Intestinal Obstruction
-Mechanical or functional blockage of the intestines -S&S- Severe pain; nausea; vomiting; electrolyte imbalance ~Occurs when the contents of the intestine cannot move forward because of partial/complete blockage of the bowel; mechanical: neoplasm; foreign bodies; volvulus (twisting of the bowel on itself); intussusception (the bowel telescopes into itself); strangulated hernia
-Progressive condition characterized by defects in the muscular wall of the large bowel -S&S- usually causes no symptoms; blood in stool; diarrhea; difficulty in defecation ~Lack of roughage; outpouches (diverticula) of the mucosa penetrate weak points in the muscular layer of the large intestine
-Infection of one or more of the diverticula -S&S- Abdominal pain or tenderness ~When one or more of the diverticula become inflamed due to to trapped fecal matter; lack of dietary bulk, inadequate fluid intake, and constipation
Colorectal Cancer
-Cancer of the colon and rectum -S&S- Abdominal pain, change in bowel habits; bloody stools; weight loss; cachexia (wasting disorder linked with malnutrition); lymphadenopathy (disease of the lymph nodes) ~Risk increases with age; adenomatous polyps
Pseudomembranous Enterocolitis
-Bowel mucosa has a membranous appearance -S&S-mild to severe greenish, foul smelling watery diarrhea; nausea; vomiting ~use of broad spectrum antibiotics; antibiotic therapy reduces the body's natural intestinal flora and allows a bacterial infection with C. difficile to develop
Short-Bowel Syndrome
-Small bowel fails to absorb nutrients because of inadequate absorptive surface -S&S- malnutrition; diarrhea; abnormal stools; brittle nails and hair ~Length of intact or functioning small bowel is altered significantly by disease or surgery; Chron's diesease; intestinal farction; volvulus; tumor resection
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
-Functional bowel disorder of motility: chronic abdominal pain or discomfort; bloating; erratic dysfunction of bowel habits -S&S- change of bowel habits with predominant diarrhea or constipation; bloating; abdominal distention ~Unknown cause
-Inflammation of the peritoneum -S&S- abdominal pain; nausea; vomiting; weakness; profuse sweating ~inflammatory process of peritonitis has the potential to cause abscesses and adhesions to form in the abdominal cavity; primary infection caused by blood borne organisms
-Varicose dilations of a vein in the anal canal or the anorectal area -Often painless; rectal pain; itching; protrusion; or bleeding after defecation ~Veins in rectal and anal area become varicose, swollen, and tender as a result of blockage
Cirrhosis of the Liver
-Slow deterioration of the liver due to replacement of normal liver cells with hard fibrous scar tissue -S&S- loss of appetite and weight; nausea and vomiting; indigestion ~Chronic alcoholism; malnutrition; hepatitis
Viral Hepatitis
-Inflammation of the liver -S&S- jaundice;anorexia; malaise; fever nausea; dark urine
Hepatitis A
-Infectious hepatitis; highly contagious ~transmitted by fecal-oral route from contaminated food, water, and stools
Hepatitis B
-Serum hepatitis -S&S- can mimic flu ~Sexual contact or blood exchange from the sharing of contaminated needles
Hepatitis C
-Transmitted mainly through blood transfusions (by blood and body fluids) ~Working in health care environment is a risk factor
Cancer of the Liver (Hepatocarcinoma)
-Liver cancer -S&S- upper abdominal pain; weight loss; jaundice ~Hepatitis B
-Abnormal presence of gallstones that form in bile -S&S- Nausea and vomiting ~Insoluble cholesterol and bile salts
-Inflammation of the gallbladder -S&S- nausea; vomiting; fever; jaundice; dark urine ~Obstruction of the biliary duct caused by gallstones; trauma or insult including infection
Acute and Chronic Pacreatitis
-Inflammation of the pancreas -S&S- severe abdominal pain; nausea; vomiting; patient is diaphoretic (profuse perspiration) and tachyycardiac (rapid heartbeat); mild jaundice ~Protein- and lipid-digesting enzymes become activated within the pancreas and begin to digest the pancreas itself (autodigestion)
Pancreatic Cancer
