History- Cold War (Early cold war for now)

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Which nations formed the Great Alliance and what did they believe in

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Which nations formed the Great Alliance and what did they believe in

USSR- Communism: Wants a classless, moneyless, stateless society where the state owns all means of production

USA- Capitalism: Privately owned property where people can profit from it. Means of production owned by individuals

GB- Also capitalist but focused on rebuilding GB to be a top superpower as it started fading

Clash of ideologies and different ideas of how society should be run made the alliance start breaking down

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Summarise the Tehran conference of November 1943

Stalin, Roosevelt, Churchill agreed on a second front by attacking Germany from West Europe
Stalin declares war on Japan and supports USA
Germany should surrender and stay weak whilst Poland gains land from Germany

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Impact of Tehran conference

Improved international relations due to agreeing on helping each other
Churchill not pleased with Roosevelt as he wanted a second front in the Balkans
Tension between US and GB as Roosevelt viewed British colonialism more of a threat than USSR

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Summarise the Yalta conference of Feb 1945

Germany split into 4 zones, each controlled by: US, USSR, GB and France
Germany pay $20 Bil in reparations, $10 going to USSR
UN set up where every nation can join
Governments in East Europe decided by free elections
Poland returns to 1921 borders, giving USSR significant land gains

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Impact of the Yalta conference

Roosevelt and Stalin pleased with agreements over free elections and UN
Issue of Poland difficult to solve in future discussions
Britain supported London Poles to be voted in Poland whilst USSR expected a pro-communist government

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Summarise the Postdam conference of August 1945

Germany’s economy will be 1 as a whole
Berlin split into 4 zones despite being in Soviet region
Reparations taken from controlled zones respectively
USSR allowed ÂĽ of industrial equipment from every zone
No agreement over government of East Europe

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Impact of the Postdam conference

Truman saw USSR as occupying force
Truman objected to Soviet aggression and communist control of East Europe
Tensions rise between USA and USSR due to USA betraying Stalin by dropping the A bomb

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What was the Long Telegram

Written by George Kennan in 1946
Stated how USSR heavily armed and feared the outside world
Soviet Union determined to spread communism and unable to co-exist with USA
USA stronger so capitalism would prevail

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What was the Nokikov Telegram

Response to the Long Telegram
Stated USA came out of WW2 economically strong and wanted world domination so USSR protecting itself by securing East Europe

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What was Churchill’s Iron Curtain speech

Talked about there being a clear divide between East and West Europe. Eastern Europe dominated by Soviet Influence

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Causes of the Berlin Blockade

USA Britain and France forming Trizonia and introducing the Deutschmark
Brewing tensions since Yalta conference
Containment and Iron Curtain speeches
Creation of West Germany
Violating Postdam conference

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Events of the Berlin Blockade

Soviets blocked all road and train links into Berlin from West Germany
East German mark introduced
24/7 airlifts provided to give citizens essentials
Soviets left the allied council which administered Berlin
Stalin had to end blockade after failing, embarrassing him and communism

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Consequences of Berlin Blockade

Strengthened the clear divide between East and West
Containment worked for first time
USSR looks weak as couldn’t do anything against airlifts

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What was the Truman Doctrine speech

World divided into two camps: free and not free (communist)
USA will use military and economic power to protect free people
Policies known as “containment” to stop spread of communism and Soviet Influence
Shapes US foreign policies for much of the war
Support and fund Greek Royalists in Greek Civil War to stop communism spreading to West Europe

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What was Cominform?

Co-ordinated policies of communist states in East Europe
Satellite states forced to adapt to Soviet economic policies
All communist party officers loyal to Moscow

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What was the Marshall Aid plan

$17 billion aid programme to help countries rebuild their economies from the war
Real aim was to stop communism as Truman believed with jobs and money, people wouldn’t support communism
Invited East Europe countries to leave USSR as they didn’t have enough money
Rebuilt Europe would place orders from American firms which strengthens US economy

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Impacts of Marshall Plan

Massive redevelopment of Europe as economies were rebuilt
Boomed US economy from European orders
Stalin accused US of dollar imperialism- creating an empire by making countries rely on US economically
Banned countries from receiving Marshall aid
Led to form of comecon

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What was Comecon

Soviet version of Marshall Aid
Not as effective due to much less money
Aim to reorganise economies of Eastern bloc so they support USSR

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Details of FDR and GDR

FDR- Formed by France, GB and US merging their zones of Germany. New capital of Bonn and elected their own Parliament (Bundestag) First chancellor Kannd Adenever

GDR- Formed by USSR to oppose West Germany. Much smaller than West germany

Both refused to acknowledge the other and only recognised themselves as the real one

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Summarise NATO

Formed in 1949. A treaty between the Western Powers (Big 3 plus 9 Western nations)
Protect each other from Soviet Union, if one was attacked all members will aid
British foreign secretary called on other European countries to get involved with US
Ongoing American military presence in Europe till today

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Summarise the Warsaw Pact

Formed by USSR, East Germany and Soviet satellite states
Leadership entirely communist and under Soviet command to extend communist control
Formed due to Stalin’s great fear of NATO
Strengthened Iron Curtain
Hostility drove international relations for next 35 years

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Summarise phase 1 of the arms race

Aim: build the most destructive bomb

USA develop first atomic bomb 16/8/45 to use against Japan. Truman hoped to pressure and threaten Stalin into obeying his plans
Stalin felt betrayed and alarmed so funded program to build own A bomb in 1949
Truman confident US would regain upper hand and increased spending to build H-bomb
USSR and US built H-bomb within months of each other despite USSR having half the military spending ($25 billion)

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Summarise phase 2 of the arms race

Aim: Develop systems to deploy nuclear weapons ASAP

US threatened USSR by deploying b-52 bombers in Europe after forming NATO
Both sides began to develop missiles to carry and deliver nuclear weapons in an attack
USSR develop first ICBM causing significant fear and tension
USA develop a submarine in 1959 which can carry and launch nuclear missiles

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Summarise the space race

1957, USSR launched Sputnik- first man-made satellite . Huge propaganda success for Soviets
USA feared they didn’t have technology to match Soviets
Eisenhower created NASA in 1958 and launched first satellite.
1961- Yuri Gagarin first man in space- another propaganda victory for USSR
Followed by Alan Shepard in space in 1961

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