pathway
route of a toxin from its source to its end point
5 components of exposure pathway
source ex. chemical spill in water
transport mechanism ex. movement of contaminated water into well
point of exposure ex. well
route of exposure ex. eating, drinking, breathing, touching
a receptor population ex. the owners of the well
ingestion and inhalation are examples of which part of the exposure pathway?
exposure route
types of exposure data
quantitative personal dosimeter measurements
quantitative ambient measurements in vicinity
quantitative surrogate of exposure
residence or employment in proximity of source
residence or employment in general area
best types of exposure data
directly measures data very close to the affected population
quantitative surrogate of exposure
replacement way of measuring levels ex. estimating quantities of drinking water consumed if measuring exposures to lead in water
which exposure data would be the best approximation of an actual exposure level?
water in your private well showing a reading of 1.3ppm of Copper
issues in measuring exposure
factors influencing biodistribution
time activity patterns make sampling hard
homogenous vs heterogenous samples, like dirt
mixtures (there can be synergism between toxins)
how long to sample?
depends on minimum time needed to obtain sufficient amounts for lab analysis
must consider:
sensitivity of procedure
contaminant concentration
5 major sampling media
particulates and the lungs
0.5-5.0 microns in size can get trapped in the lungs
the smaller, the worse
how to measure air contaminants
through a filter (not good for volatiles) or through an absorbent (to capture gases)
fine particulate matter
2.5µm in size or less is significant indicator of air quality
air quality and industry
strong correlation between air pollution and industry locations
principles of sampling soil
a soil test is only as good as its sample
it may not be homogenous like air
need a lot of different samples according to soil type, slope, crop, history, fertilizer, etc.
soil sampling grid system
need to collect 20 to 25 samples following a grid system to ensure good distribution
distribution of water samples
more homogenous than soil, but downstream effects are not homogenous
water sampling techniques
surface-water grab technique
continuous monitoring (requires device implanted in water)
entrapment procedures
per capita consumption rate analysis
measure how much food people are eating
measure per capita consumption rate (production + import)/population
Food and Nutrition Surveillance Group
produces national food and nutrition-related surveys to facilitate the dissemination of results
build idetary assessment tools
helps toxicologists get a sense of what people are eating
tolerable daily intake (TDI)
estimated quantity of a contaminant that we can be exposed to over a lifetime without posing a significant health risk
if something is eaten frequently, a lower TDI for toxins in that food ex. rice or bread
Orchratoxin example
produced by mold and grows on many crops
can't have 0 levels of Ochratoxin because it'll show up eventually, but we have lower tolerable limits for it in infant food than in adult food for exmaple
Medical vs. forensic tissue testing
does not require patient consent
identity of specimen is presumed
screening result is sufficient for medical decisions
results are used for medical evaluation
subject must consent to be tested
identity of the specimen must be proved
only confirmed results can be considered positive
results are used for legal action
sampling tissue examples
done in medical or forensic contexts, experimental studies, environmental studies, workplace sampling, doping testing/urine sampling
toxins to look for in dopings
anabolinc-androgenic steroids (AAS)
blood transfusions
urine testing limitations
timing is important because of variation in how long drugs stick around
ex. marijuana can be detected for up to 30 days but opiates only last 2 days
steps for measuring toxins in samples
extraction from samples
make the sample homogenous
concentrate the sample
can involve physical crushing, blending, and chemical techniques
separation of samples
involves separating out your chemical of interest
concentrate and purify the sample
relies on the principle that compounds interact differently with different stationary and mobile phases
chromatography babyyy
HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography)
popular method for chromatography
stationary phases: silica + mobile
modify the stationary phase depending on what you want to separate
reverse phase chromatography
uses a nonpolar card with a polar solvent to separate out something hydrophobic
anion exchange
a form of ion-exchange chromatography in which negatively charged ions (anions) are removed by a positively charged resin
add ammonium group
cation exchange
a form of ion-exchange chromatography in which positively charged ions (cations) are removed by a negatively charged resin
add carboxyl group