-Cancer of the pancreas -S&S- abdominal pain; weight loss; jaundice; nausea; vomiting; acholic (without bile) stools ~Cigarette smoking; obesity
-Disorder of nutrition caused by primary deprivation of protein-energy -Loss of energy; diarrhea; drastic weight change; loss of hair; poor nails ~Kwashiorkor: deficiency of protein in the presence of adequate energy; Marasmus: extreme malnutrition and emaciation
Malabsorption Syndrome
-Group of disorders in which intestinal absorption of dietary nutrients is impaired -S&S- abdominal discomfort; bloating with gas; chronic diarrhea ~Defective mucosla stools in the small intestine
Celiac Disease (Gluten Enteropathy)
-Disease of SI characterized by malabsorption, gluten intolerance, ad damage to the lining of the intestine -S&S- weight loss; anorexia; diarrhea; flatulence (gas)
Food Poisoning
-Illness that results from eating food that contains bacterial toxins and viral, chemical, or toxic substances -S&S- malaise; fever; nausea; vomiting ~Food contaminated with bacteria or toxins
Anorexia Nervosa
-Eating disorder hunger is denied by self- imposed starvation -S&S- sadness; insomnia; thinning hair; cold intolerance; bloating
-Binge eating followed by self induced vomiting or purging -S&S- compulsive exercise; vomiting; broken blood vessels in the eye ~Uncertain
Motion Sickness
-Loss of equilibrium experience during motion -S&S- nausea, vomiting, air hunger, excessive salivation, sweating ~Disturbance in the sense of balance; fluid in the semicircular canals of the ears becomes dislocated because of the motion
symptons of respiratory tract problems
chest pain,dyspnea, cough, hemoptysis, dysphonia, chills, fever, wheezing fatigue
common cold/URI(Upper respiratory infection)
acute inflammation that affects the mucous membrane of the URT(upper respiratory tract)
acute/chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses
pharyngitis/sore throat
acute/chronic inflammation/infection of the pharynx
Any disease process affecting a lymph node or nodes
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
a cancer that arises from epithelium of the nasopharynx, rare in US, common in southern China, most pts with enlarged cervical lymph nodes, 4 histopathologic patterns are seen
inflammation of the larynx causes aphonia
deviated septem
crooked cartilage partition between the nostrils
nasal polyps
benign growths that form as a consequence of distended mucous membranes protruding into the nasal cavity
loss/impairment of the sense of smell
tumors of the larynx
benign/malignant; , growths or tumors on the larynx, e benign or malignant, dysphonia is usually the only symptom of a tumor on the larynx, in children w/ tumors, a high-pitched stridor is present because of their small airways,
laryngeal cancer
Cancer of the throat is cancer of the vocal chords, voice box (larynx), or other areas of the throat
TNM system
Tumor, Node, Metastasis - dveloped by American Joint Committee on Cancer, system to describe the general anatomic extent of cancers. not useful for leukemia or lymphomas
Coughing up blood
Loss of blood to the point where life can no longer be sustained.
Collapsed lung; incomplete expansion of alveoli
pulmonary embolism
A blood clot that breaks off from a large vein and travels to the blood vessels of the lung, causing obstruction of blood flow.
Fast breathing
An inflammation of lung tissue, wherer the alveoli in the affected areas fill w/fluid
pulmonary abscess
cavity of contained infectious material in the lung
severe acute respiratory syndrome; CORONAVIRUS
legionellosis (Legionnaires' disease and pontiac fever)
form of pneumonia that is caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophilia
Respiratory Synctial virus pneumonia
an inflammatory and infectious condition of the lungs
fungal disease originating in the lungs that is caused by inhalation of the dust containing Histoplasma capsulatum
acute/chronic bronchitis
inflammation of the mucous membrane
A chronic congenital or acquired disease characterized by abnormal dilatation of the bronchi and excessive sputum production
A chronic allergic disorder characterized by episodes of severe breathing difficulty, coughing, and wheezing.
(Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) is comprised primarily of three related conditions chronic bronchitis, chronic asthma, and emphysema. in each condition there is chronic obstruction of the flow of air through the airwaves and out of the lungs and the obstruction Generally is permanent and may be progressive overtime
pulmonary emphysema
chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder characterized by destructive changes in the alveolar walls and irreversible enlargement of alveolar air spaces
A whistling or snoring sound heard on auscultation of the chest when air channels are partially obstructed
abnormal enlargement of the liver
Abnormal condition caused by dust in the lungs, with chronic inflammation, infection, and bronchitis.
lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos particles
A lung disease caused by inhalation of coal dust. Also called coal-miner's lung or black lung disease.
caused by inhaling silica dust in the lungs and usually occurs after working in occupations including foundry work, quarrying, ceramics, glass work, and sandblasting
inflammation of the membranes surrounding the lungs and lining the pleural cavity
collection of air or gas in the pleural cavity that results in a collapsed or partially collapsed lung
accumulation of blood and fluid in the pleural cavity
flail chest
condition of instability in the chest wall caused by multiple rib fractures; the sternum also may be fractrured
A contagious bacterial infection that involves the lungs, but may spread to other organs
infectious mononucleosis/ Epstein-barr virus infection
glandular fever an acute herspesvirus infection; cause lymphadenopathy and fever; passed through kissing, blood transfusion, organ donation
(Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome) also a sudden onset of severe lung dysfunction affecting both lungs, making breathing extremely difficult.
A disease that causes inflammation and microscopic nodules called granulomas that affect almost all systems of the body
lung cancer
Highly malignant form developing from a constant irritation of chemicals from tobacco or other air born pollutants within the lung. Obstruction of airways is common. Metastasis to lymph nodes, liver, bone and brain is high. Found in 90% of all smokers. Survival rate is about 7%. Treatment is the removal of lung, radiation and chemotherapy.
Which layer of the eyeball is inflamed in uveitis?
vascular tunic
A neoplasm of mesenchymal origin
Presence of microbial toxins in the blood overwhelms the immune system and produces a whole-body inflammatory state.
A host and a microbe exist with no harm to either
What is the end product?
pluripotent stem cell > myeloid stem cell > erythroblast > reticulocyte > ???
Oblong lens, irregular shape of the lens and/or cornea
Characterized by the sudden onset of petechiae and purpura in young children
idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
Where does erythropoiesis occur after age 20?
ribs, sternum, and pelvis
Presence of M cells in serum without findings of multiple myeloma
monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance
Based on anaplasia and uses Roman numerals I-IV
Autosomal deficiency or defect in vWf
Von Willebrand disease
A factor IX deficiency is involved in this
hemophilia B
Purple areas of bruising
A decrease in the absolute number of cells
hypoplasia (but can be generalized as atrophy)
Cellular engulfment, killing and degradation of microorganisms and particulate matter
These are not leukocytes
Exudate that contains pus and mucus
An abnormal passageway between two endothelium-lined organs or between two blood vessels that don't normally connect
What is the end product?
pluripotent stem cell > myeloid stem cell > granulocyte > ???
eosinophil, neutrophil, and basophil
Elements: painless lymphadenopathy night sweats Reed Sternburg cells
Hodgkin's lymphoma
Low frequency hearing loss originated from the middle or external ear
conductive hearing loss
Involves debris collecting between the retina and the choroid
dry macular degeneration
Microvascular disease characterized by
widespread platelet thrombi
fragmentation of erythrocytes causing hemolytic anemia and jaundice
thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Established by the American Joint Committee on Cancer, this is based on size and spread, involvement of lymph nodes, and the extent of metastasis
staging and TNM system
Labile cells exist here
GI tract and blood
Monocytes in connective tissue
This disorder can manifest as a primary condition with signs of hypercoagulability or as a secondary contion associated with systemic lupus erythematosus
antiphospholipid syndrome
Presenting symptoms of bone pain, weight loss and weakness
multiple myeloma
An X-linked recessive disorder that affects the factor VIII gene
hemophilia A