Aging population
Condition with declining birth rates and death rates, leading to an older population, higher dependency ratio, and increased need for elderly care.
Agricultural Density
Number of farmers divided by arable land.
Anti-natalist policies
Measures encouraging a decrease in birth rates.
Arithmetic Density
Total population divided by land area.
Asylum Seekers
Individuals seeking refuge in a new country as refugees.
Boserup Theory
Population growth drives agricultural intensification, opposing Malthusian theory.
Carrying Capacity
Maximum population or crop a region can sustain without environmental harm.
Chain Migration
Movement of groups from a common origin to similar destinations.
Average weather conditions over many years in a location.
Methods to prevent pregnancy or for health benefits.
Crude Birth Rate
Number of births per year per 1000 people.
Crude Death Rate
Number of deaths per year per 1000 people.
Shared behaviors, beliefs, and values of a group.
Demographic Transition Model
Theory on population change over time in societies.
Study of human population size, composition, and distribution.
Dependency Ratio
Proportion of non-working individuals relying on public services.
Study of human behavior related to wealth and resources.
Epidemiological Transition Model
Theory on health, disease, and demographic changes.
Erlich Theory
Malthusian theory predicting population crisis due to resource depletion.
Forced Migration
Movement of displaced individuals due to various reasons.
Guest Worker
Migrants with temporary work permits in a foreign country.
Immigration Policies
Government rules on immigration types and quotas.
Infant Mortality Rate
Number of infant deaths per 1000 live births.
Internal Migration
Permanent movement within a country.
Internally Displaced Persons
Individuals forced to leave homes within their country.
Intervening Obstacles
Physical or cultural barriers restricting movement.
Intervening Opportunities
Locations offering better alternatives for migration.
Major natural landscape characteristics like plains and mountains.
Life Expectancy
Average years a person is expected to live.
Malthusian Theory
Theory on population growth outstripping resources.
Medical Care
Health-related spending and treatments.
Permanent movement of individuals between locations.
Concepts related to death rates.
Belief in resource depletion due to population growth.
Physiological Density
Population divided by arable land.
Activities related to governance and political relations.
Population Doubling Time
Time for a population to double in size.
Population Pyramid
Graphic representation of population age and sex.
Pro-natalist Policies
Measures encouraging higher birth rates.
Pull Factors
Factors attracting people to immigrate.
Push Factors
Factors compelling people to emigrate.
Rate of Natural Increase
Difference between births and deaths in a country.
Ravensteinâs law of Migration
Patterns in typical migration behaviors.
Individuals unable to return home due to persecution.
Rural-to-Urban Migration
Common historical migration pattern.
Ownership of individuals, leading to forced migration.
Step Migration
Migration occurring in stages.
Total Fertility Rate
Average children per woman during childbearing years.
Seasonal movement of livestock.
Transnational Migration
Modern migration involving living in multiple places.
Voluntary Migration
Migration by choice.
Water Bodies
Various forms of aquatic features in the environment.